Establish a "ivory tower" into a "lighthouse" of educating people and innovation

Original title: Establish the “ivory Tower” into a “lighthouse” for educating people and innovation
Building an educational power is a strategic pioneer of comprehensively building a socialist modern power, and an important support for achieving high -level technology independence and self -reliance.As a leader in building a strong country, higher education needs to deeply grasp the “trinity” of education, technology, and talents to promote the development logic and responsibility mission of Chinese -style modernization.Form the multiplication effect that promotes high -quality development and become a pioneer and promoter of economic and social development.
Throughout the history of the history of science and higher education in the world, the World Science Center has experienced multiple transfer changes from Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Germany to the United States. The role of colleges and universities in the process of the emergence and transfer of the World Science Center and Talent Center of the World Sciences Center and Talent CenterIt is increasingly significant that the tightness of the three coordinated advances shows a tendency to spirally rise with the accelerated evolution of the scientific and technological revolution.The development of high -level higher education and regional development is the same as the same direction. The role of universities in regional coordinated innovation and development is increasing. It has gradually become a strong supporter from the participants of the development system and even leading innovation pioneers.The clusterization of college clusters such as the San Francisco Bay Area and the Tokyo Bay Area interacts with urban agglomerations of the Bay Area.At present, there is a trend of accelerating transfer to the Asia -Pacific region. my country’s higher education faces unprecedented development opportunities. It is necessary to shift from learning foreign models to creating Chinese characteristics, providing strategic support with first -class education, and providing innovation drivers with first -class scientific and technological power. Provide development momentum with first -class talent resources, adapt to future social trends, and lead future social development.
Mr. Zhu Kezhen, a well -known educator, once said, “the university is still the lighthouse at sea.”In order to achieve national rejuvenation and Chinese -style modernization, colleges and universities must give full play to the support and leading role of higher education on economic and social development, and closely connect the development logic of higher education with Chinese modern construction logic.The “service stations” transformed into the “lighthouse” that leads the development of economic and social development, and in -depth participation in the value of regional development, and has become an important engine for social sustainable development and the formation of scientific centers.
Construct a talent highland and provide development momentum with first -class talent resources.If the talent is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and the talent is strong.From the date of birth, colleges and universities have naturally become a talent distribution center, and have the greatest potential of systematization and professionalism to cultivate talents, excavate talents, and create talents.Faced with the strategic opportunities and deep challenges of a new round of industrial revolution and the scientific and technological revolution, universities must combine their own construction and characteristics advantages to focus on the establishment of a global competitive talent highland, and strive to cultivate a numberThe development of quality and productive forces and a new type of builder who is in charge of the national rejuvenation.On the one hand, it is necessary to implement the fundamental tasks of Lideshu people, and effectively build the “lighthouse” of the educated people who are “big in the country”, down -to -earth, and loyalty.With the sustainable development of students as the starting point and ending point, it steadily promotes the academic education and professional training model to adapt to the industrial society to the lifelong education of the new round of industrial revolution and the inherent transformation of the whole person training model, and accelerate the realization of my country’s demographic dividend To the historic transformation of talent dividends, especially the future “top innovative talent dividends”.On the other hand, we must do a good job in the construction of the teacher’s team, “cultivate better people with the best people”, combine the building of Lideshu and talent highlands, and plant the “Bole -Thousands of Malaysia”.The talented ecosystem of talents and gathers, focusing on creating a “lighthouse” of the teacher who leads the culture leadership, close, and innovative ideas.By gathered the world’s talents of the world’s famous teachers, accelerate the construction of important talents in the world, and provide strong talent support for Chinese -style modernization with the prosperity of higher education.
Leading scientific and technological innovation, providing innovation -driven with first -class scientific and technological power.As an important part of the national strategic technology forces, universities must fully integrate into the construction of the national innovation system and become an important promoting force for the accelerated transfer of the World Science Center.The first is to strengthen the source innovation, aim at originality, disruptive technology, strengthen basic research, use the long -term spirit of long -termism and fighting hard battles with ten years, and bravely break through the “innovation unmanned area” to seize a new round of competition.Heights, strive to build a source of innovation, and promote the realization of high -level technology self -reliance.The second is to strengthen organizational scientific research, promote scientific research paradigm innovation, and take the “big platform -big team -big project -big results” as the key starting point, enhance the ability to serve major national strategies, undertake the ability of major national projects, promote strategic platforms in key areas, and promote strategic platforms in key areas.Overview of major projects, key talents, and capital resources.The third is to strengthen the use of the world, fight key core technologies, and achieve iconic results in service industry needs and solve the problem of “stuck neck”.Adapt to innovation highland.
Build a community of destiny of the “university -region” to provide strategic support with first -class education.The city is prosperous due to university, and the university is prosperous due to the city.The development of high levels of higher education and regional development have the same direction, and first -class cities and first -class universities integrate and achieve each other.Universities need to explore the community of destiny community of fate of constructing constructives, responsibilities, and common prosperity in the development of national strategy and regional development.The first is the optimization and adjustment of disciplines and majors standing from a global perspective, and new technologies, new industries, and new formats spawned by scientific and technological innovation, especially strategic emerging industries and future industries.New requirements for social development.The second is to explore the integration model of new types of production and education, optimize the integrated innovation system for deep integration of industry, research, and research.Construction of the top -notch innovative talent training carrier such as the School of Industry, Future Technology, and Cross -Border Joint Training, and targeted the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain to create a long -term sustainable “university -talent -society”The multi -party linkage pattern has promoted the iteration upgrade of the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem of the environment of the colleges and universities.The third is to build a new paradigm of university and regional development with world breadth, high degree of reform and reform of reform, promote the symbiotic evolution of “famous cities -famous schools -famous enterprises”, promote the healthy interaction of “youth -university -city -national”, and build universities.Become a “lighthouse” for national and regional open innovation and symbiotic innovation, and has made new and greater contributions to the continuous construction of Chinese -style modernization.
(Li Qingquan, the author is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and secretary of the Party Committee of Shenzhen University)
Source: Learning Times