Why are many people disappointed in Chinese education?

Why are many people disappointed in Chinese education?

“”Is China’s education system bad?Will you let your child study abroad?When will I go out?How to get out?_ “

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The words of the family are used as a brick!

My educational experience

Today, I want to talk about my judgment and outlook on Chinese education.I talk about this as a quadruple.First, many years of education calendar: From the kindergarten that only reads only one month to graduation, I have gone through Chinese education for nearly 20 years.I have been observing, thinking, comparison, and reviewing their own learning.The second is the father of the two children, one child is 7 years old, and one child is 3 years old. Both will enter the domestic education system, and the choice of schools and family members has their own views and is not uniform.The third is that I am an educational practitioner.In the past, teaching Pei was my sideline. Now it is one of my company’s main business. From a young age, it has been stopped and stopped. Today, there has been a course of nearly 20 years. I have met all kinds of parents and students.The reform has been ongoing, and the problems existing seem to have not changed much.

The fourth is that I am an alternative in my family, or it can be said to be the alien in the family. My father graduated from the third grade of elementary school. My mother graduated from the first year. Most of my parents’ peers or elders are like this.Most of them also stepped into the society in junior high school and high school. In addition to a few cousins who had taught after college, they also went to college or university.

I mentioned this, not to show off anything, mainly because the importance of the environment or atmosphere of education, and the relationship between class solidification is closely related to this.Why is the cold door difficult to get a noble son?This is a big factor.Imagine that the exam is important to say that 5G is important. Many people have no mobile phones. I haven’t used 4G. How can I talk to you about 5G?IntersectionDon’t get far away, so far.

In view of my identity, I am often asked: Chinese education is really bad. Should I send my children out to study high school (university)?Some people even plan to send him abroad when the child is very young.

Sometimes some people ask, why do you return to China?

More often, I will ask, my children are not stupid, why do n’t you like to learn?Why are you always careless?How is the score that is like this?

My judgment on Chinese education

First of all, I don’t think how bad the education system in China is.I am sure that China’s education system has its huge advantage.In terms of curriculum setting, Chinese education has always been very international, and the writing of English is closer to English native speakers.Chinese and mathematics have always been placed in the core.

Grade settings and entrance examinations, etc., both ensure the solid foundation of learning and taking into account the fairness, fairness,

Even if there are so many disputes every year, relatively speaking, the college entrance examination system is the most fair and reasonable competitive mechanism.Because it basically competes for students ‘personal abilities, rather than parents’ sponsorship of schools, or the relationship between parents, even if there is a trend of “cold door”, it is not for the wealthy and rich people.Can operate at will.

In addition, it has been reforming, has been absorbing advanced concepts, and has been trying.Although some are good results, some will make things worse, but it is still trying to improve, and we should support it.

It is undeniable that our education system still has more serious problems.Not only are there many homework, many test papers, and the only score theory. The long student’s career is poor and poor.And when you noticed, you have reached the second half of your life.

This is what I do “Knowing the difficult thinking strategy“One of the main reasons.

I hope to change some people’s learning methods, change some people’s thinking, and make them grow healthily and naturally into talents!

The times give usInformation explosionEssenceMost schools and students have not changed.(Prussian class lectures and Soviet -style instill.

① Update fast

The surrounding world changes rapidly, new things and concepts appear every day. The concept of fire yesterday is still out of date. How can we learn a strange field efficiently?

The knowledge we are studying seems a bit old?Newton’s law and calculus were invented hundreds of years ago.

We don’t seem to use it in the future?Does my daily life need to use calculus?

② Many knowledge

Facing a large amount of knowledge information, various self -media, public accounts, Zhihu, Douyin, Himalayan, obtaining … How can we build an effective system to start learning?

And what should I do if there are poisonous grass?

Just like this winter vacation, how many seemingly correct rumors have appeared in the closure period of the epidemic?How to know?

For learners, we are born with two obstacles to cross:

① Our time and energy are very limited

Everyone has only 24 hours a day. You can only learn that thing. It is impossible to learn all the books in the library in just a few seconds like artificial intelligence.

So what to learn and how to learn is particularly important.

During the usual holiday, the teacher desperately persuaded students to do more about their own subjects.

The school teacher and extracurricular training class are competing for the time control of 24 hours.

Naturally, there are all kinds of hobbies themselves.

This is the biggest problem of all education issues, and it is also the biggest concentration point in education.

② The brain is not good at understanding and memory

What is even more sad is that our brain is a lazy worm.

It will step on a small trail that is not existed on the lawn of the park like the shortest distance between two points.It will also be like a current, and it will go to the small resistance to the small resistance.

We have a proprietary name, called this phenomenon, calledThe principle of minimum force, Popular point is called “You can use your brain without your brain“”.

This is why you feel very painful to read those difficult books. Honestly, there are many excellent friends around me. Some of them are very smart, the first three grades; some are very perseverance, once engaged in special forces;Dazhi has been starting a business.

However, they are reluctant to read, because they have to think about it and understand that this is too painful.

