Chinese researchers decipher the "password"

  Our newspaper, Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Jiang Jianke) The international academic journal “Science” recently published a new research result of Chinese scientific researchers online.The study revealed the fine structure of insect odor receptors or -ORCO complex, analyzed the mechanism of odor receptor and ligand, and decippped the “password” of insects, providing a new path for the green prevention and control of pests.

  The achievement was completed by the Shenzhen Institute of Agricultural Genome, the Shenzhen Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Lingnan Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory Center) Wang Guirong team and the team of Professor Yin Ping of Huazhong Agricultural University, and the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

  According to Wang Guirong, insects rely on a sensitive olfactory perception of chemical signals in the environment.In the process of smell recognition, the smell receptor expressed on the dendritic membrane of the olfactory receptor neuron plays a key role, which can convert the chemical signal of the outside world into biological electrical signals, and guide the corresponding behavior response of insect feeding and mating.