Bring education back, bring back to daily middle school

Liu Yunshan, deputy dean of the School of Education, Peking University
China Youth Daily · reporter Li Xinling
A reporter from the China Youth Daily recently interviewed Professor Liu Yunshan, deputy dean of the School of Education of Peking University, and asked her to talk about her thinking about education.She accumulated a lot of field survey materials and interviewed more than 200 students from Peking University.Her academic research materials are based on several years of interviews, teachers and student exchanges, student growth, and student courses.
She once wrote: “Education truly grinds people’s habit, cultivates human temperament, and human temperament, generation of human nature, the temperament of the people of a country, determine the true blood of the system. What kind of habit do our education cultivation,Not only subtly, but also immediately determine the goodness and badness of society, the prosperity and decline of the nation. “
China Youth Daily · Reporter: Education is now a common phenomenon. Parents have a lot of expectations for their children’s education, and the public has many criticisms on education. Why is this?
Liu Yunshan: Some education methods formed a “suspended pipeline”. This pipeline is to pull people out of this place to another place, and then give him an imagination, far away but may be the empty future.They are far more concerned about the fantasies of the distance.
Education, I think it is important to cultivate the rooting system. It must be the foundation of the foundation and the bottom, instead of blindly pulling the seedlings to promote the tip and lose the feelings of the real life near the near.
Liu Yunshan, deputy dean of the School of Education, Peking University
Reporter of China Youth Daily · So what are the consequences of this “suspended pipeline”?
Liu Yunshan: When our graduate students interview, the students’ resumes are very good. I will let them talk about which lesson in the undergraduate. You are most impressed by which book. You have the opportunity to ask if there is a unique feeling.Some students will answer “no”, even if there are, unique feelings are very weak.Behind this is the lack of experience and the lack of growth.Originally, the life experience was treated as “tasks” by some students; on the one hand, the task and events of life status, on the other hand, the informationization of knowledge.You are presented to the fragmented information, but the inner emotional flow and the inner experience are exhausted.Most of his daily use is the intelligence level, and there are very few part of the mighty and emotional parts.
Many people’s heads look like a huge GPS system. This system is abstract and developed. At the same time, the ability of his hands and feet is weak. You can think about it. A huge head is pressed on a weak body. How can he be able to?Going out of yourself, there are people in my eyes, what is wrong with my eyes?Learn to deal with people, can enter real things, and sharpen their temperament in doing things.
I just said that the education is metaphorized by the development of a root system. He must understand the nearby. For example, parents, families, and communities will have a practical understanding, concern, and emotional investment.If you live in an abstract system -based system from the beginning, the school is built into a closed pipeline selected layer by layer. No matter how to expand the enrollment, if the internal high elimination process does not nourish his body and mind, it is only one -sided training.Then, in such a high -election high -end elimination mode, a few successful people are behind the majority of the losers.
I have been criticizing the new liberalism in the West. There are some concepts that are misleading, such as instead of education with learning.Today, emphasizing individual learning ability.Individual learning ability is directly related to employment ability.This concept has passed the economic problems and social fairness to individuals. If a person can’t find a job because your employment ability is not good, it is because your learning ability is not good.New liberalism personalized the problem of structure. You are going to be fried because your learning ability is not enough because you are not adapting enough.In fact, this is not exactly like this.
China Youth Daily · Reporter: So what are the characteristics of these winners who have been pulled out of the “pipeline”?
Liu Yunshan: I wrote a “Top Trap”, showing some phenomena observed.
“Before going to elementary school, I can easily read the newspaper and read the Green fairy tales without illustrations. Calculate the four -digit position misalignment and addition and subtraction method, and I have mastered the theorem of Pythagorean. I started to study the Olympiad in the second grade of the primary school.Study junior high school English, study junior high school mathematics in the fifth grade, study in the second grade in the sixth grade, and the summer vacation of Xiao Shengchi will finish the old poems for the middle school entrance examination. “
But is this extraordinary learning ability or a advanced learning rhythm?After a few years, this child, known as Yang’s “grabbing”, is convinced that she is not an extraordinary child. She is just a child who is a child who is very obedient.In the class, the class is always in the leader, and the “positive feedback” and the outside world have been established with the outside world -as long as the study is good, it means that the teacher’s trust and appreciation can easily obtain the honor of the school, and even the privilege of correcting the homework of classmates.Learning all the way is both the magic weapon of her success and her growth habit. The new knowledge of classroom learning is a review for her, the teaching response is fast, and the class participation is high. When she encounters a new question type, she is familiar with it.
