The exercise is young, but why are anyone "old" after fitness?

Exercise fitness can make muscles and skin tight, and the whole person looks younger, but why do some people exercise every day, but muscles and skin are loose. It looks “old”?
“Life Times” comprehensively concentrates on the point of view of many experts to explain why it will be “old” after exercise, and teach you to choose the exercise that suits you.
Why does anyone “show old” after exercise
Wu Zhigang, an associate professor of the Military Training Injury Prevention Center of the Tangdu Hospital of the Air Force University of the Air Force, said that the following reasons may affect the “shaping” effect after exercise, resulting in “old age” after exercise.
Lack of skin care consciousness
Outdoor exercise for a long time, especially without any sunscreen measures, strong ultraviolet rays can stimulate melanin production, make the skin black, and produce sunburn and wrinkles.
Studies have found that ultraviolet rays will also destroy the skin’s collagen fiber and collagen, reduce skin collagen repair and synthetic ability, and reduce elastic fibers to accelerate skin aging.
suggestion:Apply sunscreen, hats and sunglasses during outdoor sports, and pay attention to moisturizing at the same time, clean the face in time after exercise.
Diet structure is biased
In order to ensure that the energy supply is sufficient and timely, some fitness people will consume more breads, biscuits, snacks, etc., which contain excess free sugar, combine with protein in the body to generate late sugar -based ending products (AGES).The skin level is skin glycogenized, manifested as decreased skin elasticity, increased wrinkles, pigment precipitation and dry water.
suggestion:Reduce the intake of exquisite carbohydrates and supplement high -quality protein.
Quickly reduce fat
The skin relaxation after fast fat reduction is mostly manifested in the abdomen, such as the loose belly, sometimes appearing on the face, which shows that the wrinkles are increased.This is because when weight gain, the skin will be stretched and stored with extra fat from the skin. When the subcutaneous fat is quickly consumed, and the muscle quality is not improved in time, the skin will lose support and relax.
suggestion:Gradually lose weight to ensure that the skin has enough time to adapt to weight changes; aerobic exercise combines resistance training to ensure muscle growth, better delay aging, and pay attention to hydrating and maintain adequate sleep.
Over -fit
When the level of fatigue is greater than the level of adaptation, it will lead to “excessive training syndrome”. In the early days, accompanied by mental weakness, fatigue weakness, decreased memory, and inadequate attention.EssenceFrom the perspective of personal feelings and mental appearance, it will also cause people to have the illusion of “not old first”.
In addition, proper exercise can release stress and improve work efficiency. Excessive exercise makes the body exhausted, muscle soreness, resulting in low work efficiency, weak mental, and people seem “decadent”.
suggestion:For those who do not have exercise habits, the training intensity should be increased with the improvement of physical fitness; each exercise time does not exceed 1 hour, and the body rests for 1-2 days a week.
Aerobic VS resistance
Which sports anti -wrinkle effect is better?
In addition to the habits mentioned above, the effects of different types of sports will also be different in the effects of shaping and delaying skin aging.
Researchers at the University of Japan ’s Naomanti University conducted a 16 -week random study on 61 healthy middle -aged Japanese women, comparing the impact of aerobic training and resistance training on skin aging.
Researchers monitor their various physiological indicators such as skin elasticity, dermis structure, blood lipid levels, and cycle factors related to skin aging in serum.
After comparing the two types of exercise, find out:
Aerobic and anti -resistance training improves skin elasticity and leather upper structure.Anti -resistance training can increase the skin thickness of the skin (enhance the skin barrier function, improve skin elasticity, and promote microcirculation).How to choose aerobic exercise and resistance exercise?
When the human body is moving in an environment with sufficient oxygen, it mainly relies on consuming sugar, fat, and amino acids to produce energy to meet the body’s needs.When performing anti -resistance, it mainly consumes sugar to supply energy.
Determine whether it is the standard for aerobic exercise
When the heart rate is between (220-age) × 65%and (220-age) × 85%, it belongs to aerobic exercise; the heart rate exceeds (220-age) × 85%is anaerobic exercise.
Chen Wei, chief physician of clinical nutrition department of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing Union Hospital, suggested that during the exercise, aerobic exercise consumes a lot of fat, while the resistance movement consumes sugar.
For those who reduce fat as the main purpose of weight loss, it is recommended to focus on aerobic exercise;
For those who are not too fat in themselves, those who want to sculpt their body curve through exercise are mainly recommended for resistance.
In addition, personal age and health status, sports environment conditions, physical skills, and hobbies should be selected for your own sports form, and at the same time, exercise that is conducive to key parts of the body according to the movement goals.
For example, swimming is more suitable for those who are obese, and Prapius is more helpful to abdominal obesity.You can use energy consumption or similar physical activity or exercise to replace it. For example, swimming can be replaced with jogging, skipping or cycling. Badminton can be replaced with volleyball, tennis or dancing.Or a bike to replace.
Aerobic exercise+resistance exercise = the best solution
Aerobic exercise is good, but it also consumes the amino acids of synthetic protein while reducing fat.This will lead to a reduction in protein in the body, and protein is an important synthetic element of muscle. Lack of protein, muscle will be reduced.
(Picture source: Clinical Nutrition Network)
It is recommended that before the aerobic exercise, it is recommended to consume sugar through more than ten minutes of resistance to enhance muscle elasticity, and then enter the process of aerobic exercise fat.In this way, anaerobic exercise is combined with anti -resistance exercise, which improves the efficiency of fat consumption and exercises muscles, which is conducive to body curve sculpture.▲
Source: Life Times WeChat public account