Enhance parent -child interaction Beijing school "small hand pull big hands" fun life sports meeting opening

On the afternoon of April 25th, the Beijing school playground was very lively. Students and parents opened the curtain of the “small hand of the small hand” in Beijing school in 2024 to enjoy the life games. A total of 2700 families participated.

“In February, the Yangliu was drunk in spring, and the green grass came in March three, the most beautiful is the sky in April” ….. With the singing of “Shangchun Mountain”, the large parent -child fitness exercises in the first and second gradesOpen the prelude to the sports meeting.Later, tug -of -rivers, pots, pushing iron rings, back basket hydrangea, ribbon dragon, and gyro spanned.It is reported that the entire sports meeting will last for three days, a total of three links: performance, competition and experience.

“I participated in the performance of the reconciliation competition and warm -up exercises with my children today. This is a very meaningful thing.” Said Mr. Wang, the father of Wang Yuxin, the second grade of the school, said that although the live activity was not long, WangMr. and the children started preparing for several days in advance.”We design projects together and practice warm -up exercises together. These have great benefits to enhance parent -child relationships. In the practice with children, it also allows children to develop a healthy life and exercise habit.” Mr. Wang said.

Liu Jinzhen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing School, said that the original intention of this event was to improve students’ physical and mental health through the cooperation of home schools.The school also hopes that children can exercise both exercise and improve their psychological quality through happy sports.At the same time, the projects in this Games are all national and folk traditional sports projects. This is also a measure of the school’s firm cultural self -confidence and promoting the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Yuemi

Photography/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Huang Liang