Scientific oil for health and delicious traveling

Original title: Scientific oil for health and delicious peers
Farmers Daily · China Agricultural Net reporter Zhao Yixuan Zhu Mengying
Editor’s note: In the Chinese food culture, edible oil has always been an indispensable thing for cooking.It can not only add food and flavor, but also an important source of nutritional intake.However, excessive oil can not only cause food greasy, affect the taste, but also increase the body’s metabolic burden and trigger a series of health problems.In this issue, let us learn how to use oil scientifically, so that the dining table is no longer “greasy”, and letting health and delicious peers.
Don’t eat it or eat more for cooking oil
Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the three major nutrients obtained by the human body through food. The main source of fat is edible oil.Edible oil is closely related to people’s health, mainly with the following contributions:
1. Provide energy.The oxidation and decomposition per gram of fat generates about 37.6 thousand cokes in the human body, and the glucose produces about 16.4 thousand coke per gram of glucose, and about 16.7 thousand cokes are generated per gram of protein. Under the same quality, the highest calories provided by the fat in the three nutrients are the highest.
2. Provide fatty acids.The human body needs to obtain fatty acids by intake of edible oil, including saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.Participating in fatty acids to form the cell membrane structure of body cells, and it is also a raw material for synthetic hormones.Fattic tissue composed of fat cells plays a role in insulating, buffering, and protecting body organs.In addition, some unsaturated fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the human body, such as α-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, etc. These unsaturated fatty acids can only be obtained from food, especially edible vegetable oil.
3. Provide healthy nutrients such as fat -soluble vitamins and biomara active molecules.Edible oils are rich in fat -soluble nutrients that are beneficial to human health, including fat -soluble vitamins, phospholipids, alcohols, etc., which can protect the body cells from oxidation damage, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and enhance the activity of the immune system.
4. Can be transformed into carbohydrates and protein through biological metabolism.Protein, fat, and carbohydrates can be converted to each other through complex biological metabolic processes. Some fatty acids provide precursor substances for the synthesis of protein and fat through metabolism.
5. Adjust the intestinal flora.Studies have found that co -aid linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids in edible oil can affect human health by regulating the intestinal flora.Therefore, in December 2016, the expert group of the International Probiotics and Probiotics Science Society expanded the definition of probiotics, and incorporated unsaturated fatty acids in edible oil into the category of preyssant.
Edible oil is so important, you must not eat or eat more.Excessive consumption of oil intake can lead to the occurrence of obesity and various chronic diseases, and show a low -aging development trend.The per capita per capita of families in my country has reached 43.2 grams, and more than half of the residents’ cooking oil intake is higher than the upper limit of the recommended value of 30 grams per day.For good health, everyone should control the intake of edible oil to eat less oil.For example, try to use scaling oil pots to control daily cooking oils such as stir -fried dishes, while minimizing the intake of hidden oil from deep -processed foods such as fried food, pastry, instant noodles.
In addition, it is particularly critical to improve the quality of consumption oil.For example, try to reduce animal oils as much as possible, increase vegetable oil intake rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and can also avoid the harm of excessive edible oil intake to the body while achieving scientific and reasonable combination.In short, eat less oil and good oil.
In the “Chinese Resident Dietary Guide (2022 Edition)”, it is recommended that the recommended intake of edible oil is 25-30 grams per day, which is equivalent to 5 liters of two months of 2 months.For adults, the amount of energy provided by fat is appropriate to be 20%-30%. It is best not to exceed 30%. The amount of fat energy required by infants and young children is relatively high, reaching 35%-48%.In daily life, everyone must be reasonably consumed according to physical condition, physical consumption degree, and seasonal changes, such as athletes, physical workers, people who work under low temperature conditions, and pregnant women.Take more intake; cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients and people with liver and gallbladder diseases should reduce the intake of edible oil.
Little Q & A
Q: How to choose the right oil pot?
Answer: When buying oil pots, it is best to choose opaque glass materials or porcelain, which can effectively block ultraviolet rays.It needs to be stored in a cooling place such as cabinets, and the lid should be tightened after each use.In addition, the oil in the oil pot must be used all after use, and then pour it into the new ones, and remember to clean it before pouring into the new oil, because the mixed oil and new oil mixed will accelerate the oxidation of the new oil.
Q: Is the oil squeezed more safer?
Answer: Compared with refined oil, self -squeezing oil will retain more beneficial ingredients such as vitamin E and plant alcohol.However, self -squeezing oil is just hair oil. Without sour, dehydration, deodorization, decoction and other processes, it is impossible to remove harmful substances such as yellow cytoids, heavy metals or pesticide residues in the hair oil. There is a large safety risk of long -term consumption.Essence
Q: Can the color of the edible oil be eaten?
Answer: In the condition of light, most vegetable oil will gradually become lighter. After avoiding the light, it will gradually deepen. This phenomenon is called “back color” or “back color”.The latest studies have shown that the oils after “back color” have less toxicity to cells, but whether it affects human health has no accurate conclusion.Therefore, it is recommended that consumers try to avoid light preservation as much as possible when storing edible oil to prevent oil from “back color”.
