Excessive epidemic prevention is not scientific!WHO: China’s epidemic will not have a "significant impact" on Europe

[Global Times Special Journalist in Japan and Germany, Yue Linwei Qingmu Global Times Reporter Bai Yunyi] Hans Kuli, director of the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization, made it clear at the press conference on the 10th that the number of Chinese new crown virus infection wasIncreasing will not have a “significant impact” on Europe, because according to the data provided by the Chinese government, the two mutant strains spread in China have appeared in European countries.On the 11th, Switzerland announced that it would not take compulsory new coronal virus testing measures for Chinese tourists.And a few countries who insist on taking discrimination restrictions on China are worried about the impact of Chinese peer measures.

According to media reports, the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated last week that it is not recommended to take measures to passengers from China. The EU vaccination level is relatively high. Compared with the daily infection of the EU, the possibility of input infection is low.The system has the ability to deal with it.”We agree with the view of the European Disease Prevention and Control Center, that is, the increase in the number of new crown viruses in China currently increases, and it is expected that it will not have a significant impact on the new crown epidemic in the European region.” Klue said at the press conference, “For preventiveness is being adoptedFor European countries with travel measures, we call on this measure to be rooted in science, moderate and not discriminatory. “We also need detailed and regular information, especially about local epidemiological and mutant strains to better determine the evolution of the virus. “

“The requirements for the test of the new crown virus of Chinese tourists‘ I do n’t think about it ”.Germany’s “Haize Online” magazine reported on the 10th that German epidemiologist and virus expert Claus Stroke, who had worked in WHO for 15 years, used new crown virus testing requirements for Chinese tourists to test the requirements of Chinese tourists.Holding criticism.He explained that China’s new crown -positive tourists only accounted for a small part of Western European infections. They believed that these people would bring huge changes to the extreme, “it is not based on facts and data.”

The European Aviation Safety Administration and the European CDC issued a joint statement on the 10th that some suggestions were added in the “Aviation Health and Safety Protocol” jointly issued by the two institutions, including the required direct and non -direct flight passengers to provide new crown virus before departure.The test results; it is recommended that passengers and crew members wear medical masks or respiratory masks; some passengers can be detected randomly.However, according to Reuters, the Swiss government said on the 11th that passengers entering Switzerland from China do not need to receive compulsory new coronal virus testing.In a statement, the Swiss government said that the “Omicor Rongfei for the Swiss population and the Swiss health system that spread in the Omircor Rong is only a small risk of the Swiss population and the Swiss health system.”

China’s epidemic prevention and control has entered a new stage of optimization and adjustment. A few countries ignore the scientific facts and the actual situation of the country, and insist on adopting discrimination restrictions on China.South Korea not only restricts the issuance of short -term visas to Chinese citizens, temporarily suspended flights to China, and even Chinese netizens have been exposed. After entering South Korea, they were asked to hang a yellow brand on the neck at the airport.In addition to January 8th, Japan requires that in addition to Hong Kong and Macau, passengers from mainland China take direct flights to Japan must provide a negative proof of nucleic acid, and receive higher -precision antigen quantitative testing or PCR detection when entering the country.The entry screen of the Osaka Kansai Airport, which was recently aired by the Japanese TBS TV station, showed that near the exit of the gallery, the airport staff distributed the additional tag with red rope to passengers from the Qingdao flight from China.TBS reporter said that this is to distinguish passengers from China from other passengers.Some Japanese netizens point out that this is completely discriminatory.”Imagine what would they think if the Japanese were treated like this at the Chinese airport? After all, Japan still has more than 200,000 new infection cases every day.”

As a peer measure, on the 10th, China announced the suspension of South Korean citizens’ short -term visas to China and suspended the trial of Japanese citizens to go to China for ordinary visas.The National Immigration Administration of Immigration announced on the 11th that since the date of date, citizens of South Korea and Japan have suspended the issuance of port visas and suspended South Korea and Japanese citizens to come to China to implement the 72/144 -hour transit visa exemption policy.Regarding China’s peer -to -peer measures, the Yonhap News Agency reported on the 11th that South Korea’s duty -free shops affected by the epidemic were worried about the prejudiced South Korean duty -free shops. They originally expected that China would increase after China adjusting epidemic prevention measures.The same is true of small and medium -sized enterprises. Originally, it was expected that with the control of China, the exports to China could be quickly adjusted and recovered. Unexpectedly, they encountered setbacks again.The South Korean SME Federation originally planned to bring 30 small and medium -sized enterprises to participate in the South China International Oral Exhibition held in Guangzhou at the end of February. However, due to the suspension of visas, most SMEs were difficult to become.Japan’s tourism industry has long been tired of its national epidemic prevention measures.Since the Japanese government has sharply relaxed the immigration prevention policy in October last year, it has been required to provide entry personnel with 3 doses of vaccination certificates or 72 -hour kernel acid negative proof.In this regard, Takahashi Guangxing, president of the Japan Tourism Industry Association, said on the 10th that he hoped that the government would cancel this measure.