This bowl of porridge claims "sugar -free" food, but it is 14 times higher than the "sugar -free standard"

Yangtze Evening News, April 12 (Correspondent Pan Qibing reporter Zhu Dingzhao) claims to be sugar -free food, but the content of carbohydrates in the nutritional component table is as high as 7 grams, far exceeding the sugar -free standard.Recently, the Minjiang Road Branch of the Market Supervision Bureau of Huaiyin District, Huai’an City received multiple complaints, reflecting food such as “sugar -free millet porridge” and false propaganda to mislead consumers.
After receiving the complaint, the enforcement officer of the bureau immediately launched an investigation and found that these foods were significantly labeled “sugar -free” on their product packaging labels, or claimed “sugar -free” on the Internet sales platform product display page. In factThe content of carbohydrates (sugar) displayed in the nutritional component of the food labeling nutritional components exceeds claiming that the “sugar -free” specified limit is said, and the essence of “sugar” constitutes false labels or false publicity, misleading consumers.
According to the requirements of the “Pre -packaged Food Nutrition Tag”, claiming sugar -free or sugar -free foods, the content of carbohydrates (sugar) per 100 ml of solid or 100 ml of liquid should be less than 0.5 grams, otherwise it must not be claimed.For example, the millet porridge of a brand complained by consumers claims to be “sugar -free”, but among the 100 ml of food displayed in the nutritional component table, the content of carbohydrates is as high as 7 grams, far exceeding the sugar -free standard.
According to law enforcement officers, in the face of many sugar -free food demanders (such as diabetic patients or obese people), many merchants have switched to concepts to play text games, mislead consumers, and mistakenly referred to foods without sucrose, sugar essence and other sugar substances.It is “sugar -free” food, and the so -called “sugar” in national standards refers to the nutritional ingredients of “sugar”. Without adding physical sugar substances, it does not mean that “no” sugar nutritional ingredients.
Called “sugar -free” food, but 14 times higher than the “sugar -free standard”
Law enforcement officers remind consumers that whether they buy sugar -free foods on a physical store or online platform, they must check the nutritional component table on the food label to see if the content of carbohydrates (sugar) is less than 0.5 grams.At the same time, it is also suing that food production and operators should not steal the concept, falsely label or false publicity, and mislead consumers, otherwise, they will bear the corresponding legal consequences.The case is currently under investigation.
School pair Xu Yan