The Provincial Department of Education reported 29 teachers to violate the typical cases of teachers’ morals and teachers

□ Our reporter Yi Chunxiang Zhao Yinuo

In order to implement the spirit of the national ethics construction video conference, in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee’s inspection and rectification requirements and the overall deployment of the special rectification operation of the “micro -corruption” in primary and secondary schools in the province.On the 9th, the Provincial Department of Education notified these 29 typical cases.

The Provincial Department of Education reported that the teachers involved in 29 cases touched the red line of the teacher’s morality and the bottom line of discipline, and harmed the image of the teacher team.Strengthen professional ethics and social responsibility.The Provincial Department of Education requires that schools and schools should further increase education and regulatory efforts, improve the long -term mechanism of teacher ethics construction, promote normalization and long -term work of teacher morality construction, guide teachers to adhere to the teachers, teach, and fulfill their promises in accordance with the law.Lidu people, strive to be “four” good teachers and “four leaders”.Our provincial capital continues to increase discipline, and teachers who do our best and disciplinary violations of the strong discipline, and resolutely discover the investigation and punishment together seriously.Good ecology, do a good education for the people.

The cases of 29 violations and disciplinary cases in this notes are as follows:

I. Li Yanchao, a teacher of Heilongjiang University, Li Yanchao’s supplementary examination papers.During the re -examination and evaluation papers from March 25th to 29th, 2019, Li Yanchao collected 25 students’ money, providing students with a supplementary test papers and standard answers to pass the re -examination, a total of 25,000 yuan.Li Yanchao was fired from the party.

2. Hu Xueli, a teacher of Heilongjiang University, illegally conducted a pre -test tutoring for students.Hu Xueli, as a teacher of the National Master’s Graduate Entrance Examination in 2019, issued a topic teacher for self -study subjects, and provided a concentrated counseling for 10 candidates, charging a total of 30,000 yuan.Hu Xueli was warned to punish and refund the income of disciplinary violations.

3. The final exam of the teacher Duan Lihua, the teacher of Harbin Normal University, has the problem of compensation.Duan Lihua, one week before the end of the second semester of the 2016-2017 school year, gave up lessons for some students to collect the cumulative student supplementary lessons.Duan Lihua was severely warned and punished within the party, and returned the income of disciplinary violations.

4. He Changbo, a teacher in Harbin Normal University, charges the fraud in violation of the rules.He Changbo received a total of 8,000 yuan in the 2015 professional “Physical Education Statistics” course during lectures. During the process of reviewing the course re -examination, fraud and misconduct.He Changbo was subject to a year of inspection of the party for one year, reducing the first -level post level, transferred from teaching positions, and refunded the income of disciplinary violations.

5. Harbin Commercial University Teacher Shi Xiuguan academic inconsistency.Since 2017, Shi Xiichuan has published a total of 39 papers in multiple journals, which has exceeded the standard with a serious copy ratio. There are problems of “plagiarizing text expressions”, “not indicated that others’ research results and sources” and “one draft multiple casts”.Shi Xiugawa was warned.

6. Yang Junjie, a teacher of Harbin Huade College, private receipt of private student sponsorship fees.During his tenure as the deputy dean of the School of Art and Media, Yang Junjie illegally charged the 10 yuan school of 965 students in the three grades of the three grades of the college, a total of 9560 yuan, a private custody and reporting it in violation of regulations.Yuan did not hand over.Yang Junjie was remembered, stayed in the job, and deducted semester performance scholarships.

7. Wang Haibin, a teacher at Heilongjiang Biotechnology Vocational College of Biotechnology, wants to receive gifts.From April to May 2018, Wang Haibin sent a shopping link to students via WeChat to ask for items from students; receiving student gifts; receiving student banquets, a total amount of more than 4,000 yuan.Wang Haibin was punished by a warning within the party, eliminating the position of deputy director of the department, and revoked the honorary title of the most popular teachers in the college, and was transferred from the teacher’s position.

8. Ren Shihong, a teacher in Tieli City, Yichun City, received a gift from parental gifts and supplementary classes in violation of regulations.After investigation, during the 2018 Teacher’s Day, Ren Shihong received a total of 1,900 yuan from the WeChat red envelopes of the students of the students; from the winter holidays in 2018, from May-June, and October-November, there were three compensation classes in the safe community, a total of 5,200 yuan.Ren Shihong was punished by reducing a job level, revoked the position of the class teacher, and returned the income of disciplinary violations.

