Adhere to the scientific spirit of opposing political manipulation

Recently, the U.S. intelligence department issued the main points of the so -called “new crown virus traceability survey”, claiming that the possibility of the natural origin of the new crown virus and the origin of the laboratory could not be ruled out, and it was said that the Chinese side obstructed the international survey and refused to share information.The international community has clearly opposed the politicalization of the US government’s politicalization and attempting to decide China. It is believed that the so -called traceability survey report is not scientific and credible. China’s positive attitude and important contributions to global anti -epidemic cooperation are obvious to all.Only unity of various countries can truly defeat the epidemic.

“The purpose of the United States is to continue to discredit China”

Elias Yabul, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the traceability of the virus is a scientific issue, but the United States will be politicized and attempts to move the people’s inadequate resistance to their domestic resistance by manipulating traceability issues.The United States is currently the country with the most confirmed cases and death cases in new crown pneumonia. Many poor people and ethnic minorities cannot be treated in time for various reasons.What the United States should really do is to learn how to control the local epidemic in a short time.The politicalization of the epidemic, the stigma of the virus, the tools of traceability, and the creation of the threat theory for other countries cannot solve practical problems.

“The traceability of the virus by American intelligence agencies in itself is to politicize this scientific issue, delay and interfere with the scientist’s virus traceability work.” Sulabu Gutta, a senior researcher at the Sino -US Research Center, said that for some time,Some American media and politicians are focusing on discrediting public opinion of China’s resistance manufacturing. “The purpose of the United States is to continue to discredit China.”He pointed out that the traceability of the virus should be concluded by scientists through in -depth research. Any act that politically politically, it will harm the overall situation of global anti -epidemic cooperation.

“In the so -called” new crown virus traceability survey report “announced by the US intelligence agency, not even a fact.”According to the radio program, the report “has no new meaning” is “unproventing allegations”.

Sosara, executive vice chairman of the Cambodian People’s Party Central and Foreign Committee, published a signature article on the Cambodia’s “Phnom Penh Post” that the number of people in the world is currently more than 4.4 million people who died in the epidemic.However, the country has made a lot of articles on the problem of virus traceability. This is scientifically wrong, irresponsible, and dangerous.The traceability of virus traceability is used as a tool to serve its domestic and geopolitical purposes, which is a great harm to international cooperation and humanitarianism.

Jin Ping, director of the Institute of International Relations of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Cambodia, wrote that since the occurrence of the epidemic, the United States ignored the hard work of scientists and failed to deal with the epidemic.The problem of traceability issues and stigma by the epidemic.The traceability of the virus is a serious scientific issue, which is jointly studied in response to this problem to better prevent future risks.

“The traceability of the virus must be scientific and not politicized.”

The French “Politics and Parliament Magazine” website published an article that “virus traceability must maintain scientificity and should not be politicized.”The problem of virus traceability must allow scientists to carry out work in accordance with the laws of science, and should not be affected by any political pressure.Virus traceability is a very complicated process that is related to the health and future of all human beings. To achieve fair and objective results, it requires joint cooperation of global scientists.

Silva, Minister of State and Foreign Minister of Portugal, said that science and politics should have their own boundaries, and trace the source to better face the future, rather than targeting or accusing specific countries.Portugal advocates traceability research in the spirit of science and professionalism, and does not support any behaviors that will be politicized and the WHO’s politics.

Ruvak, Prime Minister of East Timor and Renpin Party, said that he should look at the problem of virus traceability from a scientific perspective and oppose political manipulation.

The Chairman of the Sudan sovereign committee Burhan said that the traceability of the new crown virus should be based on science, and the Soviet side resolutely opposed the politicalization of traceability.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela issued a statement on the official website and social media saying that on the highly sensitive issue of virus traceability, the US government attempts to associate the origin of the virus with China. This dangerous approach is not conducive to the proper solving this problem.The statement pointed out that the committee believes that the traceability of the virus is a scientific issue and requires multiple parties to cooperate together.

Evrey Heinz, the chief epidemiological expert of Trinida and Dubago Health, said that only on the problem of the traceability of the new crown virus, only adhere to the scientific spirit and stop spreading the “political virus” can they truly save their lives and defeat the epidemic.

“Unity and cooperation can build the best barrier”

Vietnamese Government Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng said that the current global epidemic is still spreading, and the international community should strengthen unity and combine work and resist the epidemic. This is the only correct choice for victory over the epidemic.Yuefang always advocates scientific traceability and opposes the politicalization of epidemics and the politicalization of virus traceability.

Azigzi, the first vice chairman of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan, said that the tower opposed that all attempts to disrupt the traceability process of the virus through political manipulation and the international anti -epidemic cooperation to support the traceability of viruses in collaboration, transparent, and multilateralism.Azezi said that unity and combating the anti -epidemic situation is the top priority and priority of the international community. China has provided more than 800 million vaccines to the world and made important contributions to global anti -epidemic, including providing 2.8 million doses of vaccines to the tower.The Tower People’s Democratic Party has always supported and appreciated the Chinese Communist Party’s position and contribution to global anti -epidemic cooperation.

The South African Non -National Women’s Alliance (the Non -National Women’s Federation) recently issued a statement that traceability is a scientific issue. According to the requirements of the World Guard Congress, in accordance with the spirit of scientific cooperation, according to the spirit of scientific cooperation, according to the China -WHO’s new crown virus traceability joint research reportThe conclusions and suggestions carry out more in -depth and detailed scientific research and cooperation within a wider range.The Non -National Women’s Federation supports to continue to find possible early cases in the world, resolutely oppose the politicalization of virus traceability, and resolutely oppose improper methods such as the pretext of the epidemic and the stigma of the virus.

Paula Dasa, deputy minister of Chile, said that the politicalization of virus traceability is not conducive to the fight against the epidemic.In the early days of the new crown pneumonia’s epidemic, it shared virus information in a timely manner in a timely manner, and actively shared anti -epidemic experience with countries, providing personnel, technology, and material support, which played an important role in curbing the epidemic in various countries.

Gubuta pointed out that in the context of the epidemic that is still raging, what the international community needs the most is unity and cooperation and combined with resistance.The politicalization of traceability seriously affects the global public health cooperation. In the long run, it will damage the establishment of a global mechanism similar to a large population in the future.Gubuta believes that China’s anti -epidemic methods will become a typical case of global public health governance, and it is worthy of in -depth research and learning.

“In the face of the threat of the new crown pneumonia, unity and cooperation can build the best barrier.” The former President of Guiya and the former general secretary of the People’s Progress Party Donald RamatarPublished an article saying that China has contributed to the global anti -epidemic cause, and China’s attitude and experience in resistance to epidemics have recovered rapidly from the impact of the epidemic, and the economy has also achieved positive growth.He called for urgency to strengthen cooperation worldwide.The international community should seek comprehensive cooperation to end this fatal threat facing humans.