People are such amazing species. We are not afraid of physical pain, but we are afraid of the pain of thinking.

in addition,The brain is not good at memoryEssence(Specific referenceIbaibos forgotten curve.

Of course, this is not the reason you can not learn.

On the contrary, this is your learning needsDirection of hard workIntersection


There is no doubt that we Chinese are hardworking and are good at learning.Some are already experimented, some are considering incorporating the test, and some are learning.

Why do children do not take the exam? How can children get so good in international testing?In a small country, there are so many well -known creative designers in the world. For them, what does competition mean and how successful is success?”

“The Japanese do things perfectly to abnormal, is it the same when they were young? Is the Japanese ‘collectivism education’, do they understand a concept with us?”

“There are many people in India, and public education in the environment is not good. Why are there so many executives in the world’s Fortune 500 miles?”

“Israel is a country with a four -faced rival. How can it become” Entrepreneurship and Governance “so many Chinese companies to investigate Jewish myth each year. Have you ever seen what children there have been in it?”

“Now so many Chinese families choose to study or study in the UK or study, what are we talking about when we talk about ‘British noble education’?”

This is the advantage of foreign education summarized by many friends.I didn’t say the United States here, why?

Because in their minds, the United States is the best educational country, otherwise why do so many outstanding people go to the United States?

So, let’s talk about some countries I have been in contact and understand in -depth.


Contact Israel because of the former industrial investment.At that time, there was a magnificent goal to introduce these innovations and high -tech companies of Israel to China to create a “Smart Valley” (imitated Silicon Valley).Provincial leaders are also very supportive.As a result, I naturally came into contact with Israel’s education.For the four wars in Israel, the country established by the Jews for thousands of years.Speaking of its education, it is actually the education of the Jewish nation.The core lies in theirFamily education and early childhood educationIntersection

Reading, asking and debate is the most important life composition of his life.And treat wealth, many of them think that reading (book) is the most important wealth!

I think this is why their nation is so excellent.

Israel’s system education is more free, only in the first half of the day.In addition, parents and social environment also support students’ interest in developing individuals.This is also the root cause of its innovative companies.

However, the result of this operation is only good for people with high talents.

At the same time, I thought of another sentence: war is the driving force of technology.(I like peace!)

Such an external environment forced them to develop technology to obtain living space.


The British impressed me the most, but not aristocratic education.But the other two:

The first is respect.The second is process.

Respect from a small thing.During studying abroad, you can bring family members.If the conditions are appropriate, you can also get additional subsidies.

I went to a Malaysian friend’s house that day.

His wife was just pregnant, and a daughter was only sent to kindergarten at the age of three, and she did teaching in that kindergarten, teaching Chinese or something, semi -voluntary nature, and not high salary.

The friend introduced his wife and his daughter’s name, both in Chinese.

Naturally, we are habitually teasing children, and habitually call her in the last word of the child’s last word.As a result, the children were unhappy.At first, I whispered to my mother.Mom was a little embarrassed to see her husband.The child repeated again to her father.The words were very long, the voice was too small, we didn’t hear it clearly.Her father smiled and said frankly: “My daughter said, you should respect me, I am not a child, not a toy, I am a student (I grew up)!”

After listening, we immediately apologized, and we regarded her as our peers, but we were very happy all night.Perhaps this matter is also within the concept of noble education.What is even more surprising is that in the school and other occasions in the school, we can all see all kinds of disabled people, all of them live naturally, study hard, and work hard. This is the previous me.Dare not imagine!

The processization is reflected in the two things that I have applied for visas and registration at that time.

That year was the first public in my country to expand to 5,000 people.There were a lot of accidents.

The first is a visa.

For the British project, it is clearly writtenWork permit visaEssenceThis is a work visa, which is used for those who work in the UK, and we are students and we study.I am wondering, that’s how the official response -is just a British boss.This visa is expensive, and it is difficult to apply.The visa fee is not much expensive. The key is that the number of visas is small.Give you a student, and people who want to work will have one chance.As a result, communication and communication, arrived in the UKThe Ministry of the Interior (equivalent to our State Council)EssenceThe British boss is very convincing and influential, and got it for me.

What I did not expect was that the British government changed the visa process and policies of Huajiuying students, making things easier to operate.

The second is registration.

When I get to local universities, I want to be their students so that I can enjoy all conveniences -check the library and use instruments.However, registering as a student must pay £ 10,000, I do n’t have so much public fee throughout the year. The most troublesome thing is that I get a work visa -they are worried that I am a fake student, will waste their resources, and grab them.The job opportunity, even if I am alone!As a result, it was a telephone communication. I believe me, this communication is more than N, and some people are not in the job (the vacation is gone), and the result is still done by the boss.

It took a little cost to get out of his scientific research expenses, making me a student in a book, and holding a work visa.And, there is an additional work case in this school–Similar situations in the future, follow this according to thisIntersectionNo need to communicate again, then pull the skin, and then ask for instructions.


Understanding Japan’s education stems from a 12 -year consistent noble school creation project of scriptures.The 12 years here refers to the 3 years of young children, 6 years in elementary school, and 3 years in junior high school.A school in high school was originally running.The project operator first inspects hardware investment.

