The 73rd Army’s brigade helps officers and soldiers to grow and progress through inspirational education

The 73rd Army’s brigade helps officers and soldiers to grow and progress through inspiration education-

Philosophy Small Experimental Education Classroom

■ Zhang Heng Shipeng PLA Daily Reporter Xiang Li Ming

A piece of white paper, a few boxes of milk … In the mid -spring season, the 73rd Army’s brigade in the classroom, a lecture on the education class with the theme of “Correct Facing the Stress of Settlement”, the officers and soldiers looked at a few samples on the desk.Things, puzzled.

“Do you know how strong a piece of paper is?” In the curious eyes of officers and soldiers, the company instructor Fu Jun put two boxes of milk interval, and then put a piece of white paper above and asked, “IfWhat would happen to put a box of milk on this paper? “

“White paper can’t hold it, it will be crushed.” In the podium, a young soldier answered.Unsurprisingly, when Fu Jun put a box of milk on white paper, the white paper was instantly collapsed.

“Then if the white paper is constantly folded, what will its tolerance?” Then, Fu Jun folded the long side of the white paper repeatedly, like a folding fan that fits, forming many “M” creases.After the paper is expanded naturally, put it over two boxes of milk.

“Paper or this piece of paper, should you still can’t stand it?” In the discussion of the officers and soldiers, Fu Jun gently put a box of milk on this crease.This time, the white paper stabilized the milk and was not crushed.

Why is this?This scene widened some officers and soldiers.


The instructor Su Tong (middle) and the soldiers did experiment with the soldiers.Zhou Zelai Photo 

“The experiments are very simple, and the reason is easy to understand. The support of a piece of paper is weak, and after the paper is folded, the creases formed have become a new support point.It can be seen from the weight of itself, which shows that the tolerance of a piece of paper is very strong.Even the recruits in the short time are inevitable in training and life. But in the face of setbacks and stress, everyone cannot depressed and complained, and abandon themselves.Weak boards should be like this paper, and learn to turn a crease into a strong ‘backbone’ … “The words fell, and warm applause sounded.

“This class is full of philosophy and interactivity. It is a vivid sample of education teaching.” The leader of the brigade who came to push the door and listened to the class said that in the past, some cadres had only the doctrine of Ganba in education teaching. The classroom was monotonous.Boring, not high interest in officers and soldiers, and poor educational effects.This class is less serious and restrained, more lively, and the officers and soldiers realize the truth of life in small experiments.

“Milk was taken in the dormitory. Other experimental props are also common items in life.” After the class, Facing the praise of officers and soldiers, Fu Jun said with a smile, as long as you observe it with your heart and focus on the actual needs of the officers and soldiers, you can find that many fresh fresh needs can be found.Living materials, precisely knocking on the ideological drums of officers and soldiers.

Inspired by this, during the organizational ideological and political education class, the brigade leaders encouraged political teachers to continuously improve the era and appeal of education lectures. They randomly embed the interesting experiments in work and life for the content of the teaching.To the reason, explores more inspiring, interesting, and participating education models, enrich educational content, and expand educational scenarios.

Recently, in order to help recruits go through the “second adaptation period”, the transportation company organized a lecture entitled “Active integration into the company’s big family”.

On the day of the lecture, the instructor Su Tong also started a small experiment: there were two glass cups on the podium, one contained in cold water, the other was equipped with hot water, and two drops of black ink were dripped in.Everyone is careful, and the magical scene appears: the ink in the cold water cup dissipates slowly and is still self -contained, and the ink in the hot water cup quickly spreads and integrates with hot water.

“Every new comrade is like a drop of water. Everyone forms this glass of water together. If you are indifferent, our collective is indifferent; if you are warm, our collective is full of warmth.The enthusiastic collective is more conducive to the integration of comrades -in -arms with different personalities; a warm and enthusiastic you can also integrate into the new collective faster.resonance.Everyone raised their hands to speak, saying that they should be more active and optimistic, and better integrate into the company’s big family.

After practical exploration, they decided to further promote the “experimental teaching method”. Through online screening and officers and soldiers, they organized personnel to collect and organize small and philosophical experiments, and sent them to all political teachers for reference.At the same time, officers and soldiers were encouraged to go to the podium to participate in the experiment, harvesting insights in hands -on operations, colliding in the discussion, and using the “key” of the experiment to open the “heart” of the officers and soldiers.

Li Ming likes to study hard alone. Although he studied very hard, his professional scores were generally reached.

In an education class, when it comes to the topic of “mutual help”, the company instructor asked Li Ming to take the stage to cooperate with a small experiment: For the first time, Li Ming held a table tennis with his hands, and then at one meter highLet go and let it fall freely; for the second time, Li Ming put the table tennis in a paper water cup with half a glass of water, and also let go at a high place at a meter.Unexpectedly, the height of the second table tennis played was much higher than the first time.

At the end of the experiment, Li Ming also understood a truth after the instructor: If you want to achieve better results, in addition to his own hard work, you must also learn to “borrow power” and ask your comrades to ask his comrades with an open mind.

Since then, Li Ming has changed his previous way of fighting alone. He worshiped the backbone of the technical backbone as a teacher. His professional skills improved quickly and were also rated as the “training star of training”.

The quality and efficiency of education have continued to improve, and the enthusiasm of training has risen.In the latest questionnaire of the brigade, most officers and soldiers expressed “satisfaction” about this method of teaching.In the past few days, the brigade’s officers and soldiers have united and cooperate and fight for spirit, and successfully completed a number of training tasks such as tattooing and disposal of unknown and unknown.


Move officers and soldiers “inner piano strings”

■ Luo Guang

Small experiments in the classroom are particularly common in student days. Young officers and soldiers are no stranger to this.This method is intuitive and easy to understand, and is rich in life philosophy and interaction, making the classroom both interesting and meaningful.

There is a famous saying in the vocal world: “The strings of the heart are a real response to the soul.” Mobilizing the “inner strings” requires both external stimuli and internal inspiration.For military educators, how to make the ideological pulse of young officers and soldiers in the new era, enhance the attractiveness, appeal, and penetration of ideological and political education, and let them feel touching and responding.EssenceIn reality, the reason why there are some lecturers who speak dry, but the officials and soldiers are proud. An important reason is that the method of duck -type education in “I talk about you” does not pay attention to mobilizing the subjective initiative and internal enthusiasm of the officers and soldiers.It cannot be inspired and touched too much to officers and soldiers.

At that time, when Comrade Mao Zedong gave a lecture on the Changsha mansion, he used the word “worker” to become “heaven” on the word “human”. It vividly tells everyone that the power of the workers can make the truth if it is united.Comrade He Long used a bowl of Xiaomi, a pair of cloth shoes, and a water bowl with a small fish to give party members and cadres deeply that the party could not get out of the masses like fish without water.This vividly tells us that in order to thoroughly explain the principle of hardships and roads, and adopt inspiration, exploring, interactive education methods, you can receive better results.