Iran nuclear scientist was assassinated by remote control weapons?Expert: There is the theoretical possibility, there are still a lot of doubts about the existing information

[Global Times reported] Fahlizad, the top nuclear scientist in Iran, has attracted widespread attention globally, and the details of the assassination have spread multiple versions, which is confusing.Recently, the Iranian media reported a more sci -fi: Fahlizad or remotely controlled remote control machine guns, and the attacker was not found at the attack site.However, some experts expressed doubt about the report.Moreover, the “power behind it” did not use drones for beheading operations, which also reflected some of the limitations of killing robots.It should be noted that although the “assassination robot” has technical difficulties, it is not unable to overcome it.

Remote control weapon theory causes guessing

The Iranian Fars News Agency reported that on the morning of November 27, Fahlizad and his family took a bulletproof vehicle and escorted the armored team.Later, the gunfire sounded, and Fahlizard parked the car on the side of the road. He believed that the vehicle had failed.These bullets were fired from a remote control gun on a Nissan car about 150 meters away, which was said to have one of the bullets hitting Fahlizad’s back.”The entire incident lasted for 3 minutes, and there were no attackers at the scene. The bullets were fired with automatic weapons.” A report said.

However, some Chinese experts are doubtful about this statement.Military expert Zhang Xuefeng told the Global Times that there is a theoretical possibility of shooting and killing remote control machine guns, but it is more difficult to achieve.Because the remote -remote control machine gun shooting target, then the process of control signal transmission sometimes delay, which may cause the target to accurately hit the target.The drone can implement precise blows on the ground target, which is also performed through remote control forms.However, the drone carries the tracking device itself. Once the target is locked, it can stabilize the target and illuminate the target through the laser. The laser guidance bomb can perform precise blows on the target, even if there are some extension, there will be no major errors.And from the report from Iranian media, the remote control machine gun is installed on a scrap car. The remote control machine gun arranged on the scrap car just is only a one -blow to kill the target of layers of defense. The probability is relatively small. The probability is relatively small.EssenceIn addition, when the attacker sets this plan, it is necessary to consider how to continue to implement the attack.And this abandoned car, even if the car is in good condition, I am afraid it is difficult to carry out remote control or autonomous pursuit and pursuit.In contrast, the statement of Western media such as the New York Times is more likely.That is to perform assassinations through multiple gunners with explosives.However, some military experts believe that this operation may use face recognition technology. The optical aiming system can automatically lock the target through face recognition.

There are helpless drones

Judging from the current report, this assassination is obviously not a simple terrorist attack, and the national or national group may be hidden behind it.The New York Times quoted American intelligence officials as saying that the assassination was Israel.In recent years, drones have been widely used for beheading operations. So why do not choose to use drones to assassinate or beheading with drones? 

Experts said that first of all, such assassinations that violated international law, after all, are disgraceful, and related countries are certainly unwilling to expose their identity.If the drone is used for blows, it is likely whether it can be successfully implemented, and it is likely to expose its own whereabouts and leave obvious evidence to lead Iran’s revenge and international community condemnation.

Second, Iran’s air defense strength is relatively strong.At present, Iran can develop long-range air defense missiles by itself, and also purchases the Russian S-300 air defense system and a large number of air defense radar.Iran had previously used electronic warfare and navigation warfare to surrender a US RQ-170 stealth drone, and it has also shot down the “Global Eagle” drone. It is evident.It is difficult for the existing Chadling all -in -one to go to Iran’s airspace and impact this point -like target.

Third, because Iran’s territory is relatively vast and large, even if the relevant countries intend to implement cracks for missiles and drones, then when drones and missiles enter the leaders of Iran, Iran can issue an alert and take responses to respond to response and take responsesMeasures cannot guarantee the suddenness of the assassination.From these aspects, when the drone is helpless, it is not where you want to be beheading.Earlier this year, the American drone killed Sulemani and was carried out outside Iran.

Is the assassination robot far away?

In fact, as early as this incident, some companies and institutions announced the vision video of using micro -drone and bee colony -type drones for “beheading”.These drones use artificial intelligence technology and face recognition technology to identify the goals. In addition, their own body shape and large number are difficult to intercept. They successfully break through the opponent’s defense and crack down on specific targets.However, if these killer robots want to really use important people to assassinate other countries, they need to solve some technical problems.For example, how to carry out remote delivery.Although miniature drones are not easy to detect, these drones are not far away. If you can release so many miniature drones at a distance close to the target, theoretically beheading can be used in theory.In addition, in the environment where satellite navigation signals are shielded and interfered, the navigation and guidance of micro -drone will also be a problem.