"Economy" ignites fitness boom Stadium New sports projects sweeping

Source: CCTV Finance


The 2024 Paris Olympic Games has entered the countdown. In the upsurge of the Olympic event, major cities in China have ushered in top sports events. As the place of these events, stadiums not only witness the glory of the game, but also become a new local economic growth point.

On April 27, Chengdu 2024 Tangyou Cup officially kicked off, which is also the fourth time in Mainland China to host the Tangyou Cup.Badminton enthusiasts from all over China and the world pour into Chengdu like a tide.

When the top master of badminton was in Chengdu, on the evening of April 27, the 2024 National Swimming Championship ended successfully at the Shenzhen Universiade Center.Participants have given high evaluations to the operating services of domestic stadiums.

The reporter found at the scene that many audiences even came to watch the game from the surrounding cities, and they hoped to experience the tense atmosphere of sports competitions at the scene.

In addition to the Tangyu Cup and the National Swimming Championship, the top sports events in April this year also include the World Cup Finals of the 2024 World Swimming Diving World Cup held in Xi’an.In the United Diamond League, etc., the full sports events are constantly inspiring the enthusiasm of sports.


Ticket income ignites the popular economic event of the venue for e -commerce drainage

Frequent holdings of sports events not only increase the popularity of stadiums, but also directly drive the economic income of the venue.据记者了解,在成都举办的汤姆斯杯暨尤伯杯决赛票价在480元—2880元不等,与此同时,比赛场地的相关场馆也通过发力电商等多重经营策略,迎来新opportunity.

As a trial of the Olympic Games, the National Swimming Championship attracted nearly 30,000 to watch in the 9 -day schedule.Tickets for popular scenes were sold out before the start.

Xu Jiaping, the person in charge of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, Shenzhen Grand Canal Center, Guangdong, said: “This year is the Olympic year, and all events present a very good ticket sales situation. From the perspective of the events we undertake, the sales of tickets and commercial development are compared.The market in previous years has 15%-20%of a growth. “

The reporter learned from the Chengdu 2024 Tangyou Cup Organizing Committee that due to the overlap of the “May 1” holiday this year, ticket sales were very popular.As of now, the organizing committee has sold more than 50,000 ball tickets.Not only did the tickets at home at home are sold well, and the local badminton hall in Chengdu has also strengthened marketing efforts.

Top sports events have continued. As a place to carry these events, stadiums are gradually becoming a new driving force for local economic growth.Taking Shanghai as an example, 118 sports events held in Shanghai in 2023 drove consumption of 3.713 billion yuan.


The construction of the venue promotes the popularity of mass fitness.

In addition to income such as sports events tickets, sports training and mass fitness demand are also an important part of the venue economy. Some venues have also introduced new types of sports such as squash and pills.These innovations not only meet the public’s demand for diversified fitness, but also bring new profit points to the venue.

Shu Yan’s daughter is 10 years old and has studied swimming for more than 5 years.She trains about 5 times a week, and the cost of one month is more than 2,000 yuan.Shu Yan told reporters that she obviously felt that more and more people came to exercise now.

Since this year, from children’s training to adult exercise, many sports have received widespread attention and enthusiastic participation of citizens.Sports venues have become lively now, and the popular market demand has made many sports training courses difficult to find.

Due to the popularity of national fitness, some stadiums are no longer satisfied with conventional projects, and they also introduce new types of projects such as Peak to attract more consumers.