Under my strong suggestion, we consider more on the campus design of Japan.

This is also one of the characteristics I think in Japanese education–Humanized campus designIntersection

These designs are reflectedThe environmental protection of materials, bright colors, close to nature, in line with the nature of children!

The roof is a long runway. It is connected to the stairs and connected to the sliding ladder. The favorite activities of the children are the long running road.

And rarely use rubber runways, sand, soil, stones.Naturally, children will break the skin when they are playing. The teacher will carefully disinfect the treatment, and at the same time will be educated by opportunity -not afraid of pain, facing setbacks, and so on.

The room is large and bright, and it makes full use of the theory of multiple disciplines such as psychology, color, and engineering, so that children are open -minded and faster, and they can listen to the rain with the teacher and watch the wind!

The second Japanese education impressed me for self -care and self -reliance.

Just as in the cartoon “Crayon Shinko” and “Cherry Maruko”, starting from the kindergarten, each student must bring a lot of things every day, including clothes and shoes on the road, clothes and shoes on sports activities, and some of them.Tableware, learning supplies, etc., and these things must be sorted out or carrying themselves, even with adults.


To put it simply, rigorous, in -depth, focus on the cultivation of the ability to operate.

Several German doctoral students I have contacted, who are reading, are higher levels than many domestic professors, and open thinking will discuss with you the research he is doing and some thoughts. I am not afraid that you will secretly do yourself after stealing the teacher.


Whether I am in contact with, or classmates, students, the most go to the United States.

From multiple levels, multiple people, multiple regions, the feedback is summarized:

U.S. schools before college appear to be relatively relaxed and free, but they are also fierce competition.

Because you want to go to college and go to a famous school, you are not only a grade. You also need to deliberately participate in some activities. What cheerleaders, sports competitions, and technology competitions are all. Various campaign activities and public welfare activities are counted.

At the same time, their courses are not so much and not so useful, butA bit “wide”.

For example, learning “water” for more than a year can be learned, from living water to water circulation, to all kinds of water related to food and engineering.Our college students may not be compared, just this point.

At university, this feature is even more obvious.

All kinds of projects and bonuses allow you to work hard in the direction you are interested in!
And it is not difficult to change the direction.

And you can have multiple directions at the same time.

(Think about the dozens of doctoral degrees in “Crime Psychology”.)


Many foreign ideas and experiences have landed in China.For example, the color of the kindergarten is bright.(Although design and humanization still probably have a probability.)

For example, quality education and STEAM education.(Although there are many places that are not satisfactory.) For exampleRemove the only SCI measures of graduate studentsIntersectionIt cannot be denied that we are trying to innovate.

In this, we also need to consider the fundamental differences between the educational systems of Chinese and Western countries.

The Chinese education system isCollectiveIt is pursuing a large number of people to reach a certain standard.This is the reason why many parents criticize, and we can push it out. These parents have a probability that the finance is more free or the family does not have much pressure. They have experienced the killing of thousands of troops and the hard work of the college entrance examination and the hard work of the workplace.The children start at a higher position, live a better life, and get better opportunities.But China’s educational mechanism is not suitable for talented students and good families.It pays attention to consistency, standardization, and collective.

Therefore, it also brings a second disadvantage:Too much attention to the standards and excellence of paper surfaces lacks the connection of real world.This is why students generally lack interest.

Is there any reason?Because of the popularity of the Internet and smartphones, they have greatly broaden their horizons. The prevalence of high -speed rail aircraft has greatly expanded their scope of activities.

The small school, dry and old knowledge, makes them feel boring.This contrast is so strong that our teaching materials reform and hardware investment update are completely too late, let alone the update of the concept.

Some people say that the change of ideas is not very simple?Wrong, this is the hardest.Don’t believe it, try the life concept of a few people around you.The concept is long -lasting, which is human behavior habits.Therefore, it is difficult to change, and it is more difficult to adapt to a batch of fresh trend -like students.

In terms of management, the class teaching is the most cost -effective. Teachers feel hard, so I rarely think about changing myself to adapt to students, and I am authoritative -I have been teaching this course for 10 years!There are often feelings.

Our educational advantage

Our advantage is relatively obvious.Qiang is calculating, strong learning others, strong in skill training.

Similarly, our disadvantages are obvious.Weakness, weakness in creativity, weakness in flexibility.


In terms of system, design multiple exports: work, research, abroad, etc., and can be diverted in the low grade section, and at the same time allow switching.

In terms of teacher cultivation, in addition to capital support, there must be a chance to support, so that more teachers have exposed to real new educational concepts and experiences.

At the same time, the elimination and preferred of the normal distribution of normal distribution!

From a social perspective, the development of training institutions of various advanced education concepts is encouraged to make up for the flexibility of the system.

For families, its own learning atmosphere is the most important, creating it well is the responsibility of parents.

For students, the most important thing is the method of learning. It is necessary to learn learning as the purpose of learning itself, not just good grades and further studies!