After I checked the Xinhua Dictionary, I learned the true meaning of "education"

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Education level VS education, how important is it?

The college entrance examination in 2020 was forced to extend because of the epidemic, which repeatedly caused everyone’s theory.

Although it is no longer “all kinds of products, but only the high reading”, the deep -rooted “university dream” of the Chinese people has always stumped people’s hearts.”Education” has also become a topic of attention. Many people think that without high education, they cannot be based on society and cannot determine good achievements.

There are also opinions that social iterations are updated quickly. A paper diploma can only represent a moment and the past, and it cannot determine how much a person’s achievement is.

Behind the two views is actually awareness of the word “education”.

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What exactly is “education”?


What do you “teach”?

In the Xinhua Dictionary, the explanation of “teaching” when “teaching” is: ① “passing knowledge or skills to people”; ② let; let; let ~.Vocabulary related to “teaching” includes teaching, teaching, lessons, teaching, teaching, teaching, and so on.

What do you “teach”?Teaching knowledge, teaching skills, teaching rules, teaching people …


What is “education”?

In the Xinhua Dictionary, the interpretation of “education” is: ① fertility; ② feeding; ③ education.The vocabulary related to “education” has giving birth, breeding, cultivation, care, and nurturing.

What is “education”?Causage, parenting, seedling, breeding; breeding of life, raising children, cultivating character/personality/power/values …

In the line, it is not difficult to find the difference between the two.

“Teaching” is more about passing knowledge and skills to others. As long as it is passed out, the task of “teaching” is completed. As for whether the other party can absorb and use it, it seems not so important.

“Education” requires time and energy.Breeding is an October pregnant, which will be nurtured for at least half a year or a year. The cultivation must be judged according to the seed’s habits to determine the energy, mind, and time … This is a process of continuously internalizing the content of “teaching”.process.In the content of “education”, in addition to the knowledge and skills of “teaching”, there are some wider, even invisible and invisible range.

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Different results of “education”

Back to reality, there are many cases that can help us better understand the connotation and extension of “education”.

In 2016, a young heart stopped beating in everyone’s expectations.Lin Jiawen, known as “History Genius”, published two historic monographs before 16 years old. He has received olive branches from Tsinghua and Peking University, but on the eve of the upcoming enrollment of college, because “I can’t see the hope of the future in the future.”I chose to commit suicide.

Our parents and teachers gave Lin Jiawen higher than ordinary people’s knowledge and skills, but failed to cultivate his healthy and positive soul.

I have a lot of cases. Parents complain about bad behaviors of children dragging, rubbing, moving, not doing homework, or how to help children get more knowledge and skills, but rarely pay attention to children’sInner world; their education is often staying in “I tell him”, “the truth has been talked about countless times”, but did not reflect on how to create an atmosphere suitable for learning, how to cultivate children’s good character, let alone spend time and time and without spending time and time.Energy to accompany your children to develop good personality and values, and to pin his hope on the teacher.

Only pay attention to the content of “teaching” and ignore the process of “education”.As long as you reflect on, why do n’t there be so many elementary school students to wash or sweep the floor?Why do you have so many middle school students who do n’t understand washing and cooking?Why are there so many college students who can’t manage their lives?You can realize the lack of “education” in daily life.

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How to pay attention to the process of “education”?

1. “Education” requires a stable, secure and harmonious environment.

Don’t expect families with a daily TV voice to cultivate a child who does not like watching TV.If you want your child to read, you must create the atmosphere of reading.

① Create a hard environment: such as turning off TV, increasing reading space, learning/experimental space, adjusting lights, etc.

② Manufacturing soft environment: reduce quarrels and nagging, and lead children with action.If you want your child to read, read it yourself; if you think that your child is curious, take your child to learn a scientific experiment; if you want your child to exercise together!

2. “Education” is by no means overnight, and the continuous process can develop good habits.

① Set the target of raising: think about the goal of raising (what kind of person do you want children to be? Need to have those skills and quality), and disassemble it into a small goal.

② Do a good job of schedule: What is done to complete every day, it can help the target landing.

3. Keep a peaceful mentality: Radoring is a dynamic balance process. As the child grows up, the vision is wide, and new challenges may happen every day.Occasionally fluctuations are allowed to move forward step by step.