Education with high -quality development with innovative elements

Original title: Education with innovative elements to empower high -quality development of education
The Supreme Leading Secretary pointed out when he presided over the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee: “Digitalization of education is an important breakthrough in my country’s new track and new advantages in shaping education.” This important exposition deeply reveals the key to digital education in education. The role is to point out the direction and path for the construction of a strong country.
A few days ago, the Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng proposed when attending the 14th Teacher Professional International Summit, “At present, the scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes are accelerating the evolution, and knowledge innovation has accelerated.Fair and reasonable use of innovative elements such as artificial intelligence and digitalization to empower education, attach importance to cultivating students’ thinking ability, cooperation ability, and open and inclusive quality, and promote cross -cultural exchanges and sustainable development. “
In recent years, my country has steadily constructed the world’s largest education system, and the overall level of educational modernization has entered the ranks of the world.In particular, in the field of digitalization of education, it has achieved great achievements and opened up new tracks that have continuously expanded education development.At the same time, we should also see that there are still some shortcomings in the establishment of an important talent center in the world and the innovation highland, and serving the high -quality development of the country.Faced with scientific and technological changes and industrial changes represented by artificial intelligence, China has gradually approached the new pattern of the international stage center.How to cultivate a large number of talents that meet the needs of national development, pass through the stuffing points of restraining new productivity development, and achieve the strategic goal of building a strong education country in 2035. It is still worthy of in -depth discussion.In fact, through educational methods, innovation and use of new elements such as digitalization empower economic and social development, and cultivate students’ thinking, cooperation ability, and open -quality quality.
Thinking ability is mainly manifested in two aspects: critical thinking and innovative ability.In the era of highly developed information and relatively low cost of collecting information, it is particularly important to cultivate talent thinking ability and help solve the problems such as “stuck neck” in my country’s key core technology.The generation artificial intelligence provides students with a diversified learning method, and also puts forward higher requirements for students’ independent learning ability.Mastering the ability of cooperation or collaboration is a common requirement for talents in the international community.In the context of the current scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes accelerating the evolution and more frequent cultural exchanges, the importance of cooperation capabilities on scientific and technological innovation and economic development is increasing.The key to cultivating students’ thinking and cooperation is teachers and their teaching methods.Teachers should establish awareness of speculation, innovation and cooperation, and actively adopt teaching methods such as inspiration, inquiry, participation, cooperation, and practice in teaching practice.Thinking independently, actively carry out group learning based on teaching content, and gradually cultivate awareness of cooperation.
Open and inclusive quality is a must -have for international talents.In the current background of promoting high -level openness and the “Belt and Road” initiative, students have an open and inclusive quality, helping to serve my country to carry out international cooperation and solve global problems.In this regard, colleges and universities should encourage students to establish a global perspective on the basis of establishing a strong “four self -confidence” and cultivate open and inclusive quality.It is recommended to further create international exchange opportunities for students, including strengthening the mutual recognition of academic degrees in my country and other countries to interoperate with standards, expand the scale of Chinese students studying abroad, and attract outstanding foreign students to study in China.Different levels of schools should encourage the establishment of the historical, cultural arts, social conditions and national conditions of various countries in the course settings, add lectures on the international situation and hot topic courses to stimulate students’ interest in enriching relevant knowledge.Universities can innovate international cooperation models, enrich the form of long and short -term study abroad programs, create an international campus environment, encourage students to participate in school -foreign exchange activities, invite international scholars to visit lectures or hold multilateral academic forums, and actively explore simulation of the United Nations and short -term visiting schools.Investigation and other activities, develop students ‘global vision, cultivate students’ global literacy, and lay a solid foundation for promoting cross -cultural exchanges and sustainable development.
Considering the digitalization of education, it is a new track for education development that my country has focused on in recent years. It is recommended to pay attention to the innovative role of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence in the field of talent training, and seize the opportunity and use relevant tools.Due to its high personalization and extensive cross -disciplinary attributes such as artificial intelligence and big data, while bringing huge changes to education practice, it also provides powerful tools for training students’ thinking ability, cooperation ability and international perspective.Accelerate the integration of artificial intelligence into the process of integrating the existing education system. It is recommended that the education administrative department is led by the education administrative department to cooperate with the information technology company to develop an artificial intelligence model suitable for students, and the organic embedded in the curriculum system.The curriculum design should be adjusted in response to it. First, the relevant cognitive education such as artificial intelligence, big data such as big data for students at different levels of education, and cultivate students to establish awareness and ability to control artificial intelligence, and make reasonable use of supervision; the second is to offer artificial intelligence application courses.Combining with the characteristics of student characteristics, related courses are set up, focusing on helping students conduct logical training and thinking training, cultivate students’ ability to use a large amount of information for innovation and teamwork, and use a variety of feedback in time to improve the enthusiasm of students to apply new tools.Further enhance the information quality of teachers, and focus on cultivating teachers’ ability to use new tools such as artificial intelligence to carry out teaching practice.Educational research institutions can speed up research and analysis on the long -term impact of an empowerment education system such as artificial intelligence, explore the teaching goals and teaching methods under the new technology framework, and study and explore a new model of teamwork and technical research under artificial intelligence assistance.The existing national smart education public service platforms should further expand the content pool, increase the coverage rate, enrich the relevant knowledge content of various fields and countries, and facilitate students to establish an international perspective through the platform.
Artificial intelligence empowering modern education and teaching has become the general trend to cultivate and form new productivity.Faced with innovative elements such as artificial intelligence and digitalization, and to guide students to use artificial intelligence to carry out autonomous and diversified learning, they must return to the essence of education, strengthen students’ critical thinking and innovation ability, and continuously enhance their cooperation capabilities and open toleranceQuality, thus focusing on cultivating new people in the era of rejuvenation of national rejuvenation.(China Education News commentator)
Source: China Education News