People’s Daily’s entire version of the discussion: deeply grasp the basic strategy of solving the foundation of resource and environmental ecology

“People’s Daily” (09th, April 19, 2024)
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader emphasized: “Promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is the basic strategy to solve the problem of resources and environmental ecology. We must adhere to comprehensive transformation, collaborative transformation, innovation transformation, and safe transformation.”Adhering to comprehensive transformation, collaborative transformation, innovation and transformation, and safe transformation, it is conducive to the systemic and effectiveness of enhanced the construction of ecological civilization in the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, enhance the gold content and green content of economic and social development, and promote new productivity for development.Inject new kinetic energy, build the foundation and barrier of green and high -quality development.The observation version is discussed around this theme.
—— editor
Comprehensively transform and enhance the systemicity and effectiveness of ecological civilization construction
Wang Xiaoli
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership emphasized when chairing the fourth meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission: “Promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is the basic strategy to solve the problem of resources and environmental ecology.Transformation.Adhering to the comprehensive transformation is an inevitable requirement for building a beautiful China and a harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and it is of great significance for promoting the construction of ecological civilization in the new journey.
Green development is the background of high -quality development.To achieve the sustainable development of economic and social health, internal requirements integrate the construction of ecological civilization into all aspects and processes of economic, political, cultural, and social construction, and carry out green upgrades of the overall field, comprehensive, all -regional, and whole process of economic and social systems.At present, my country’s economic and social development has entered a stage of high -quality development of accelerating green and low -carbonization. At the same time, the construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period of stress superposition and load. In this context Practice in comprehensive transformation and continuously enhance the systemicity and effectiveness of ecological civilization construction.
Promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is a systematic project covering a wide range of efforts, focusing on “comprehensive”.It is necessary to adhere to systemic thinking, seize key links, coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces in all aspects, “combine boxing” in the rule of law, market, science and technology, and policy, build a governance system that comprehensively transforms the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, improve the governance governanceAbility, fully mobilize the whole society to take the initiative to participate and act consciously, make the green low -carbon production lifestyle become popular, and let the people share the beauty of nature, the beauty of life, and the beauty of life in the beautiful homeland.In practice, many places focus on regional coordinated development strategies and major regional strategies, focus on planting the green advantages of high -quality development, and steadily promote the construction of ecological community and interest community that is compatible with systematic governance.For example, the establishment of a normalized coordination mechanism in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yellow River Basin, the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and other regions, promote regional coordinated integration, and promote comprehensive green transformation with ecological co -governance.In some places, a scientific assessment and evaluation system guided with green development is constructed to create a fine strategy of “one river, one strategy, one picture” governance, build a sky -and -sea integration monitoring network, improve the mechanism of ecological compensation and ecological damage compensation mechanism, solid solidPromote the normalized management of risks.
In the comprehensive transformation of the production field, many enterprises actively assume the responsibility of environmental protection and environmental risk prevention, and integrate the concept of green development into production and operation activities.Through strengthening technological innovation -driven, promote the upgrading of traditional industrial technology, technology, and equipment, strengthen the deep integration of digitalization, intelligence and intelligence, and promote the formation of industrial structures with higher technological content, lower resource consumption, and less environmental pollution, and promote green greenLow carbon transformation.In terms of institutional mechanism construction, through differentiated supervision, many places include enterprises into the front list of supervision and law enforcement, establishing and improving the market mechanism of stain discharge, energy use rights, water use rights, and carbon emissions.The consciousness of carbon reduction is income. “The “Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emissions Trading Management” announced in February this year provides clear legal basis and effective guarantee for the operation management of the national carbon emission right trading market.In recent years, the financial management department has continuously improved the green financial standard system, and the release of green financial standards such as “Green Bonds Support Project Catalog”, “Guidelines for Environmental Information Disclosure of Financial Institutions”, “Environmental Rights Financing Instrument” and “Carbon Financial Products”, which has strongly promoted enterprisesThe concept of green development of green development will better shape new advantages of green development.
