Play the environmental rectification of the "Five Departments" to sing the "strongest voice" of rural rejuvenation

Following the cement road of Tao Lun Club, Sandaozi Village, you can enjoy the green corn fields on both sides of the road.The gentle warm sun shrouded in the village, the flat cement roads are directly connected to the village, the house is neat and orderly, and vaguely see that there are vehicles passing by the road in the middle of the road. The villagers are sitting in the small park in the village.The scrolls open slowly.

Since the beginning of this year, in order to continue to consolidate the results of the living environment and create a clean, tidy, beautiful and livable rural living environment, Ao Le called to his town to adopt improvement to improving the living environment of rural pastoral areas as the focus of work, further clarify the goals of rectification, and play “The Fifth Mission “sings the” strongest voice “of rural rejuvenation.

The organizational deployment of the “pre -play” and environmental rectification “moved”.Established the working leadership group with the principals of the town party committee as the leader, the leaders of the management as the deputy team leader, the director of each office and the heads of Gacha Village and the community as a member.Clarify the target tasks and the focus of rectification, establish a three -level responsibility system of towns+Gacha Village, community+grid staff, and form a work situation of clear responsibilities and grasp of common management.Up to now, the Human Resources Environment Remediation Work Deployment Meeting has been held twice, and more than 10 people’s environmental problems have been coordinated.

Playing the publicity and guidance of “concerto”, and the environmental rectification “heat”.”I build my village, I love my homeland, and my environment is clean …” The promotional slogans in Gacha Village and the community in the town of Ao Lajiao can be seen everywhere.

In recent years, Ao Le called his town to adhere to publicity and guidance, create an atmosphere of the living environment, and make full use of the combination of “online+offline” to use WeChat public account, WeChat group, publicity bar, posted posters, Gacha Village, Play publicity slogans and other methods in the community LED electronic screen, and promote the importance of environmental sanitation.At the same time, through the “one -to -one” households and other methods, vigorously publicize and guide the masses to participate in the improvement of the living environment, consciously improve the improvement of the front, back, outdoor and outdoor environment, and carry out “the most beautiful family” and “the most beautiful courtyard” in the town throughout the town.Wait for the evaluation activities to create a strong atmosphere of “learning advanced, rushing progress, and effectiveness”.In 2024, more than 60 publicity content was pushed, and more than 1,000 publicity discounts were distributed.Selected 9 “Beautiful Courts” and 11 “Most Beautiful Family”.

Playing low -carbon green “tune”, environmental rectification “net”.In the past, the dry toilet conditions were not good, the summer flavor was large, mosquito and flies, and cold in winter.Now the toilet is clean, the mosquito flies are less, and the odor is gone. The former “open -air pit” is gradually being replaced by “water rush”. The once -worrying rural toilet is undergoing a “butterfly change”.Since the beginning of this year, Ao Le called his town to promote the toilet revolution and improve the appearance of village villages, and vigorously implement the five -year actions in the improvement of human living environment in rural pastoral areas.In accordance with the goal of “changing one household, one household, using one household, and a good household”, we will solidly carry out the “look back” of the toilet problem and rectification.

“The former outdoor dry toilet, smelly in summer, cold in winter. After the renovation of the household toilet, my toilet was entered into the courtyard.I am willing to stay in my hometown. “Tabanstelga Gachason Gaisha said reluctantly after watching his own outdoor dry toilet into a bathroom.

In recent years, Ao Le called his town to insist on conducting the “five major rectification actions” of the living environment, more than 30,000 tons of garbage and sewage, and 180 trash cans.Beauty key “.Deepen the implementation of the “coal -to -electricity” and “gasification Hubei flag” project. The town eliminates 11.8 steaming tons of coal -fired boilers. The natural gas station in Ramidaai Village is promoted in an orderly manner. More than 1,000 households are transformed by clean energy heating and continuously promoting the construction of beautiful villages.

Play the “long -term song” of the entire chapter, and the environmental rectification is “long”.Establish a special inspection team to check the implementation of the people’s living environment on a regular basis, so as to discover, notify, and rectify together to achieve the dynamic clearance of environmental improvement problems.The assessment rankings will be evaluated, and the implementation of the people’s living environment for the human settlement and community’s living environment will be included in the assessment rankings, and will be included in the quarterly performance assessment of the cadre cadres of Gacha Village to establish a sound results mechanism to ensure that the rectification will not leak one place, the strength is not reduced, and the dead ends will not be left.Feedback the problems in time, and urge the implementation of rectification on schedule, inform and criticize the problems such as poor work, poor style and other issues, to ensure that the town’s sense of urgency will not be treated in time, and go all out to do a good job of rectifying the improvement of Gacha Village and community living environment.EssenceAs of now, more than 130 inspections have been carried out, more than 60 problems have been found, and all rectification has been completed.

Playing the people’s participation in the “symphony” and environmental rectification “pretty”.Entering the Sandao Spring Village of Ao La Zhao, I saw that party members and cadres and volunteers were wearing red vests and holding tools such as iron, broom and other tools.

In recent years, Ao La called his town to organically combine the improvement of Gacha Village and the community’s living environment with the “theme party day event”.Through the “party committee leadership, branch drive, party members and the masses participation” and “grid” management model, the effect of “governing one household, beautifying a group, and driving one” effect.”Now the village environment has improved, and the living standards of villagers have improved, and everyone will think about what they can do for the village.” Said Bai Li, a villager in Sandaoquanzi Village.

It is understood that more than 700 party members and cadres in the town have driven more than 3,000 people to consciously participate in the living environment of the living environment.Focusing on the rural roads of Gacha Village, cleaning the sides of the road to ensure the smooth and beautiful and beautiful along the rural roads.For comprehensive and thorough rectification of the phenomenon of random stacking and random construction in front of the community, the piles behind the house, the private construction and other phenomena, focus on clearing the “dead ends”, sweeping “blind spots”, attacking “difficulties”, and governing “illness” to ensure all the fullThe full coverage of sanitation cleaning is achieved within the town, and the level of hardening, greening, lighting, and beautification has been significantly improved.Up to now, 12 back streets and alleys have been renovated, and more than 300 dead corners of health have been removed; more than 30 illegal buildings have been banned, and more than 200 operations have been remedied.

The environment is beautiful, the mood is good, and the happiness of farmers and herdsmen is constantly improving.In the next step, Ao Le called his town to continue to take the most concern of the masses as the starting point.

Correspondent: Cao Honghong (Ao Le called his town)

Supervision 丨 Kang Shiping

Editor -in -law 丨 Su Yuan

Review 丨 Zhang Youlin

School pair 丨 Xi Chengbo

Edit 丨 Wu Tingwei

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