Nine. Tong Dongmei, a teacher of Majiagou Primary School in Nangang District, Harbin, received parental gifts.From September 2016 to September 2018, Tong Dongmei collected a gift from the home committee to the gift of 3076 yuan three times; the families of the family committee organized parents to charge the class to purchase printers (worth 7,900 yuan).During the investigation, Tong Dongmei refunded his personal gifts and class to buy printers to student parents.Tong Dongmei was punished by a warning within the party.

10. Li Xueping, a teacher of Tongjiang City Third Middle School in Jiamusi City, received the issue of parental gifts.Through WeChat, Li Xueping received 500 yuan for the red envelope of the original student’s parent Ma Moumou on March 7, 2019. On March 8th, he received the student’s parent Zhang Moumou’s festival blessing red envelope 88 yuan, and the two students received a total of 588 yuan for the student’s WeChat red envelope 588 yuan.EssenceLi Xueping was warned.

11. Ma Junhua, a teacher in Jidong County, Jidong County, Jixi City.During the winter vacation from January to February 2019, Ma Junhua leased a kindergarten in Yiyuan Home in Jidong County. For students, students were made up for a total of 29 days and charged 67,892 yuan.Ma Junhua was severely warned within the party and reducing job levels.

12. Zhang Jinbing, a teacher in Mudanjiang No. 11 Middle School, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.On April 14, 2019, Zhang Jinbing conducted compensation classes on Building 7 of Rizhao Street Government, East Primary School, and charged a total of 40,000 yuan.Zhang Jinbing was punished by reducing job levels, conducted profound written reviews, returned the income of disciplinary violations, and canceled the evaluation and evaluation of the awards within two years.

Thirteen, Sha Weiwei, a teacher in Mudanjiang No. 14 Middle School, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of the rules.2019

On March 30, Sha Weifei organized 18 students to make compensation classes at the New Dream Education School of Ping’an Street, with a total of 7,200 yuan.Sha Weifei was punished by reducing the level of post, a profound written review, refunding the income of disciplinary violations, and canceling the evaluation and evaluation of the awards within two years.

Fourteen and Qitaihe City No. 10 Middle School teacher Yu Tianming had the problem of compensation for classes in violation of the rules.On January 12, 2019, Yu Tianming used his holiday to pay for the family building at the Family Building of the Taoshan District to pay off the lesson for 12 students, and charged 600 yuan to make up for each student.Yu Tianming was punished by a level of lowering professional and technical, and the qualifications for the evaluation of professional and technical positions for the application of professional and technical positions were canceled within 3 years.

15. Wang Fusheng, a teacher of Wang Fusheng, a teacher in Wulianchi City No. 2 Middle School in Wuhe City, has the problem of compensation.Wang Fusheng recruited accommodation at home in violation of the rules. During the summer vacation of 2018, Wang Fusheng gave some junior high school students and 11 students who did not stay in his house to make paid for physics and mathematics, and charged a total of 6,920 yuan.Wang Fusheng has been remembered, returned to the income of disciplinary violations, and was transferred from the second middle school.

16. Zhang Jing, teacher Zhang Jing, teacher of the 21st Middle School of Hegang City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.Beginning in early March 2019, Zhang Jing conducted compensation classes for 27 students, and each student charged 200 yuan to make up for a month, with a total of 5,400 yuan.Zhang Jing was reserved, returned to the disciplinary income, made a written inspection, and canceled the qualifications for the promotion within three years.

17. Yang Panyi, a teacher in the 51st Middle School of Daoli District, Harbin City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of the rules.In September 2018, Liu Mou, a student of the student, organized eight students in this class and 4 students outside the school to buy and sell the house in Daoli District to ask Yang Panzhen to tuition for Chinese.As of the end of November 2018, Liu had charged a total of 6 students to make up 5,100 yuan, and paid Yang Panzhen’s replenishment fee of 4,500 yuan.Yang Panyi was reserved and returned to the income of disciplinary violations.

