Sports for forging for children’s physical and mental physical and mental, maybe beyond your expectation

This column is jointly created with the Guangdong Provincial Institute
Planning: Gong Danfeng Chen Xiaoxuan
Coordinating: Wei Yi He Ning
Invited experts: Xu Hang (expert on psychological health teaching and research experts at the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Education)
Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter He Ning
A week hot topic
From April 9th to 21st, the sports of the Guangzhou high school entrance examination continued.At the same time, the parent group also talked about sports. Of course, parents discuss more how they can achieve good results in the sports of high school entrance examinations.As we all know, often participating in physical exercise can promote physical health.According to the Yangcheng Evening News, in the past ten years, the continuous change of sports in Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination has become a “guideline needle” and “golden stone” for the effect of the implementation of physical education in the test school, promoting the quality of school sports education, and enhancing the physique of students.24%increased to 55.72%.However, everyone may not expect that physical exercise can also promote mental health.What is the relationship between physical exercise and mental health?Talk about the hearts in this issue, let’s talk about how to make the child’s body and mind fully exercise through the correct way of exercise!
The sports meeting brings confidence and happiness
I also teach children to “lose and win”
Studies in brain science have shown that an appropriate amount of exercise will enhance the connection between neurons, promote the growth of neurofibilities, and form a powerful brain.Having a healthy brain will allow children to resist psychological diseases with a good material foundation.
“The exercise will enhance the development of muscle and nervous system, making children strong, and a tall and strong body will bring confidence to the child. Coupled with the orthodontic shadow flying on the sports field, attracting the attention of many audiences.Make children feel like standing under the spotlight, which greatly meets the child’s self -esteem.The resistance of stress, relieving the anxiety and depression brought by the tension of learning and life.Sports children are also very sunny.
The exercise also taught the children to “lose and win”, and she should persevere.”Children often participate in various competitions at all levels, and there is only one champion, so it is the norm to become the champion. Therefore, the children have learned to face the ‘losing’ correctly, and it is easier to understand that” love fight will win “The reason. In the sports, especially in the team competition, children can deeply understand that if you want to win, you have to speak with your strength.”Li Yuanlin pointed out that in fact, the child’s participation in sports competitions is the process of” winning “every time, that is, to win the past.”The achievements have improved, the technology is improved, and the team spirit has been experienced. Isn’t this progress again and again?”
These sports spirit must be remembered
What should children pay attention to in sports or sports competitions?Li Yuanlin gave the following suggestions:
First, we must persevere and unite.Although the sports competition is cruel, it tells each child that it is possible to do not reach the last moment.Therefore, it is our sports spirit.
Second, friendship first, the second game.We must make friends in sports, learn to communicate, and learn to help each other.Everyone in a sports team has its own characteristics, beauty and beauty, beauty of beauty, beauty and Communist, and the world.In sports competitions, children can feel that everyone is different, and everyone has a position that suits them.What we need to do is to know ourselves and cooperate with others.
Focus on the exercise itself during exercise
Can promote physical and mental health
Nowadays, more and more people have joined the sports army. Many people wear headphones to listen to songs, books, etc. in order to save time or boredom to fight against sports. Is this helpful to relax the body and mind?Zhou Hui, an associate professor of the Department of Psychological Health Education Consulting Center at the Department of Psychology at Sun Yat -sen University and a member of the Guangdong Primary and Middle School Psychological Health Education Guidance Committee, said that first of all, the application of music to bring a lot of benefits to the sports meeting.Control the steps, rhythm, etc. in the movement.”Good music itself helps mental health. Therefore, as a background music in a safe environment, it is conducive to physical and mental health.”
Zhou Hui reminded that if you wear earplugs during the outdoor, you may bring safety risks. “If you pay too much attention to the lyrics, sing or immerse in listening in listening, you will be separated from your exercise process.The perception of physical and mental state may also bring negative effects. “
The role of mindfulness in exercise
What kind of exercise can it have the best effect on mental health?Zhou Hui gave the following suggestions:
First of all, many exercise methods help mental health, but the side points of different sports forms may be different.If a group confrontation project, it may increase the team spirit; fitness projects may enhance people’s self -esteem, especially image self -esteem.
Secondly, focusing on exercise itself during exercise can play a role in promoting physical and mental health.Here I will introduce a way or attitude that can help improve the effect of exercise -mindfulness.
Righteous thoughts refer to people’s attention and awareness of the current experience without judging.In other words, in the state of mindfulness, people are more inclined to give truth from their current physical and mental experience (such as breathing and muscles when running), and not evaluated or bad (such as my running posture is too ugly.).
At present, a large number of studies have found that people’s mindfulness levels are significantly related to their mental health.People with high levels of righteousness are often anxious, lower depression, and higher happiness.
Once again, bringing righteous thoughts into exercise can also help people better learn action skills.In recent years, mindfulness training has been applied to the cultivation of athletes.Many studies have shown that mindfulness training can improve the quality of sleep and movement of athletes; some studies have also discovered the positive impact of mindfulness training on sports achievements.
