Exercise is good for physical and mental health, but does not mean that the more exercise, the better, the excessive exercise is more harmful

Under normal circumstances, for adults, whether to exercise will often be accompanied by a certain purpose, such as minimizing or shaping through the way of exercise, such as to obtain health through the method of exercise. Of course, there are stillSome friends move because they like it.Then, on the other hand, for friends who insist on exercise, their figures will not be bad, and their health is relatively good.
However, when we exercise in order to achieve our own goals, we will have extreme phenomena because of our own mentality, time, etc.The emergence of the heat gap becomes possible, but when you go to exercise, you will choose a relatively extreme method because you want to make yourself thinner, such as exercise for a long time, such as directly increasing exercise strength, etc.Especially when your time cannot be balanced, you will exercise desperately at the time of time (weekend).Although you add daily consumption at this time, you ignore your body’s bearing ability, which will bring various adverse consequences and even threaten life.
Therefore, no matter what you want to exercise, you must moderate and appropriately consider your body tolerance to prevent excessive movement.

01First: What is excessive exercise?

Simply put, excessive exercise is excessive exercise, and your exercise is more than the body’s tolerance.This excessive exercise will be divided into one -time excessive exercise and chronic excessive exercise. For chronic excessive exercise, multiple accumulation will lead to various discomfort symptoms, which will affect the movement itself and normal life.

02Second: What is the excessive performance of exercise?

Under normal circumstances, although it will feel tired after the appropriate amount of exercise, it will still feel comfortable and will not affect the performance of the next exercise. However, when you are in the process of life and movementWhen normal phenomena, you must consider whether you have excessive exercise. So, what are these abnormal performances?
1. Performance in daily life
Excessive exercise will affect your daily life. If you will feel decreased, prone to fatigue, decrease in sleep quality, low mood, disease, dizziness, and other discomfort, you must consider excessive motion.
2. Performance during exercise
During the exercise, it is difficult to find a state. The balance of balance, decreased response ability, decreased muscle elasticity, reduced exercise level, unable to complete normal exercise, not enthusiasm for exercise, etc.The situation is.
3. Physical discomfort
During the exercise, if your action standards have not increased the load, but if the problem of joint pain and abnormal muscle soreness after exercise, these problems have not been relieved after the rest.It is reminding you that there is a possibility of excessive exercise.
4. Performance in the body
Normal Games will increase your daily consumption. If your diet is controlled well, then your weight should be reduced. If you are working on strength training, the line of figure will become better, but if you find yourself yourself yourselfFat, also consider excessive exercise.Because excessive exercise can cause excessive cortisol secretion, when the cortisol secretes too much, muscle decomposition can be caused, and fat increases.
To sum up, when you actively exercise, especially when you suddenly increase the amount of exercise, you will pay attention to observing your body’s reactions and give positive adjustmentsEssence

03Third: How to prevent or alleviate excessive exercise?

In addition to the exercise itself, excessive exercise is also an important point that it is not good to rest. Before the body recovers, the next exercise started. In this constant accumulationThe more obvious, more and more.Therefore, during the movement and life, you should pay attention to excessive exercise, so that the movement plays a positive role.
1. Balanced diet
Under normal circumstances, the objects of excessive exercise are usually people who have advanced fatting people and people who have advanced goals in the process of muscle increase. For them, while insisting on exercise, they are often accompanied by strict diet control, especially reduction of reduction.Lipid people, they want to reduce the daily calorie intake, eat less, and even cause malnutrition problems. In this case, exercise itself is prone to excessive exercise.
Therefore, for the fat -reducing people, when they have excessive exercise performance, they must consider improving their own diet, ensuring the balance of nutrition, and appropriately increasing the intake of carbohydrates to help the body recovery.It will help you regulate your emotions, which will have a positive impact on your body and emotions.
2. Rest full
You must know that a good rest is not a waste of your time, but for better exercise, after resting the body to fully restore the body, it will improve the overall training performance, and progress will be faster.
3. Properly reduce exercise intensity or exercise duration
Excessive sports will hinder your progress and cause your movement to perform poorly. At this time, if you barely complete the expected exercise plan, it will be counterproductive. Not only that, but also increase the risk of injury.
Therefore, when you have excessive exercise, you must adjust the current sports plan according to your actual situation, such as reducing exercise intensity, such as shortening exercise time, such as reducing the load, suchwait.Don’t force yourself too much about whether you have improved, whether you have reached the expected consumption during the exercise, etc. Instead, you must first adjust your status.
4. Adjust emotions
Excessive exercise will also have an impact on emotions, such as inadequate attention, inadequate exercise, and other bad emotions.Conversely, bad emotions will also affect your movement and recovery.Therefore, in daily life, we must learn to regulate your mood, relax your body and mind, and keep yourself happy, so as to help your body recover.