The latest notice of Chengdu Education Bureau!It is strictly forbidden these enrollment behaviors →

Compulsory education school school

It is strictly forbidden to enroll across regions

Except for the approval enrollment plan and project class of ordinary high schools

No enrollment across regions

It is strictly forbidden to compulsory education schools

Establish or disguise key classes, fast and slow classes

It is strictly forbidden to publicize or disguise

The college entrance examination rate, the college entrance examination champion


Further regulate the enrollment of primary and secondary schools

The latest notice of the Chengdu Education Bureau is here

details as follows

Chengdu Education Bureau’s notice on further regulating enrollment enrollment in primary and secondary schools

Sichuan Tianfu New District Community Management and Social Affairs Bureau, Eastern Education Bureau of Chengdu, Education Culture and Sports Bureau of Chengdu High -tech Zone, district (city) and county education bureaus, direct management (direct) school (unit):

According to the “Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on the Special Action of Compulsory Education Sunshine Admissions (2024)” (Taoji Hallhan [2024] No. 11), and “Sichuan Provincial Education Department on doing a good job in 2024 general primary and secondary school enrollment enrollment work work”(Chuanjiao Letter [2024] No. 173) Document spirit, in order to implement the fundamental task of establishing the people, further standardize the enrollment enrollment of primary and secondary schools, enhance the scientific, standardized, transparentness of enrollment enrollment, and improve the long -term mechanism for fair enrollment long -term long -term mechanism, Constantly improving the education satisfaction of the people, combined with the actual situation of our city, the relevant work notifications are as follows.

1. Work focus

(1) Optimize enrollment admission policy.Education administrative departments in each district (city) and counties must strictly implement the enrollment and enrollment policy, resolutely correct or abolish the practice of not in line with national policy regulations, scientifically and reasonably delineate the scope of school enrollment, involving the adjustment of films, and the procedures and processes are legal.Clearly formulate the policy or transition policy of the Min -Public School.Implementing the civic office and the same enrollment policy, all public and private school enrollment implements simultaneously enrollment through the city’s unified admissions admission platform, standardize computer random admission procedures, etc., and must not require parents to enter the school for enrollment qualification review.Strictly regulate the scope of enrollment, and schools in the compulsory education stage are strictly prohibited from illegal cross -regional enrollment. Ordinary high schools shall not be across regional enrollment except for the approved enrollment plan and project classes.

(2) Standardize enrollment enrollment behavior.Education administrative departments in each district (city) and counties shall conduct comprehensive investigations of primary and secondary schools in the region compared with the “ten prohibited” enrollment enrollment enrollment enrollment and enrollment of the Ministry of Education., Training certificates and discipline competition results, examination certificates, etc. as enrollment references or basis.Resolutely manage the school’s resumes, enroll in the way to enroll in the way in disguise in the way of entering the campus or listening to lectures.Resolutely rectify the behavior of collecting or disguised “donation funds” and “co -construction fee” linking with admission and associated with admission.In addition to experimental classes (including project classes) and parallel classes, ordinary high school shall not set up other classes by themselves.It is strictly forbidden to establish or set up key classes and fast and slow classes in the phase of compulsory education.It is strictly forbidden to private acceptance candidates’ passwords, private admission scores, and promised admission.The junior high school students and their faculty and staff are strictly forbidden to provide students from enrollment schools, intermediaries or individuals.

(3) Strengthen enrollment information disclosure.Education administrative departments in each district (city) and counties should take the initiative to strengthen information disclosure, increase the transparency of enrollment enrollment, and carry out publicity activities for the “five -entry” (entering school, entering the community, the park, the agency, and the enterprise) to accept social supervision.Do a good job of public information disclosure of the important information of the people’s concern for the enrollment policy, the scope of the film, the scope of the film, the registration conditions, and the enrollment process.It is strictly forbidden to propagate or propagate the college entrance examination rate and college entrance examination champion.Uniformly organize and carry out high school enrollment concentrated consultation activities, and standardize the school’s consultation and response caliber.Implementing school teachers to clarify the policy work to parents, and must not sell anxiety or mislead parents.The district (city) and county education administrative departments should openly enroll admission consultation and complaint telephones, unblock supervision and complaint channels, and achieve “sunshine enrollment”.

(4) Do a good job of controlling dropouts.The district (city) and county education administrative departments should strengthen the entrance guarantee work of special groups such as children, left -behind children, children with relocation, and disabled children.Junior high schools may not mobilize students to go to secondary vocational schools before leaving school before the entrance examination.Aiming at children with disabilities, we must do a good job in the assessment and resettlement of compulsory education, and implement the “one person and one case”.It is necessary to make good use of the “National Basic Education Management Service Platform” and “Students’ Beats to the School Monitoring Platform”, timely understand the information of suspected dropout students, perform their duties, and strengthen the work of re -schooling.

(5) Implement the regulations for the management of academic and student status.It is strictly forbidden to select and pre -record students in the name of the reform of the academic system and the first connection.No school shall not carry out the academic system reforms or the research of education reform experiments or subject research without authorization without the approval of the Education Bureau and the Municipal Education Bureau.Strictly implement the “Measures for the Management of Primary and Middle School Students ‘Students’ Students” of the Ministry of Education, and the registration of compulsory education must pass and review through the city’s unified enrollment platform. Students who are not recruited for illegal selection and illegal regulations shall apply for school registration.The “5+2” area is based on the list of students admitted by the Municipal Education Examination Institute in accordance with the list of students admitted by the procedures, and other enrollment areas are based on the admission results of the administrative department of the territory.Study.The city, district (city) and county education administrative departments have established data check -in mechanisms for the registration library of secondary school entrance examinations, high school new admission libraries, and high school school library.The Municipal Education Bureau monitors and notify the status of students in a timely manner.

Second, work requirements

(1) Strengthen supervision and accountability.The municipal education supervision department regulates the enrollment enrollment into the evaluation of education responsibilities in the district (city) and county government.Regarding the enrollment behavior of illegal regulations, he found that it was investigated and dealt with together, and held accountability to units and individuals who were accountable in accordance with the “Measures for Education Supervision and Accountability” issued by the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council.The Municipal Education Bureau will carry out cross -examinations in the city in a timely manner to inform relevant violations.

(2) Discipline of serious enrollment.The Municipal Education Bureau includes the school’s illegal enrollment enrollment enrollment in the annual target assessment content of the district (city) and county education administrative departments, and deduct points or drop according to the seriousness of the plot.He given warnings, report criticism, and cancel the qualifications of the evaluation of excellent evaluations for the school that violates the provisions of the enrollment and enrollment; record the recruitment of the recruitment in the relevant school principals and teachers’ archives, link with the titles and titles, evaluate the best evaluation;The prescribed schools and responsible persons shall be in charge of the education administrative department of education, and shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit, and give warnings, report criticism, cancel the 1-3 years of evaluation of the qualifications of the excellent evaluation, etc., until administrative sanctions such as dismissal.Among them, a penalty for private schools that violate the regulations to reduce the enrollment plan of the year or the following year, and cancel the enrollment qualifications until the cancellation of the school license in accordance with the law.

(3) Strictly investigate the recruitment behavior of off -school institutions.Strictly investigate the off -campus training institutions such as off -campus training institutions and enrollment and enrollment of primary and secondary schools.”; Suspected illegal crimes, transferred to the judicial department to investigate legal responsibilities.


Chengdu Education Bureau

April 22, 2024

Original title: “The latest notice of Chengdu Education Bureau!It is strictly forbidden these enrollment behaviors → “