For ordinary people, bringing righteous thoughts into exercise -that is, pay attention to the non -judgment of breathing, muscles and exercise during exercise -it can also significantly improve the level of mental health.In fact, the traditional Tai Chi, yoga and other movements in my country emphasize the awareness of not judging the process, so many scholars are regarded as the mindfulness movement.The promotion of this kind of movement has been supported by a lot of research on psychological health.In fact, if you often practice your mindfulness into the movement, you can also help us bring this attitude to daily life to enhance our concentration and happiness in our lives.
Zhou Hui suggested that starting today, everyone may wish to try: When you run or fitness, you consciously perceive your breathing, pace, physical feelings and rhythm, so that you can really devote themselves into exercise.
Physical and mental health
Harmony with yourself
There are many benefits of exercise. In short, insisting on exercise can make people physical and mental health.In fact, physical health and mental health are inseparable and complementary for students.Psychological health has an important impact on students’ physical health.Zhong Jiantao, a psychological teaching and researcher at the Education Development Center in Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, said that a student with positive and emotional stability can often develop good living habits, such as reasonable diet and regular work.EssenceOn the contrary, psychological problems may cause students to have physical discomfort, such as insomnia, loss of appetite, etc., which affects their health.
Zhong Jiantao pointed out that the period of student health is a key stage. At this stage, students are facing many aspects of academic pressure and interpersonal relationships. These challenges may bring both opportunities to grow and become hidden dangers of physical and mental health.”Therefore, students need to learn how to effectively stress, how to regulate emotions to maintain physical and mental health.”
Those who accept all their bodies are the foundation of establishing body and mind harmony
How to get along with your own harmony to achieve physical and mental health?Zhong Jiantao gave five suggestions.
First, accepting your body is the first step in establishing physical and mental harmony.Students must first learn to accept their bodies. No matter whether it is tall and thin, everyone’s body is unique.Don’t demand perfect body shape, but to learn to appreciate your uniqueness.Accepting the body is to accept all of yourself. This is the foundation of building a harmonious body and mind.When you really accept your body, you will find that your self -confidence is gradually increasing.
Second, reasonable exercise is an important way to improve physical vitality.Exercise can not only enhance physical fitness, but also improve mental health.Regular physical activity can release stress and improve the level of endorphin, which is a natural “feeling good” chemical.In addition, exercise can help improve sleep quality, enhance self -confidence, and improve attention and memory.Students should find their favorite exercise methods, so that they can more easily integrate them into daily life and enjoy the benefits brought by the movement.
Third, a balanced diet is a necessary condition for maintaining physical and mental health.A healthy diet is essential for maintaining the balance of physical and psychological.A balanced diet can provide the body with the necessary nutrition and help maintain energy level and emotional stability.At the same time, a reasonable diet can also reduce the risk of disease and promote long -term physical health.Students should learn how to choose nutritious foods, and pay attention to the effects of food on the body and emotions to cultivate a healthy diet model.
Fourth, emotional management is a key ability to get along with yourself.Students should learn to identify and understand their emotions, regulate and express emotions through positive ways to avoid the negative impacts caused by emotional out of control.At the same time, maintaining a positive attitude towards life helps improve physical and mental health.Students should cultivate an optimistic mentality, look at the challenges and difficulties in life in a positive way, and believe that they have the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
Fifth, maintaining good work and schedules is the guarantee of physical and mental health.Sleep is an important moment for physical repair and recovery vitality, and is also essential for mental health.Lack of sleep can affect cognitive function, reduce learning efficiency, and may lead to emotional fluctuations.Ensure that you get sufficient high -quality sleep every night, help improve your attention, enhance memory and creativity, and at the same time, it is also conducive to emotional regulation and daily pressure.
Through the above efforts, students can gradually achieve a state of harmony with themselves and achieve a balanced development of physical and mental health.
Tutoring Class
Want to keep your child exercise
Parents need to be persistent
He Dongping, Houjiehu Jing Middle School, Dongguan City  
In addition to giving children a healthy body, it can also allow children to face winning and frustration with a more peaceful attitude, help children adjust their emotions in time, and maintain psychological health.To allow children to develop the habit of persisting in exercise, parents need to be persistent and encourage them in time.
For children in kindergartens or elementary schools, parents can take a fixed time every week to accompany their children to run, cycling, mountain climbing, or do other favorite sports projects.Lack of habits.For children in junior high school, parents need more to provide sports conditions for their children, such as helping their children to free up a fixed spare time on weekends or help him know more like -minded friends.
Even if the child sometimes shouts tired and does not want to persist on the way, parents can encourage the child to continue to reach the scheduled target after a little rest.Parents have helped their children to develop exercise habits from an early age and help children overcome the difficulties in the exercise. The ability to resist frustration in the child can inevitably be able to move to all aspects of life and learning, and help children better adapt to future life.
There are many fun on weekends
Parents go to run with their children on weekends. Try the following trilogy:
First, running regularly. When you rest, you share a little scenery found when you run when you run.
Second, the freshness of snake running, experience of changing movements;
Third, play the little stimulus brought about by winning the game and experience the game.
Warm reminder: While enjoying the joy of exercise, parents also need to be sure that the children’s persistence and efforts in the exercise process can make the exercise truly the hobby and habit of the child.