Question: Is the consolidation of edible oil?
Answer: Under low temperature conditions, a white flocculent precipitation or large -scale solidification of edible oil is a normal physical phenomenon, which does not mean that the quality of edible oil has a quality problem.Edible oils are solidified, and their quality has not changed. As long as the temperature is appropriate, it can melt naturally.Put the oil in the room with oil above 15 ° C, and the oil is not easy to solidify.
Q: How to judge whether edible oil is deteriorated?
Answer: You can take one or two drops of edible oil to put on your palms. After rubbing your hands with both hands, you can smell the smell of oil.edible.Frozen foods that are expired and “Hara” flavored are not edible.
Q: How to eat butter is more scientific?
Answer: Butter is a solid oil processed with milk. It is the product of stirring fresh milk after stirring fresh milk and taking it to the upper layer to remove part of the water.The nutritional value of butter is high, and it is appropriate to all ages, but it should not be eaten overdose. It is advisable to 1-15 grams each time. Pregnant women, obese, diabetes, etc. should not be eaten.
Q: Why not put the oil pot on the side of the stove?
Answer: The oil pot is placed on the stove. The high temperature will accelerate the acid deficiency process of edible oil. It will generate harmful substances such as aldehyde and ketones. It will also cause fat -soluble vitamin oxidation in edible oil, making the oil easier to deteriorate and taste.At the same time, the smoke and fire during cooking cause a large amount of oil pollution on the surface of the oil pot. The degree of oil oxidation and acid deficiency in oil and residual oil is much higher than new oil. For long -term consumption of such oil, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea will occur., Severe poisoning may also be poisoned.
Question: What oil is good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health?What oil is not good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular?
Answer: The proportion of unsaturated components in oils is high. Generally speaking, it is more conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, especially the oil-rich fat-rich fatty acids are the most obvious.Oils rich in phospholipid also have a certain effect on preventing cardiovascular diseases; categories with higher saturation in oils, especially oils containing trans fatty acids, have the most negative effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.
Question: What is coloring oil?
Answer: The coloring of the coloring of various plant crude oil is refined by the processing processes such as dehydration, decolorization, deodorization, and dewaxing.The color pull oil sold on the market mainly includes soybean -colored oil, rapeseed oil oil, rice bran -colored oil oil, sunflower seed color tape oil and peanut color tape oil.In our country, Sedra Oil is the highest -level edible oil, which can be stir -fried and cold.
Q: What are the benefits of oil acid for health?
Answer: Oil acid can reduce the content of cardiovascular diseases and low -density lipoprotein cholesterol in the overweight population, which is conducive to the health of the human cardiovascular health, protecting the heart, and also has the effects of enhancing insulin sensitivity and improving inflammation.Oil acid is rich in vegetable oils. The content of high oleic acid content includes tea seed oil, olive oil and rapeseed oil. Other common vegetable oils such as peanut oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sesame oil, etc. all contain oleic acids.
Q: Is imported oil better than domestic oil?
Answer: Domestic oils are not much different from the processing methods and levels of imported oil. my country’s vegetable oil processing technology has reached the international level, and even some processing technology has a leading internationally internationally.For example, in the origin of oil and sesame seeds such as peanuts, sesame seeds, some small and medium -sized enterprises use low -temperature pressing method or traditional small grinding methods to squeeze edible oil to fully retain the original flavor and nutritional ingredients of the oil.The demand for special -flavored oils such as peanut oil and sesame oil.The imported peanut oil and sesame oil lost the original aroma due to excessive refinement, but the taste was not so good.
Various oil specialty, different cooking methods
There are many types of edible oils. According to the source, it can be roughly divided into three categories: animal oil, vegetable oil and microbial oil.Animal oil is the names of animals, which are from animal oils. Common ones are lard, butter, sheep oil, chicken oil, etc.Plant oil is edible oil made of raw materials from plants. The common vegetable oils in life include rapeseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, corn oil, tea seed oil, olive oil, linen seed oil, walnut oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, palm oil, Cottonseed oil, etc., there are also two or more plant oil blended oils made of more than two or more vegetable oils.In terms of microbial oil, it is oil produced by a class of oil -producing microorganisms, also known as single -cell oil. It is currently mainly used in infant dairy, fruit juice, baked goods, and added to edible oil.
The ingredients, flavors, and physical and chemical characteristics of different oil sources are different.These differences not only affect the nutritional value and flavor of edible oil, but also determine their applicability in cooking. The wrong cooking method will destroy the nutrition of edible oil, affect its structure and composition, and affect physical health.Therefore, understanding the characteristics of different edible oils and correct cooking methods are important parts of ensuring our dietary health.
In summary, fried oil should choose high heat resistance, such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, rice oil, grape seed oil, tea seed oil, etc.;Edible oil, such as sunflower oil, grape seed oil, tea oil, peanut oil, corn oil, tea seed oil, olive oil, rice oil, etc.; Stewed oil temperature requirements are relatively high, optional rapeseed oil, corn oil, Soybean oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, tea seed oil, etc.; Cold mixing oil requires oil to not condense at low temperature, keep clear, taste fragrant, optional sesame oil, walnut oil, linen seed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, etc.
