"Party Discipline Learning Education" Hebei: Grasp the target requirements of work key high -quality development of party discipline education and education

Recently, Langfang held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to expand its meeting, accurately grasp the requirements and work priorities of party discipline and education, and organize the formulation of the “Municipal Party Discipline Learning and Education Key Task Research”, guide 110 county -level teams in the cityThe central group learned the combination of self -study with party members, and organized the city’s party members and cadres to clauses one by one, and originally studied the “Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China”.

Zhang Zhanchun, deputy director of the Organization Department of Langfang Municipal Party Committee:

Based on the county (city, district) as the unit, the “political learning day” and theme party day of grass -roots party organizations are combined with key tasks such as optimizing the business environment, promoting rural rejuvenation, and deepening grassroots governance to ensure that party discipline learning and education will not fall down one.A branch and not setting up a party member, formulating formalism, strictly prevent “two skin”, and ensure “two promotion”.

Adhering to high -level planning, promotion of high standards, and high -quality implementation, the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee set up a special class of party disciplinary learning and education, formulated a list of party disciplinary learning and education tasks, and drafted the “Notice on Deepening Party Disciplinary Studies and Education in the City”.At present, all party committees (party groups) of 130 county -level units at or above the city have launched the deployment of party discipline learning and education; 22,000 grass -roots party organizations adopt the form of “three meetings and one lesson” and theme party day activities to organize party members to conduct learning.

Hou Qiulin, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of Tangshan Municipal Party Committee:

Incorporate the “Regulations on the Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China” into the compulsory course of party school training at all levels.Give full play to the role of “key minority” demonstration and lead the study of the theoretical center group and reading classes; adhere to the integration of daily life, grasp often, rely on “three meetings and one lesson”, theme party day, etc., Promote the promotion of learning, assistance to study by cases, and complete the task of party discipline education at high quality.

Pay attention to the integration of daily and learning.Qinhuangdao held the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to organize the formulation of the city to carry out the city’s discipline study and education work plan, establish a special class of party discipline learning and education, clarify the division of responsibilities, and strengthen the coordination and classification guidance.In order to ensure the learning effect of grass -roots party members and cadres, Qinhuangdao City opened a “air classroom” on the basis of collective research, special training, and personal self -study, and taught more than 10,000 grass -roots party organizations and more than 260,000 party members in the city through live video.

Liu Dajiang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Qinhuangdao Municipal Party Committee:

Adhere to “collective research+personal self -study”, “authoritative interpretation+special training” “warning education+case analysis of case analysis of” “organizational life+practical exercise” and other methods, explore pragmatic working carriers, do a good job of full coverage in various fields, education guidanceParty members and cadres are engraved in their hearts and internalization into the guidelines of words and deeds, and reflected in the entire process of performing their duties.