Guiding the public to practice the obligations and responsibilities of ecological environmental protection, promote the concept of ecological civilization, and advocate simple, moderate, low -carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, which is an important part of promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.In recent years, my country has continued to carry out themed publicity activities such as the National Energy Conservation Week, National Low -Carbon Day, Tree Planting Festival, Sixth and Five Environment Days, World Earth Day and other theme publicity activities. “Ten Articles of Civil Ecological and Environmental Behavior”, continuously strengthen citizens’ awareness, environmental protection awareness, and ecological consciousness.The National Women’s Federation and other departments jointly issued the “Green Family Creation Action Plan” to guide families to be advocates, participants, and practitioners of the general concept of ecological civilization.The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the newly revised “Classification Classification Classification Classification of the People’s Republic of China”, which identified 134 green occupations, actively guided and standardized green occupation development, helped expand the border of employment cognitive, and accumulated for the green development of economic and social green development.Talent power.In practice, many places actively carry out green life creation operations such as saving institutions, green families, green schools, green communities, green travel, green shopping malls, green buildings, etc., and create “zero carbon mechanism”, “zero carbon community”, “no waste city””Wait, promote the concept of green life to the use of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and promote the gradually becoming popular.
(The author is the professor
Coordinated transformation to enhance the gold content and green content of economic and social development
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders emphasized: “It is necessary to promote the green transformation of economic and social development and coordinate carbon reduction, dirt reduction, greening, and growth.”To promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, it is necessary to consider overall consideration, global grasp, and coordinated promotion, and deal with a series of important relationships such as development and protection, overall and local, current and long -term.Green development is a comprehensive and revolutionary change of production methods, lifestyle, thinking methods and values. It involves structural optimization adjustment, resource conservation and utilization, environmental pollution prevention, ecosystem quality and stability.To this end, we must adhere to the transformation of collaborative transformation, pay attention to the integrity, correlation, and coupling of material civilization and ecological civilization, penetrate the system concepts into the entire process of economic and social development and ecological environmental protection.Contains green.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has continued to strive to promote the high -quality development of the economy and society and the protection of high -level ecological environment, and has achieved a series of important results.Since 2012, we have supported an average annual economic growth with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of more than 6%. Renewable energy installation exceeds the national coal power installation capacity, and the installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, solar power generation, and biomass power generation are stable.Living in the world first.While the cumulative carbon emissions intensity decreased by more than 35%, the quality of ecological environment continued to improve.In 2023, the average concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) in cities and above in the country was 30 micrograms/cubic meter, and the proportion of cross -section ratio of excellent water quality (Class I -III) in the country was 89.4%.At the same time, we must also see that at present, the construction of ecological civilization in my country is still in a critical period of stress superposition and loading. Facing the dual pressure of economic development and ecological environmental protection, we must adhere to the coordinated transformation as a traction and continue to promote the comprehensive green of economic and social development. Transformation.
Persist in target collaboration.To promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between high -quality development and high -level protection. Consciously restrict economic activities and human behavior within the limit of natural resources and ecological environment, promote development in green transformation and achieve qualityEffective improvement and reasonable growth.To achieve this goal, an important aspect is to incorporate ecological environmental protection as a constraint indicator into the economic and social development index system.Seeking dynamic balance in the goal, focusing on building a green low -carbon circular economic system, accelerating the industrial green transformation and upgrading, promoting the research and development and application of green low -carbon technology, and accelerating the formation of green development and lifestyle.
Pay attention to field collaboration.Adhering to the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development with collaborative transformation, the key is to achieve overall coordination and coordination between various fields, consistent pace in the field, and coordinate carbon reduction, dirt reduction, greening, and growth.Carbon reduction needs to deal with the relationship between the “double carbon” commitment and independent action based on national conditions, balance the development of the “four structures”, new energy and traditional energy, emerging industries and traditional industries, and promote the “dual control” of energy consumption to gradually move towards carbon carbon.The “dual control” transformation of emissions.Discover reduction, it is necessary to follow the inherent laws of pollution reduction, adhere to the accurate, scientific, and polluting multi -pronged approach according to law, and strengthen the coordinated control of multi -pollutants and greenhouse gas.Expanding green needs to improve the diversity, stability, and continuity of the ecosystem, adhere to the integrated protection and system governance of landscapes, forests, lakes and sand, and comprehensive use of natural recovery and manual repairThe main pattern of protection and governance from the top of the mountain.Growth needs to coordinate the gold content and green content of economic development, reduce the amount of carbon content, and increase the “beautiful economy” due to local conditions in “point green”.
Highlight the coordination of the subject.To adhere to the coordinated transformation, it is also necessary to coordinate the relationship between the subjects such as the government, enterprises, social organizations, and the public, and organically integrate the principles of strategy and the flexibility of strategies to overall the top -level design and local practice exploration.First, the political responsibility for ecological environmental protection of party committees and governments at all levels and the government at all levels will improve the scientific and reasonable assessment and evaluation system, and organize and carry out the effective assessment of the construction results of beautiful China.The second is to strengthen the coordination and linkage of economic development and the construction of ecological civilization construction, promote the implementation of the responsibility of the construction of ecological civilization, and form a strong joint force to focus on the construction of a beautiful China.The third is to improve the enterprise’s environmental protection and credit evaluation system and green fiscal and tax financial policies, so that enterprises can obtain reasonable returns in protecting the ecological environment.In addition, it is necessary to vigorously promote the concept of ecological civilization, cultivate ecological culture, so that green and low -carbon lifestyles can be popular, and continuously strengthen the ideological consciousness and actions of all people’s participation in the construction of beautiful China.
