What is science, is science truth, why is the Chinese so obsessed with science?

Since the birth of human beings, the Homo sapiens have begun to explore the natural things of the universe world, including human beings itself, and thus have theological, philosophy and science. Since the birth of science, in a long period of time, science has not been defined in detail in detail.It is difficult for people to say what science is!
Is the prosperity of human modern society changed because of science? Obviously not, because technology has changed.In ancient times, science and technology were two -cooked things, scientific emphasis on thinking models, and technology emphasizing applications.It was not until modern basic theory science and application science eventually developed into a huge system, so science and technology, science and technology have formed unity.After the formation of science and technology, it has developed a significant role in promoting human society. A series of technological changes have increased productivity by hundreds and thousands of times, and human beings can quickly enter industrial and commercial civilization.Society has also developed rapidly. A series of scientific and technological inventions have entered a new era.
From theology to philosophy to science, they are in the same vein. The second half of Newton’s life is dedicated to studying theology, so that many modern people joke about Newton’s second half of Newton.It is not known that the ancient European theology is highly stable, and even modern Europe believes at least 80%of God.The Chinese do not believe in God. What do the Chinese believe in, and believe in science, so what is science?
For the time being, the theology is not to mention. To put it simply, philosophy has a major characteristic of “scientific preview”, and philosophy will inevitably lead to science, because the so -called science is the process of the large information of the philosophy model.For example, modern mathematics and geometry, these things are created by Bidorlas and Oujilin. They were by no means a scientific application tool at first. They were the ultimate cause of finding the existence of this world.These are purely philosophical logic products, but now they have become the most basic way of thinking in the entire scientific tool.
Besides atomicism, most modern people think that atoms are the result of modern physics and chemistry in depth.Our atomic physics and all the problems discussed in particle physics are actually the problems raised by the atomoter of the atomotero and Democulett 2500 years ago, and have not yet been discussed so far.
Russell, a well -known European philosopher, has summarized that the so -called philosophy is a discussion of the forward -looking non -certain issues of scientific issues.As early as 2000 years ago, philosophers had already derived the world’s things in pure logic consisting of one or several basic elements.However, it was impossible to have a very rigorous atomic model at the time, nor could it be processed by certainty.This state of early discussion but cannot accurately achieve the result is philosophy.
Science is precise logical derivation and experimental verification on the issue of philosophical discussion. In the end, detailed conclusions are obtained, and major scientific results are produced.
Why are there no major scientists in China and no big philosophers in modern times?It is because philosophy and science are inheritance in the same vein. Most of our countries engage in philosophy are philosophers and scholars, that is, the experts who study a philosopher, called philosophers.When we look at Chinese education, liberal arts and sciences are separated, which makes philosophy people are relatively strange to natural sciences.Let’s see that the famous European philosophers are basically everyone in natural sciences. In ancient times, such as Aristotle, European several miles; modern times such as Newton, Leibniz, Einstein and so on.None of these people are very proficient in one or number of natural sciences.
Why is there no great scientist in China?This is to start with China’s geographical location. China belongs to the Asia -Pacific closed landform.Therefore, China’s landform is very suitable for agricultural society. Agricultural civilization needs a stable and secure social environment.After entering the agricultural civilization, the population has skyrocketed, because a person can feed a family by cultivating a person, and there is a good grain for harvesting.A large population growth will also bring another problem, which is the relationship between the relationship between people and social management.Therefore, after entering the agricultural civilization, people’s inquiry is basically a problem of humanity. A little heresy is called “Qi people worry about the sky.”If the sages are exploring these issues in depth, many major philosophers will also occur in China, which will derive the major scientists.
In ancient China, there were many scientists, such as Zhang Heng, Zu Chongzhi, Shen Kuo, Song Yingxing, etc., but their contributions to humans did not have the great contribution of modern western scientists to humans.The scientific research made by ancient Chinese scientists is basically biased towards application science, and most of them are summarized on the basis of practice, so there will be serious limitations and restraints.
So why modern Chinese people believe in science so much so that the level of “scientific education” is mainly because China is undergoing the history of modern humiliation and has been oppressed by imperialism.After experiencing these humiliation and bullying, Chinese generations finally rose rapidly after the reform and opening up, and they have become a worldwide great country. Most of them benefit from modern science and technology.Make modern Chinese people have to look at science and technology, and China is also studying advanced science in the West. From elementary school to universities, all of them are learning Western science achievements.This makes the people have to respect it when they mention science!