Such advanced learning is not expensive.The most basic principle of teaching theory is to learn the logic of both knowledge and the development of students’ cognitive psychology.Yang “Run Run” is always busy with a new round of advanced learning. Her independent learning and independent inquiry on her school rely on off -school training.She reflects herself that she did not really learn to learn before high school. The routines and learning ideas of problem solving problems were instilled in advance of all kinds of tutoring agencies. They had no in -depth understanding of the principles of knowledge, nor had the ability to support them.Example provided by the institution.Therefore, “the ability to understand knowledge and independent thinking ability has been stagnant for a long time, and learning has no shortcuts.”
“Earlier, win all the way”, grabbing is no longer the secret of individual winning victory. Most people have pressed the fast -moving key for advanced learning.
Previous education is more like the growth model of agriculture. It requires soil and fertilizer, and plants can grow better; now many times are military models+industrial models, on the one hand, offensive and winning.Uniform specifications; the two gathered wonderfully.Some people enjoy it very much, and some children like to take the exam, because the test can prove themselves, can enjoy success, and can crush others; but most of the time are to avoid failure and fear of being crushed; dominant psychological motivation is active active psychological motivation to strive for success.Strike or a negative motivation for failure?
China Youth Daily · China reporter: The winner of the competition can enter a prestigious school.
Liu Yunshan: The selection system favors “tipping” talents.There is no shortcut learning, but there are selection.
After entering the university, the phenomenon of polarization is very serious. There are those who have strong academic interests and talented people. They not only have dazzling sprint speed and explosive power, but also practiced the strength to adapt to hard academic long -distance running.Accompanied by habits and mentality; there are also uncomfortable people who are exaggerated. Occasionally leading the system of learning and the sharpening of the will, and lack of time management ability, emotional control ability, and strong will to prepare for the college entrance examination.The talent is extremely delicate and weak, and you need to carefully protect and cautious training. It is too confident to lead to contempt of university learning.Essence
Is it like a fish or a fish?You should be in a suitable water area, you may be a relatively comfortable state; if you are uncomfortable in a waters that is not suitable for you.This is the choice of disciplines, and it is also the “selective fit” between individuals, knowledge, and professionalism.
China Youth Daily · reporter: Many people have been in such an environment since they were young, competing with their peers, not everyone growing up, but a flat layer comparison.
Liu Yunshan: Children trust the school and respect the teacher. The teacher has a great influence on students. The classmates are very important growth resources and affect each other. This is a very normal thing in school life.But this normal relationship is not seen in some schools.
Behind the highly competitive individualism is some kind of narcissism, and narcissism is actually a kind of timidity. He couldn’t get out of him.Use the “I am in the mirror” to build self -cognition, it is difficult to distinguish between virtual and reality, and live in the eyes of the mirror and the mirror.These mirrors are the indicators of the eyes and evaluation of others.The evaluation indicators were “what am I” from the beginning. I have lived in such a mirror in the eyes of the teacher and the eyes of society.Therefore, he is very sensitive, sensitive to performance, sensitive to all evaluation indicators, and always “like truth” in the mirror -fake one looks more perfect than true.Bullying is also easy to convert into a “Mu Qiang” mentality, and it will always be just a person who is stronger than me.
This is difficult to know yourself, but it is also difficult to go out of yourself bravely, and sincerely walk towards others, and the stable and specific relationship established with each other.Some young people now have a variety of “bits”, meals, wine and wine, as well as playing badminton.The Zizi is the center, and the friends are people -centered, which is very different.If you are a piece, you can eat and go to A, watch the drama and B, play badminton and C, like a constant living state cut by the incident, the clear relationship form is replaced by the incident -based “Zhezi”.Emotions are also fragmented.
Some students told me, do you not know the teacher, and there are emotions.This makes me very puzzled. If I don’t know a person, how can I talk about my emotions?Students say that only with people who do not know each other can talk to emotions. For example, if you are in love, or what you have, you can talk more with a stranger, as if you dump the garbage. After finishing it, you leave.If you talk in front of familiar people, it will be embarrassing to meet again.
This is my extremely prominent feeling recently.These students are actually very closed in their hearts and are highly sensitive and distrustful of the environment.
We have always emphasized that “independent learners” are self -centered learning. Each experience is his resume for him. He runs his own indicators and runs his own things.
China Youth Daily · reporter: How do these students continue to maintain the position of the winners?