Strengthen regional collaboration.The differences in economic development and natural resource endowments in various regions of my country are obvious. To promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, we must adhere to regional coordinated development and strengthen the coordinated governance of ecological and environmental regions.At present, many places in my country are taking the opportunity of implementing major national and regional strategies, strengthening green development collaboration between regional watersheds, and promoting the joint control of the ecological environment.For example, in promoting the coordinated development of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, it highlights the joint control of ecological and environmental joint construction, strengthen regional pollution coordinated governance, and promote coordinated development of population, economy, resources, and environment.In promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, highlighting the major protection, not engaged in major development, insisted on strengthening the coordinated integration of regions as a focus point, adhered to inter -provincial discussion, ecological co -governance, global co -construction, development and sharing, further promoting the Yangtze River economy economyBring high -quality development.In promoting the ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin, insisting on the coordinated operation of water fixing the city, the water, and the water, and the production of water, pay attention to the coordinated operation of the upstream and downstream, the left and right shores, and the dry tributaries.New path of high -quality development of regional characteristics.This series of important measures has effectively enhanced the systemic, synergistic, and effectiveness of my country’s economic and social development comprehensive green transformation, and gathered strong joint efforts to promote the high -quality development of green.
(The author is the Deputy Director of the Supreme Leadership Ecological Civilization Research Center)
Innovate the transformation of innovation, inject new kinetic energy into the development of new quality productivity
Li Haisheng
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership pointed out: “Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new productivity” “Green development is the background color of high -quality development, and new productivity itself is green productivity.”Adhering to innovation and transformation is an important part of promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. It can inject new kinetic energy for the development of new quality and productivity, and gather strong driving forces to achieve a beautiful China with high -quality development and the harmonious coexistence of builders and nature.
The new quality productivity is characterized by innovation and the large -factor productivity has been greatly improved as the core sign. It has high -tech, high -efficiency energy, and high -quality characteristics.Adhering to innovation and transformation, strengthening green low -carbon technology innovation, meet the requirements of new productive development development, can greatly reduce pollutants and carbon emissions, improve the effectiveness of industrial green development, and promote productivity development to improve quality and efficiency.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has vigorously promoted the research of green technology around the target of beautiful Chinese construction, and promoted the “Made in China” to “China Intelligent Manufacturing” in innovation and transformation. Promoting the industrialization of a series of major scientific and technological achievements has effectively promoted the vigorous development of emerging industries such as new energy.
At present, my country has built the world’s largest power supply system and clean power generation system. Hydropower, wind power, solar power generation, and biomass power generation installations ranked first in the world.While vigorously developing green emerging industries, it has given full play to the promotion of scientific and technological innovation in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and use clean production technology innovation to promote resource conservation and use.From 2012 to 2021, the energy consumption of my country’s GDP of 10,000 yuan decreased by 26.4%.In 2021, the amount of recycled resources such as waste steel and other 9 recycled resources reached 385 million tons.From 2013 to 2022, while achieving the overturn of GDP, the number of severe pollution was reduced by 93%.The dry flow of the Yangtze River in the Yangtze River has maintained in class II in recent years.At present, my country’s economic and social development has entered a stage of high -quality development of accelerated green and low -carbon.Cultivate and develop new productive productivity in the new development stage, urgently need to increase innovation and transformation, accelerate the establishment of an innovation system that requires adapting to the development of new quality, and vigorously carry out the integration innovation, technological innovation, standard innovation, institutional innovation of standards in the green and low carbon field, Strive to achieve a group of leading and original innovation results, and provide strong support for the development of new productive forces.
Strengthen integrated innovation and forge accelerators for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.At present, the role of artificial intelligence technology has played in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes.Promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is an important aspect of promoting the deep integration of digital intelligence technology with environmental technology and industrial technology, and establishing a green low -carbon technology innovation system for the industrial chain, forming research and development, design, materials, production, management, etc.The “big data” of the link builds an analysis and prediction “big model” based on the analysis and prediction of resource energy consumption, pollution emissions, carbon emissions, and environmental impact assessment, strive to improve the productivity of the entire factor, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.
