Jinan Buddha Huishan Natural Education Base was completed and opened

Jinan City will set 2024 as the basis of natural education. This year, 30 natural education bases or natural observation sites will be built. Among them, Fo Huishan Natural Education Base has been built and opened.
On April 24th, according to Jiao Guorong, a member of the Party Group of the Garden and Forestry Greening Bureau of Jinan City and the director of the city garden and forestry greening business development center, 2024 is the year of the natural education foundation of Jinan City, relying on ecological resources to vigorously develop natural education.Natural education, re -stimulate the enthusiasm and curiosity of adolescents for nature and the world, learn to think on the common position of nature and human beings to think about problems, and form a way of respect for nature, conform to nature, and protect nature.
The city’s natural education work this year is guided by the “National Natural Education Medium and Long -term Development Plan (2023-2035)” as the guidelines.Historical heritage and regional brand characteristics, focus on the following tasks:
The first is to prepare the “Jinan Natural Education Development Plan (2024-2030)”, print “Guiding Opinions of Jinan Natural Education Work”, build 30 natural education bases or natural observation sites in the city this year, and introduce cultural creative ecology through the introduction of cultural and creative ecology.Popular science education guides the public to understand nature, love nature, and protect nature.At present, the Fo Huishan Natural Education Base, which is a demonstration project in the city’s natural education base, has been built and opened. The base is located in the north entrance of Fo Huishan Scenic Area. Relying on the rich natural background resources of the scenic area”Among them, Quancheng Mountain Forest Nature Observation Trail is the core event of natural education. With the theme of” the first forestry common sense class of Jinan citizens “, there are 4 outdoor forest classrooms, 3 natural observation islands and dozens of popular science commentary.For citizens, citizens can scan the QR code to follow the free VR explanation. On this trail to explore the ecological phenomenon of the forest, a bridge of communication between the citizens and Jinan Shanlin.
The second is the main line of the Yellow River spirit and spring water culture. Through Youquan Jianquan, walking the Yellow River, Mailang Dance, Guan Gu Jian, Mystery of Minerals, You Ran Nanshan, Shanye Crossing, Spring and Womo, Smart Future, Red Jinan, etc., Create 10 characteristic lines of natural education.
The third is to rely on Jinan’s rare plant cognition, landforms and geological investigations, wetland ecological education, forest popular science series activities, animal and plant biodiversity observation, forestry pest cognition, jungle trees exploration, ancient tree growth environment exploration, water source surveyWith the protection experience and ecological recreation, 10 sets of natural education special courses.
The fourth is to carry out the training of three -phase natural education instructor. Through a series of theoretical and practical courses, it improves the comprehensive quality of natural education in students, and has become an important force for the Jinan Nature Instructor team.
Fifth, organize and carry out a variety of natural education and mission activities in 60 forms to meet the needs of the public for the need for approaching nature, understanding nature, and loving nature. It gradually builds the city’s natural education system and builds Jinan into a high -quality development demonstration city.
(Volkswagen Daily · Volkswagen News Client reporter Zhao Guolu)