The weaving protection net extends the psychological health care of children and adolescents to the "full chain"

“Is it a psychological emergency medical team? I am the Minor Protection Station of Ganquan Road Street. There is a child named Liangliang (pseudonym) in our community. It has not been to school for more than a month., You need to assist in dealing with it together. “Receive the community for help. The Putuo District Mental Health Center immediately launched the Si -Party Lien Emergency Response Mechanism and sent a psychological emergency medical team member to assist the disposal.
“After we intervened, we found that the resistance of Liang Liang’s recurrence mainly comes from her mother. Due to the dilemma of marriage failure, the mother’s emotions have greatly fluctuated, not only delaying the child’s learning, but also seriously affecting the child’s mental health.” Children and adolescentsDirector Sun Li, the person in charge of the special disease project of emotional disorders, introduced that after more than ten days of psychological intervention, campus counseling and social support, under the cooperation of the three parties of hospitals, schools and communities, he returned to school to resume class as scheduled.Emotional problems have also been improved.
As the main medical institution that undertakes the psychological health promotion work in the region, the Putuo District Mental Health Center adheres to the party building as the lead and promotes the promotion of mental health. Since 2019, children and adolescents are listed as a key group of people.Port for cure heart disease.”From exploring the three -party linkage, to the construction of the‘ home -school social doctor ’four -party linkage mechanism, we have taken a solid footprint in exploring the mental health protection of children and adolescents.” Said Wang Ruifang, secretary of the Party Branch of the Putuo District Mental Health Center.
Special event site
On April 18th, the special event of “Everyone enjoys health and promote healthy” in the World Honesty Day of Putuo District, Putuo District, was held in Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School.With the strong support of the District Science and Technology Commission, the District Health and Health Commission and the District Education Bureau jointly launched the project of “Putuo District Primary and Secondary Schools’ Psychological Health Education Season” project.The project revolves around the school, and a batch of psychological health courses will be opened. It will organize a special lecture on the themes of life education and psychological tough training to conduct a series of cultural and sports activities of the heart -warming and warm -yang series.
At the event site, the Putuo District Children’s Children’s Psychological Health Propaganda Parent -Child Poster Innovation Design Competition was launched, and the first group auxiliary event was launched.In the future, Putuo District Putuo District will carry out the student’s psychological health assessment and arrangement through the combination of medical and teaching. It will provide a “one -life strategy” for specific students to provide targeted psychological guidance.
“Eight hours” in the closed -loop of the school for medical treatment
As an important part of the construction of a social psychological service system, the district mental health center focuses on “eyes” into “eight hours in school.”Through an in -depth analysis of the psychological health archives of 74 and elementary and elementary schools and hundreds of key students in the district, understand the “blank spots” of the students’ psychological health work on the campus, and clarify the lack of support for professional forces in the school.There are bottlenecks such as “Difficulty and Difficulty”.
“We take the initiative to explore the work mechanism of cross -domain joint construction, and co -build with the Party Branch of the District Education Institute to create a” healthy attraction to build a dream sailing ‘psychological health promotion project. “According to Yang Li, Dean of the District Mental Health Center, the project introduced.In the past six years, the psychological health entered the campus activities relying on the “will be happy with each other” as the carrier, and the theme publicity and education through the focus and stages of the focus, and the “Psychological Health Lecture Hall” and “Runxin Academy” for teachers and parents.Family education guidance micro -course, psychologists regularly go to the School of Education to take a clinic to conduct risk rating and continuous follow -up follow -up of the cases of consultation cases, forming a closed -loop management of “enrollment tracking and healing out of the group”.While the project was promoted, the “hospital-school” two-way referral green channels were unobstructed, and the “critical eight hours” of students in school accurately grasped the “critical eight hours” of students.
