Temple Township, Lizhen County: Promote remote education

In recent years, Temple Township, Xunyuan County, Xining City has regarded distance education as an important carrier for strengthening the ideological and political quality of party members, cadres, and the masses and the promotion of rural revitalization., Build a stage for grass -roots party members and cadres to “charge”.
Take the Jianqiang team as the starting point to work on the word “tube”.Select from the cadres of the village “two committees” to equip each site with one management personnel to ensure that the administrator is familiar with business and is proficient in operation.The township party committee has included the long -range education of rural party members into the assessment at the end of the year through the guidance of party building training and normalization of the village.
Taking the selection of content as the cornerstone, work on the word “use”.Based on the requirements of different departments, the needs “order” and customize the characteristic “elective courses”.At the same time, the playback of distance education courses is organically combined with the “three meetings and one lesson”, and the theme party day activities, and adds rural revitalization, grass -roots governance, fire prevention flood prevention and other content to the long -range education playback plan.
Take the optimization configuration as the guarantee, work hard on the word “fine”.In accordance with the standardized requirements of the distance education site construction, supervise the promotion of the “old bad damage” of hardware equipment to replace the new, and communicate the company regularly to check and repair basic equipment in the village.(Temple Zhaizhai)
“Qinghai Daily” (April 26, 2024, 7th edition: Comprehensive News)
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