Liu Yunshan: I have heard a student about his “control strategy”. His English was very good. He should be in class A, but he intentionally answered only 80%of the questions.Okay, he was assigned to Class B.He estimates that the results of Class B will be particularly high. In the end, he found that many students have learned very well and are not under him.After passing the test, he still had only 84 points, or on the normal distribution.This means that “control” is not his personal strategy, but becoming a group behavior.
I published an article in “Higher Education Research”, “Control of Controlling: Independent learners with target -oriented”, and cultivating “independent learners” is the reform of “students -centered” in my country’s basic education and higher education in the past 20 years. The core goal, but this training goal is sometimes alienated into “self -monitoring learners”.They are longer than migrating but neglected professional knowledge, accustomed to reflection, but rarely contemplate, pay attention to mastering skills, but lack rich academic care. In the world that adapts to rapid changes, they have lost their resonance with the world, lost the openness and experience of growth and experience.Richness, eventually leading to the control of the target in the training of the goal.Falling into the dilemma of “busy”, “vast” and “blind”.
“Mast” -The external target is missing, autonomous purpose is confused, and the internal value is nothing; he uses “busy” and “blind” to escape the “vast”: Why did they escape and deeply fall into the “vast”?This paradox lies in their high requirements for external orientation -with competitive “busy” to improve the standard, and to use group “blind” to clarify the standards, they are neither or dare to face their own unique mission.
In the growth of many young people, how does external goals replace their internal purposes?Why do today’s students care about evaluation and exams?From the perspective of university teachers, evaluation is just auxiliary means to detect knowledge mastery and ability to gain; in students, the evaluation constitutes the goal itself. The test questions and the case instead of books and knowledge.Imagination.In addition to the performance point, students must be busy accumulating the ability to accumulate ability, operating project resumes, and familiar with customs clearance rules of different tracks …
China Youth Daily · Reporter: Under this goal, some students may become businessmen who are constantly valued, and the baht must be compared with points. So what problems do the school encounter?
Liu Yunshan: Teachers are difficult today.Our concept of teaching reform is very good, allowing students to learn independently. Teachers stand behind the students. Only when students have difficulties to help the teacher appear, the teacher is just a “scaffold” for students to grow.
What is the relationship between learning and teaching?The prevailing concept of “learner -centered” consists of a series of claims such as the interests, choices and rights of learners, and emphasizing that the learners are loosening from “teaching and learning” and solving the relationship between educational relations.
Get rid of “learning” from “teaching”, the image of “independent learner” is constructed: as longA confusing judgment that contrary to common sense and lack of experience.There is self -reliance, but it is developed the day after tomorrow. “Autonomous learner” is the purpose of teaching rather than learning.One of the basic propositions of teaching is “teaching people autonomy” -The teaching in the front, autonomy, “teach” to “do not teach”, from the teaching of teachers and obtaining autonomy due to learning., Careful educational art.
In fact, in the past 20 years, the burden reduction and academic outsourcing, independent learning and off -campus training, multiple choices and project supermarkets, and different growth tracks have constituted a complex educational ecosystem, which also brings many disadvantages: one of them one: One is one of them: one of them one: One is one of them: one of them one: One is one of them: one of them one: One is one of them: one of which is one of them: one of them: One is one of them: one of which is one of them: one, one of whichInternally, the school is replaced by education, knowledge of knowledge, and teaching activity. The role of teachers is weakened.Planning and learning content for students will also choose teachers or even companions for them; third, the “freedom”, “selection” and “efficiency” dominated by new liberalism will not only achieve the huge profits of learning economy, but also cause the school educationCave.After the “double reduction” policy, students returned to school.
Education is a science.The school is not just a place for teachers to teach and student learning.From the beginning of the school, it means to build a moral environment, because it is to take over the “complete people”, and students must find everything they need in the school;The depth of the student’s soul has a strong impact, so it is not possible to let the students scatter their spirit and energy in different directions, but to gather on the same goal.
China Youth Daily · Reporter: How to improve in the face of such complex educational issues?
Liu Yunshan: Bring education back, rebuild school life, and rebuild a common educational life.Bring back daily, bring back specific links and relationships.There must be education in school, don’t just learn.The value behind the entire education, I think it still takes root, cultivating specific knowledge and skills, is not pulled away, it should not be a suspended pipe.
Human cultivation should be the cultivation of complete personality. Behind the complete personality is the five education in our education policy.Behind each student is a parent, a society, he comes from society, and he wants to go to society.Aesthetic education and labor are also important, not a single development in a certain aspect.