Medical Agency linkage improves “Caring for Full Chain”
The work mechanism of the combination of medical and teaching has achieved significant results in the promotion of psychological health in children and adolescents, but for some of the focus on students, the situation in the community often becomes a “blind area” to focus on.”We have more than ten minors registered in Ganquan Road Street. They need to focus on psychological issues normally. Although we introduce third -party forces to assist, the professionalism is still not enough. We hope that professional doctors will give some professional guidance and help.”In the process of visiting the streets of Ganquan Road, the grassroots made such a call.
In order to reduce the hidden dangers brought by the “blind zone”, the “discovery whistle” of the psychological health problems of children and adolescents moved from the school to the residential community.”, Organize schools and communities to conduct special discussions on promoting the psychological health promotion work of children and adolescents in the jurisdiction, and conduct advance pilots on Ganquan Road Street.
Putuo District Children and Adolescent Mental Health Propaganda Parent -Child Poster Innovation Design Competition
“We use Ganquan Road Street as a sample, dock 11 neighborhood committees and some residents’ families in the jurisdiction, and sort out the management blind spots between the family-school, home-medicine, and school-medicine.” Xie Hongtao, the dean of the district mental health center, introduced.Among them, all the key targets in the management of the book and the adolescents who put forward the needs of psychological counseling in the jurisdiction are evaluated, and in -depth psychological counseling to individuals who need intervention are required.Relying on social workers to timely grasp the dynamic changes and recovery of key objects in a timely manner, and strengthen the training of psychological health knowledge of social workers in residential districts, orderly improve the level of psychological health service supply and service capacity of children and adolescents, and further extend the psychological health care of children and adolescents.”Full Chain”.
The “last mile” is unblocked at home
On the basis of the pilot work of Ganquan Road Street, the Putuo District Mental Health Center conducted a comparative research and judgment of 11 cases of cases and 11 cases registered in the minor protection stations under the education mechanism and the registration of minors.Aiming at the root causes of “medical-school-club information does not match”, “intervention cases lack closed-loop management of continuous tracking”, promote the “list merger” and “case of the same case”, establish an information sharing and interoperability platform, and get through the past for a period of time.The “blocking point” of early discovery and early intervention of children and adolescents is restricted by children and adolescents.
Teacher team counseling
At the same time, through the three-party linkage of “Medical-School-Club”, the district Jingwei Center served the front service to break the one-way medical mode of “patients looking for doctors”, “doctor and other patients”, and set up “Yuexin” medical education combined with volunteers.The service team, a medical staff mainly party member, has deepened the partitions to the families of each key focus on students, and become an exclusive “psychological consultant group” for key students.The principle of linkage, realize information docking and resource sharing, and provide one -to -one “menu -style” services in tracking psychological counseling, case -type family intervention, emergency response disposal, etc., to provide parents with the help channel for “one hundred response” to achieve “” one call “for help, to achieve”The co -construction and co -governance system of the Social Doctors ‘Social Doctors’ Social Doctors has effectively unblocked the “last mile” of the medical treatment and home.
With the successful pilot of the “home school and social doctor” square linkage mechanism in Ganquan Road Street, multiple streets and towns have also threw “olive branches”.”In the process of comprehensively promoting the psychological health of children and adolescents, we have opened a full -year psychological assistance hotline to provide a channel for help to respond to psychological health problems, which has become a” psychological tree hole “that is deeply affected by emotions to trouble the children.The offline psychological health service positions in ten streets and towns “Yuexin Pavilion” to open up the self -service facilities of independent and privacy to protect privacy.Children create a happy Hyattic Harbor.
Field drama
“Relying on the carrier of the regional party building alliance, the hospital and the Education College and Ganquan Road Street have become strategic partners.’Careful saying’ Popular Science Team, “Green Ribbon in Action” Volunteer Service Team 4 teams. “Wang Ruifang said that in the next stage, the” home school and social doctor “alliance will gradually advance in 10 streets and towns to achieve””Micro -grid” full coverage, creating a more mature regional linkage grid management model, setting up the “Bridge of Heart Bridge” for children and adolescents.