Protect the community environment, they are acting!

In order to create a more neat and beautiful living environment for community residents, Lingyun Street, Xuhui District has recently launched a series of “cleaning home” operations.

In the Heping Community, volunteers clearly divide the division of labor and carry out various tasks in an orderly manner.In addition to conducting daily inspections and garbage cleaning in public areas, they also went deep inside the corridor to clean the promotional column, clean up the stacks, and inspect the fire protection facilities.These meticulous work ensure the smooth flow of the escape channel and build a solid security defense line for the community.

Heping Community has a high population density and strong liquidity.In this context, keeping the corridor cleaning is of great significance.During the cleaning process, volunteers also patiently explained the importance of the aesthetics and safety of the corridor to the residents, and called on everyone to assume the responsibility of maintaining the environmental sanitation and safety of the corridor.

The Volunteer team of the Peace Commission also organizes the cleanup of small gardens and green belts in the residential area of the residential area.After their efforts, the original messy areas have been renewed, which has improved the overall environmental quality of the community. This series of measures have been well received by residents.The hard work of volunteers not only beautified the community environment, but also awakened residents’ enthusiasm for environmental protection and participation in environmental protection, and expressed their will actively invest in the protection of the community environment.

The person in charge of the Volunteer team of the Peace Commission said that in the future, they will further expand the coverage of the “clean home” operation, create a more livable community living environment, and look forward to more residents to join the ranks of volunteers to jointly protect the community to guard the communityThe beautiful environment contributes.

Reporter: Wang Wei

Edit: Qiu Caihong

School pair: Geng Jieyu

Audit: Veli

Reprinted, please indicate the official account from Shanghai Xuhui