Strengthen technological innovation and build incubators that cultivate emerging industries and future industries.It is necessary to strengthen green low -carbon technology research, and provide strong technical reserves for the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries and opening up new future industry tracks.On the one hand, based on the nature of carbon emissions and pollutant emissions, the nature of the same root, homologous, and the same process of the same process, vigorously develop the technology of cleaning energy cleaning energy such as coal and fuel, and actively develop multi -pollutants, multi -scale, and interlaced pollution -based cooperative governance technologies.Realize the multiple income of energy -saving, water -saving, material saving, pollution reduction, and carbon reduction in the industry, and enrich the expression of new quality and productivity in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection.On the other hand, strengthen the key core technologies of emerging industries, strengthen the research on frontier technology in the future, and open up new tracks in the field of green and low -carbon in the field of green and low -carbon.
Strengthen standard innovation and create a green ruler of new productivity.Standard innovation is an important part of innovation and transformation.Aiming at the greenization of the entire life cycle of the industry, the construction of a green standard system that is compatible with the development of new quality productivity will help consolidate the green foundation of new productive development and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.On the one hand, it must iterate the existing environmental evaluation standards in a timely manner. In accordance with the requirements of the management and control requirements of the ecological environment, combined with the actual situation of the regional resource and environment, the old standards are revised due to the time.Requires the problems of not adapting; on the other hand, we must promote the collaboration of standards and study emerging industries and future industries, and integrate environmental standards such as clean production and emissions into green design, green manufacturing, green circulation, green investment and other standards.The green development standard system of the whole life cycle.In addition, it is necessary to deepen international exchanges and cooperation, actively participate in the formulation and revision of international standards such as carbon footprint and carbon logo, and create a favorable international environment for the development of new quality productive forces.
Strengthen institutional innovation and create a good ecology of developing new quality and productivity.The development of green productivity in innovation and transformation focuses on deepening the reform of the scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism, promoting the fusion of the four chains of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and strive to form a new type of production relationship that is compatible with new productive development.It is necessary to focus on optimizing the innovation mechanism of science and technology project organizations, clarify research tasks from industrial practice, and give demand for more participation and greater discourse rights in the aspects of scientific and technological strategy formulation, scientific research projects, and project commitment.Continuously improved the introduction of green science and technology talents, encouraged and guided scientific researchers to pay attention to the development of new productive productivity development to engage in scientific research, and help promote green science and technology innovation and green industry companies in both ways.Accelerate the construction of an integration mechanism for industry -university and research, promote the construction of innovative consortia in academic and industrial circles, improve the incentive mechanism of turning in green scientific and technological achievements, encourage scientific research units to dare to work, innovate enterprises dare to invest, and dare to transfer scientific and technological achievements to make the momentum of innovation and transformation more momentum.Foot, the potential energy of green and high -quality development is stronger.
(The author is the dean of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences)
Safety transformation, building the foundation and barrier of green and high -quality development
Gao Shizhen Hanxue
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership pointed out: “Promoting innovation development, coordinated development, green development, open development, and sharing development, all of which are national security and social stability. Without security and stability, everything cannot be talked about.” Comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. “It is an important part of high -quality development.Adhering to the safe transformation is conducive to building the foundation and barrier to build a high -quality development of green and high -quality, it is the specific manifestation of the overall national security outlook on high -quality development.
To achieve a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, it involves all aspects of energy structure, industrial structure, transportation structure, production and lifestyle, and other aspects. It is inevitable that there are many risks such as technology, economy, and society during the transformation process.For example, new energy has problems such as “eating by the sky” and “not easy to store” to a certain extent. It has the characteristics of randomness, volatility and intermittentity. In addition, the supporting technologies such as new energy storage need to be mature and perfect.A long period of time.In the process of green transformation, if the traditional energy guarantee is insufficient and the new energy security and reliability continuation ability is insufficient, it is easy to cause insufficient energy supply of local periods and parts of some regions.Therefore, adhering to the safe transformation is particularly important.
