Party discipline education · Daily lesson (5)

What are the cases that can be used lightly or reduced the punishment

The “Regulations on the Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China” stipulate that one of the following behaviors can be used lightly or reduced the punishment:

(1) Actively explaining that I should be punished by party discipline.

“Active explanation” refers to the problem of party members who are suspected of disciplinary violations before the organizational conversation letter and preliminary verification to the organization to explain their own issues, or to explain the unsure of the organization’s unsure during the conversation letter, preliminary verification and file review.

(2) In the process of organizing conversation letter, preliminary verification, and file review, we can cooperate with the verification and review work, and truthfully illustrate the facts of my discipline and law.

This situation refers to the review of party members in the process of organizing conversation, preliminary verification, and file review, which truthfully illustrates the fact that the organization has already mastered the facts of violation of discipline and law.

(3) Reporting the same case or others shall be subject to the party discipline or laws of law.

“Together” refers to those who have participated in and implemented disciplinary act of disciplinary acts, including both party members and party organizations, as well as non -party members and non -party organizations.

“Other people” refers to those who have not participated in and implemented with the person who were reviewed and implemented in violation of discipline, including both party members and party organizations, as well as non -party members and non -party organizations.

“There are other performance performances” refers to the important clues to provide other cases, prevent others from illegal criminal activities, assist in arresting other job criminal cases and being investigators and criminal suspects (including the same criminals), and the loss of losses for the country.

(4) Actively recover loss, eliminate adverse effects, or effectively prevent the results of the harm.

“Active recovery of losses” refers to the act of actively taking effective measures and rejuvenating losses when the disciplinary violations of disciplinary party members have caused losses.

“Elimination of adverse effects” refers to the act of actively adopting the active measures to eliminate the impact when its violation of discipline violations has caused adverse effects.

“Effectively prevent the results of the harm” refers to the disciplinary party members who have started to implement violations of discipline, but have not yet caused the results of the harm, they actively abandon the continued implementation of disciplinary violations, and take the initiative to take active measures to prevent the occurrence of the results of the harm.

(5) Active submission of or refund the income of disciplinary disciplinary.

This situation refers to the initiative to organize the income of disciplinary violations.It does not include the return of disciplinary income back to the gifts.

(6) Others stipulated in the party regulations from light or alleviating sanctions.

Source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection continues to slide to read the next one to read the original text

Liquan County People’s Court sliding up to see the next one

Original title: “Party Discipline Learning Education · Daily Lesson (5)”