The reason why science is fascinated by modern people is that science requires precise logic proof after being promoted.If it cannot be proved, then you need to explore whether you need to investigate it according to your own, such as quantum mechanics to talk about energy, so -called quantum is the smallest energy package.But so far, physics, including quantum mechanics, is not clear what energy is, for example, in the past, people couldn’t tell what the material was.After Einstein’s theory of relativity solves the relationship between time and space, his successive logical derivation of export energy and material is actually the same thing, that is, the famous quality energy equation E = mc, but also leaves a question, what is energy what energy isWoolen cloth?No one can answer so far.
Xue Dingzhen, the creator of quantum mechanics, said in “Science and Humanism” that science must have deviations.That is, the observer itself will disturb the observation object, that is, your perception itself is specified. How can you be objective and an objective exterior investigation object?
For the first time, Karl Popper defined science, called pseudoism, and what is evidence for pseudoism, that is, all the science that can prove that it is wrong.Our ordinary people usually understand that science is truth, or the opposite truth is completely opposite!
All the knowledge of our human beings is just a model of a closed perception. The laws we call will always be the rules of the supervisor, and it will never be objective laws.
We look at modern sciences in astronomy. The famous ancient Roman astronomer, Croudis Ptolem, founded the Earth -based theory that the earth was the center of the universe. This theory was regarded as the truth at the time, which lasted for more than 1,400 years.Until the modern Copernicus established the sun, he believed that the sun was the center of the universe, and it was purely a conjecture model.At this time, the European Renaissance had risen. Copernicus found that Ptolemy’s heart -based statement said that there were many flaws in system mathematical models and theoretical systems, so he envision to put the sun in the middle, and all planets turned around the sun. As a result, many flaws in Ptolemy’s flawsThey were all made up, so I established the heart of the heart.
But Copernicus has no evidence to prove that this is destroying the original theological system, which is to be punished by the European religion.theory.After Copernicus’s death, Galileo vaguely found that his heart was correct. It was not until later that the telescope appeared to have a golden star profit loss and later theoretical differences in light lines and star vision.
It can be seen here what science is. First build a guess model, not practicing the truth!Just two or three hundred years later, we found that Copernicus’s doctrine was completely wrong, because the sun was not even the center of the galaxy.Copernicus thought that all planets were running around the sun’s circular orbit. We now know that all planets are elliptical orbit.
Let’s look at the famous British scientist Newton. Newton’s classic mechanics appears. It can accurately predict the planets that year. Theoretically, it was correct, but it only maintained for two hundred years.After Einstein’s theory of relativity was proposed, Newton’s classic mechanics was overthrown, because the position of planet position according to Newton’s classic mechanics was deviated …
As early as 20 years of age, Newton has researched the anti -proportional function of the force and quality radius between the two planets, that is, the law of gravity. He didn’t know what it was used at the time, so he let go.Until the middle age, Hu Ke said that he studied the relationship between the two planets. After listening, Newton said very disdain: “Nonsense, I studied it in my 20s when I was in my 20s.”Hu Ke heard very angry, so he asked him to take a detailed proof. After returning home, Newton sorted out the information in detail, so he made the law of gravity.Although this law was discovered at the time, the middle constant G was not accurately calculated, so it was not accurately calculated.Henry Cavendi Xu only accurately measured the constant of the gravity until the 18th century.
The relative relationship of Einstein’s solution to time and space is a major issue in studying philosophy. Later, it deduced the quality of the quality equation E = MC. At that time, he could not imagine that these achievements provided major help for modern society. For example, modern nuclear bombs were all all.Based on Einstein’s mass energy equation.The C in the quality energy equation he deduced at that time was the speed of light. At that time, the speed of light did not come out without accurate constant. It was not until 1975 using the laser speed measurement to accurately measure the speed of light.
It can be seen that science must have deviations, but this does not affect the development of science and technology. Because of this, modern technology products have sprung up to society, and they are diverse, which directly affects the lives of modern people.Although science can be a high -speed development of society, it has also brought serious sequelae to society, such as environmental problems, nuclear bomb problems, nuclear leaks, etc. These are not being solved by modern people.Perhaps the post -scientific era will soon come. At that time, it is unknown how the times are known. People in that era must be more forward -looking thoughts, not just solving the current problems.
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