The Supreme Leadership General Secretary attaches great importance to the safety issues in green low -carbon transformation, and emphasizes that “ensuring the safety of energy security, the security of the industrial chain supply chain, food security, and ensuring the normal life of the masses, we must not be separated from reality and eager to achieve success.”In recent years, we have adhered to the principles of national overall planning, priority, two -wheel drive, unblocked internal and external, and preventing risks, actively and steadily promote the “double carbon” work, solidly promote the construction of ecological civilization, and ensure that the transformation is stable and orderly.Economic and social development has made important progress in comprehensive green transformation.In terms of traditional energy safety guarantee, the oil and gas field has increased the production and increase in exploration and development, and the production of crude oil and natural gas has continued to grow.Actively develop new energy and green low -carbon industries, and the industrial competitive advantage and level of security have been continuously improved.Renewable energy has developed rapidly, and energy transformation has made significant progress.As of the end of December 2023, my country’s total renewable energy power generation installation machine reached 1.516 billion kilowatts, accounting for 51.9%of the nationwide power generation installation machine, accounting for nearly 40%of global renewable energy power generation installation machines.Among the total energy production in 2023, non -fossil energy accounted for more than 40%.The green and low -carbon industry has continued to grow, and the level of industrial greening has improved significantly.In 2023, my country’s photovoltaic polysilicon, silicon wafers, battery films and components accounted for more than 80%of the global proportion; new energy vehicles production and sales accounted for more than 60%of the world’s proportion, ranking first in the world for 9 consecutive years; electric vehicles, lithium batteries and lithium batteries and lithium batteries and lithium batteries The export of photovoltaic products exceeded the trillion yuan mark for the first time, an increase of 29.9%year -on -year.In addition, my country has continued to strengthen the internal and external coordination of key mineral resources, forming the technical advantages and industrial advantages of the key mineral industry chain.
Green and low -carbon development is a complex project and long -term task in the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The adjustment of the energy structure and industrial structure cannot be achieved overnight, and it cannot be separated from reality.To promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, we must strengthen the top -level design, do a good job of overall planning, adhere to the first break, adhere to the safety bottom line, ensure the controlling risk of transformation, and ensure the smooth implementation of the transformation.
Ensure energy safety.Pay attention to traditional energy and new energy comparison and deep integration.On the one hand, it is necessary to realize that the poor oil and oil of coal rich are the national conditions of my country. It is difficult to change the energy structure based on coal -based energy structures in the short term. Traditional energy is gradually exited on the basis of new energy security and reliable replacement.It is necessary to further enhance the development and utilization level of coal, oil and gas, and other key mineral resources, and enhance the guarantee capacity of fossil energy pockets such as coal.Coordinate domestic and foreign oil and gas resource safety guarantees, appropriately increase the production and production in order to adhere to the bottom line of domestic resources to ensure the diversification of energy varieties, import sources, and transportation methods, and strengthen the safety guarantee of various types of energy infrastructure.On the other hand, accelerate the construction of a new energy system, actively develop renewable energy, strengthen the development of key core technology, consolidate the technological advantages and industrial advantages of the new energy field, and strive to enhance the regulatory ability and climate toughness of the energy system, ensure the operational safety of the new energy systemEssence
Ensure that the industrial chain supply chain is safe.The security of the industrial chain supply chain is an important part of economic security, with employment and social stability.It is necessary to optimize and adjust the industrial structure and vigorously develop the green and low -carbon industry.The increasing competition for the entire industry chain of renewable energy is increasing. It is necessary to strengthen the overseas layout and technical cooperation of key mineral resources to ensure the safety of the resources of new energy development.Strengthen the development of key core technology, use the advantages of diversified energy supply and demand in my country, and rich application scenarios, and continuously consolidate and develop technological advantages and industrial advantages in the new energy field.For traditional industries, it is not possible to use simple production capacity as the main way to reduce carbon reduction. Instead, it is necessary to coordinate the promotion of economic structure adjustment, resource reduction and utilization, energy structure adjustment and improve energy efficiency, and steadily promote the alternative, production equipment and production equipment and production equipment and production equipment and production equipment of zero carbon fuelThe green low -carbon transformation of the process, the efficient cycle utilization of raw materials and products, etc. to achieve green low -carbon transformation.
Guarantee the normal life of the people.Green transformation will bring practical benefits to the people, but it also needs to pay attention to the transformation to cause additional burden on some regions, industries, and people in a certain period. It needs to be resolved through mechanism construction.For example, the construction of a new power system requires an increase in investment in power storage facilities and power grid reconstruction. The corresponding costs need to be digested through electricity prices and other methods. The necessary guarantees should be given to low -income groups affected by electricity prices.Traditional fossil energy resources are affected and more direct due to green low -carbon transformation. It is necessary to take various measures to support the comprehensive green transformation of local economic and social development. Give full play to the positive role of green transformation on creating employment and helping the village’s comprehensive revitalization.Safe and orderly.
(Author Unit: Institute of Resources and Environmental Policy, Development Research Center of the State Council)