18. Zhang Zhenqiang, teacher Zhang Zhenqiang, teacher Zhang Zhenqiang, 34th Middle School in Longsha District, Qiqihar City, has the problem of compensation.Since December 2018, Zhang Zhenqiang has conducted one -on -one tuition on five students in his home, and charges a total of 4,400 yuan during the verification.Zhang Zhenqiang was reserved and returned to the income of disciplinary violations.

Nineteen, Qiqihar City’s No. 5 Middle School Teacher Wang Construction has the problem of compensation for cakes in violation of regulations.From September to November 2018, 11 students from Wang Construction Organization had paid compensation classes on Saturday and Sunday. Each student charged 300 yuan per month for each student, and a total of 2,400 yuan was charged at the time of verification.Wang Jian has been punished.

20. Wo Shuying, a teacher in the Gagdaki District Fourth Middle School in Daxing’an Ridge, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.On April 15, 2018, Wo Shuying organized 13 junior high school students to tuned English in her home, and charged a total of 2,000 yuan in re -courses.Wo Shuying booked counseling information for 13 students to make up for students, with a total of 426.4 yuan.Wo Shuying was punished by reducing positions and returned to the income of disciplinary violations.

Twenty -one, Yu Jingxi, a teacher in Hongqiao Middle School in Nangang District, Harbin City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of the rules.In December 2018, Yu Jingxi twice provided compensation for 19 students in Hongqi New District, with a total of 1710 yuan.Yu Jingxi was punished by a warning within the party.

Twenty -two, Li Xiaomei, a teacher in Longsha District, Longsha District, Qiqihar City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.In December 2018, Li Xiaomei held a tutoring class in Xinhe Community, Qiqihar, with a total of 1,400 tuition fees.Li Xiaomei was warned by the party’s warning, canceled the 2017 district -level teacher moral standards, the 2018 city -level outstanding teachers, and the 2018 district -level outstanding teachers.

Twenty -three, Lin Dongbo, teacher Lin Dongbo, teacher in Yichun District, Yichun City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.Beginning on March 2, 2019, Lin Dongbo has a replacement lesson in Hongqi Community in Yichun District, collecting 300 yuan per student per month, and a total of 1,200 yuan for 4 students.Lin Dongbo was severely warned and remembered within the party, and the director of the Political and Education Department was revoked.

Twenty -four, Hou Xiaolei, a teacher in Shuangyashan No. 1 Middle School, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of regulations.Beginning in early March 2019, Hou Xiaolei made up 11 students, each charged 100 yuan each time.Hou Xiaolei was severely warned within the party and reducing job levels.

Twenty -five, Feng Xigang, a teacher in Xiao Hong Middle School, Nangang District, Harbin City, has the problem of compensation for classes in violation of the rules.On April 8, 2019, Feng Xigang conducted a compensation lesson at Beijing Yicai Cultural School of Xidong Street, Nangang District, which was rented by his classmate Li. The cost was charged by Li to the students.Feng Xigang was severely warned by the party.

26. Zhang Xingwang, teacher Zhang Xingwang, the third middle school teacher in Jiamusi City, has the problem of compensation.On March 2, 2019, Zhang Xingwang made up 13 students in Qinyuan Community in Funyuan Town, using Shuangjiewang. A total of 5 students paid a supplementary fee on the day.EssenceZhang Xingwang was punished by warning within the party.

27. Wang Hongxu, a teacher of Kangrong Center Kindergarten, Lanxi County, Suihua City, loses the problem of protecting the classes in violation of the rules.From March to April 2019, Wang Hongxu and others (non -teacher identity) were paid to the Chongwen Community without a license and paid for the protection class. In two months, a total of 3,400 yuan was scored.Wang Hongxu was remembered. He did not comment on priority modes and advanced his titles within two years.

28. Shao Zhenbo, a teacher in Daqing 23rd Middle School, engaged in business activities.In 2014 and 2016, Shao Zhenbo invested in registered cultural supplies stores and piano shops with others in the Salu area of Daqing City, and served as a legal person to engage in business activities.Shao Zhenbo was punished.

29. Zheng Lei, a teacher in Anda No. 2 Middle School in Suihua City, illegally designated students to purchase teaching aid information.On June 6, 2019, Zheng Lei asked the students to teach the class to designate the purchase of geographic exercises. 99 books were purchased during the verification, each of which was 25 yuan each, involving a total of 2,475 yuan.Zheng Lei was warned.