The most important thing for Leism is to cultivate his temperament, forming his inner rhythm and a sense of rhythm of the soul.The same is true of aesthetic education. In fact, the most profound education is to affect human temperament. The knowledge on rationality is more and less, not so important.The test of values is not a daily expression, but a consciousness and even subconsciously responsible for the crisis. This is because the aesthetics and music education have penetrated into his temperament, deeply engraved with his inner spiritual quality.
China Youth Daily · reporter: I want to ask a more tangled question. Can educational anxiety crack?
Liu Yunshan: Education anxiety is often the anxiety of the family and the anxiety of parents.When it comes to the break of education anxiety, I want to ask a question: Do you want the son to Chengfu or the father’s career?”I will become you when I grow up.” Is this tender expression or an embarrassing escape- “I’m afraid to be you”?
For the rural families, the parents of “suffering” held up the children of “people”. His support was to ask him to not inherit his father’s career and let him leave his parents.These “one generation” and “second generation” in the city’s middle class, some people want their children to inherit their father’s business.One of the more troublesome problems is that some younger 80 parents believe in the so -called expertism and scientificism, no longer believe in themselves, believe in professionalism, and spend money to slow down their anxiety.How can I play football on the street? “
Today, “Zizhi’s Father’s Industry” is an extremely accidental exception.Anthology and heart are important parts. If parents support their children, and finally let the children of “people” despise themselves, look down on themselves, and leave themselves. Such a family emotion is not smooth or even performedof.Behind this, you will see: tired and please, guilt and responsibility, betrayal and inheritance.This is a very heavy psychological pressure behind each other.What is loved ones?I like Liang Shuming’s saying: laughing and answering each other;Social transformation is not only a problem of producers. It is more important to be the problem of life. It is how our body and mind are settled and how our emotion is soothing.
Excessive knowledge intervention has led to distortion of family’s simple and natural life.The family actually lives together, but family life is constantly squeezed.Parents of middle -class and middle -aged families hope that their children can “inherit their father’s business”, or to keep their children a rough position as themselves.This is not a natural and easy thing. It requires early layout, carefully planning and professional consultation, so raising has become a very expensive investment.
Behind this is both superstition of professional discourse and the occupation of capital forces. The simple families living are constantly eroded under these two forces.Parents liberated their time with money, or used superstitions to professional authority to relieve both and create their own anxiety.Is the intervention of excessive knowledge hindering or helping?Family breeding is gradually decreasing.
For example, the family hikes, or it is a common hobby in this case. In this case, the child’s lifestyle and life style are like you, not to give him to a inexplicable somehowInstitutions.How does a small family incorporate a big family or a larger society?This requires the whole family to be together to understand and resonate with the heart and self -reliance.This is a normal ethical practice of the family, the emotional revealing, and the most intimate.It should occur naturally in a healthy family life.
China Youth Daily · reporter: Is this a staged issue, or will it continue?As an individual, how do you know education?
Liu Yunshan: It is both staged and continuous. Education is progressing in contradictory solutions. There is no once and for all designs.The process must be patient, because it is a collective practice, so listen to the opinions of all parties and be careful to evaluate the loss.
Some schools are still facing a problem, the lack of trust, and many students do not trust teachers and schools.The teacher is very cautious here. What kind of students can teach and what kind of students cannot teach.Yes, you can teach him to recognize you, and the occurrence of education is like a dark light, which means that you must find it with your heart and find it with your heart.sound.
Most of the time, the entire civilization inheritance (light) is the kind of faintly, not very strong, but to feel it with intentions.I think a big problem today is that it is difficult for young people to focus on doing one thing.
The order of cultural and educational order, life order, aesthetic order, and people between people and people are all laid by education.The order of reason, the way to take care of people, and the properness of people, this is the way of life of ordinary Chinese people.If there is no these contents in our school life, it is just a beautiful indicator, giving children a fragmented and collageing world, the ending point of this suspended pipe is “closed”, “full indicators”, “the indicators”, “Waiting for being fulfilled “” autonomous “and” independent “hunters, he can’t merge which institution and group, all of which are his short springboard.
In the past, there were repeated, inefficient and boring in the stability of the past; there were freedom, anxiety, and nervousness in the current flow; how to be more relaxed, wider and more, so that some interesting thoughts, interesting experiments can grow, our heartsIt needs nourishment to be healthy, and our society can only develop healthier only in wide and well.
A healthy society will give birth to a healthy heart.
Source: China Youth Daily