In addition, pay attention to the following aspects of healthy oil:
1. Control cooking oil temperature
When choosing cooking oil, consider the smoke of the oil.Some edible oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, linen seed oil, perilla oil, grape seed oil, etc.Oil is not suitable for high temperature cooking.Under normal circumstances, most of our daily use of edible oil fume points are 180-220 ° C. It is recommended that you choose the appropriate edible oil species according to the cooking method. Try not to start cooking when oil smoke. The hot pot cool oil is relatively healthy.How to cook.
2. Control the cooking method
Fry and fried will not only produce harmful substances including trans fatty acids, but also increase the amount of oil intake. The aroma and taste also make us easy to eat too much, causing metabolic diseases.In fact, less oil can also be cooked out of delicious dishes. The cooking method should be as mainly steamed, boiled, simmering, stewing, and frying. Fry and fried less.
3. Use new oil every time
Many families save the oil after fried food, continue to fry other foods or use it for cooking.However, repeated frying oils can easily produce carcinogens, and long -term consumption will bring hidden health hazards.Experts suggest that no matter what cooking method is used, oil is only recommended to use it once, and new oils must be used every time you use edible oil.
4. Change the variety to eat
The fat is to be eaten, and the main consideration is the balance of fatty acids.Different oil replacement should be replaced by different varieties of fatty acids, such as sunflower seed oil and peanut oil replacement, soybean oil and flaxseed oil replacement.
How to buy edible oil reasonably?
When buying edible oil, we need to pay attention to the following points to ensure that you can buy good quality, safe and healthy edible oil:
1. Look at the quality level
Edible oil is generally divided into four levels of first, second, third, and fourth levels, but the higher the level, the higher the quality of the oil.
One or second -level edible oil purity, small impurities, clarified colors, light aroma and taste, less oil fume during cooking, suitable for high temperature stir -fry and fried.But the disadvantage is that the degree of refining is too high, which will lose the nutrients in the oil.Third or four -level edible oil is the opposite. They are low in purity, many impurities, darker colors or appropriate turbidity, strong aroma and taste, large oil smoke during cooking, more suitable for low temperature cooking, can retain the nutritional content in the fat to the greatest extentEssence
No matter which level of edible oil, as long as it meets national standards, it can be eaten normally.We can choose according to the needs of nutrients, flavors, and cooking methods.
2. Look at the processing process
According to the processing process, edible oil can be divided into press oil and soaking oil.The oil pressing oil is formed by the separation of oil from the raw method by physical methods. It can retain more nutrients. Due to the high cost of pressing technology, the price is relatively expensive.Immersion oil is purified by a series of chemical technology, which is purified by a series of chemical technology. The oil output rate is high, the production cost is low, and the price is relatively cheap.
Many people like to squeeze oil, feel that this is healthier, does not like to immerse oil, and feel that they will remain chemical.In fact, don’t worry too much. As long as it is a consumption oil that meets national standards, it is safe to choose a big brand of regular business super -to -choose, and you can eat it with confidence.However, it should be noted that do not buy unknown bulk oil, and do not choose the oil squeezed by the small workshop soil.
3. Look at the nutritional composition table
Generally speaking, the nutrients on the edible oil packaging will be presented in the form of a table. The content markedly marked includes: the value of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and sodium, and its percentage of the reference value of nutrients.Some products also indicate other ingredients, such as saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, etc.In addition, some special ingredients may be marked on the packaging, such as rich in vitamin E, high -angle shark, high -zinc, etc., and it is explained to its nutritional functions.Zinc helps improve appetite.
4. Try to buy small packaging
After the edible oil is sealed, it will have an oxidation reaction with the air to accelerate the deterioration of the oil.Therefore, when buying, try to buy the edible oil packaged in a small bottle. Each time it is used, it must be sealed. It is best to use it within 3 months after opening.The shelf life of the general edible oil is 18-24 months. After purchasing, pay attention to the coolness, dryness, avoidance, and sealed preservation.
5. Special groups vary from person to person
When buying edible oil, different people should fully consider their respective health, nutritional needs, and cooking habits to choose the best food oil that suits them.
Children, maternal and maternal and breastlifts have relatively high demand for fat, and it is best to choose vegetable oil.The fat digestion function of middle-aged and elderly people decreases, and fat intake should not be too much, but to ensure sufficient ingestion of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid, you can often replace the types of edible oil. Optional olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower flowersSeed oil, peanut oil, etc.The “three highs” crowd can choose linseed oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, walnut oil, rice bran oil, etc. in daily life., Avar, sheep oil and other animals, but you can choose to eat deep -sea fish oil.
This version of the text was written by the Farmers Daily · China Agricultural Net reporter Zhao Yixuan Zhu Mengying
Institute of Food and Nutrition Development Institute of Food and Nutrition Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry provided guidance
Source: Farmers Daily