Morning Reading 丨 April 18th, pay attention to health every day

【Health Reminder】
The high incidence period of the willows, do a good job of these health protection
Every year from April to early May is the high incidence period of willows. The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that the willow catkins may cause allergic reactions. In severe cases, respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis may also induce asthma and chronic bronchitis.
In terms of protection, allergic people avoid going out from 10 am to 4 pm. When going out, we wear masks, glasses and coats.Reduce the window opening time, open the window to avoid the high incidence of willows, and timely clean up or spray water to fly into the room.People with allergic rhinitis, sensitive to pollen and willow wool can clean the nasal cavity 2-3 times with a special nasal washing device and nasal saline every day.If the willow flewfef accidentally flies into your eyes, do not rub it directly with your hands. You should wash your eyes with water.
【Disease Prevention and Control】
A history of thyroid disease is a high -risk group of thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer is the most common malignant tumor on the head and neck.According to the Sichuan Centers for Disease Control, high -risk people include women over 45 years of age, a family history of thyroid cancer family, long -term or high -intensity contacts in children and adolescents, high -iodine eating habits, and people with thyroid diseases.
Patients with thyroid cancer may have symptoms of varying degrees of thyroid enlargement or nodules, difficulty swallowing, and dyspnea; when the neck cluster is violated, the patient may have pain in the ear, pillow, shoulders, etc.In addition to the manifestation of the mass, because it can produce hormone -like active substances, it can also cause patients with diarrhea, palpitations, flushing, sweat and blood calcium reduction syndrome.When the body appears above the symptoms, be sure to pay attention.
【Scientific Diet】
Infants, pregnant women, and elderly people are not recommended to eat wild vegetables
Spring is also the season for various wild vegetables.The Beijing Centers for Disease Prevention and Control reminds that although wild vegetables are delicious, they have risks, they do not know how to eat it.
Buy wild vegetables from the regular supermarket and farmer’s market, and do not buy it at the busy business and traffickers.Wild vegetables growing near the factory, near sewage, and garbage landfills are vulnerable to environmental pollution. The green belt in the park and the roadside usually use pesticides to prevent diseases and insect pests.Many wild vegetables are also medicinal plants. It should not be eaten frequently, and it should not be eaten too much at a time.Before consumption, soak and simmered water. Infants, children, pregnant women, breasts, elderly people, people who have a history of allergies to wild vegetables, and have diseases in the digestive system. It is not recommended to eat wild vegetables.Once discomfort occurs, stop eating immediately, spitting up immediately, bring the remaining wild vegetables and vomit, and seek medical treatment in time.
【Anti -Cancer Science】
Through these measures, it can effectively prevent nearly half of cancer
From April 15th to 21st is the 30 National Tumor Prevention Propaganda Week.According to the Shaanxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, scientific anti -cancer should first understand the third level prevention.
The first -level prevention is a fundamental prevention measures taken for the pathogenic factors in the early stage of the onset. By changing the poor lifestyle, avoiding contact with cancer -related risk factors, and vaccination prevention.EssenceTwo -level prevention, early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of the disease in the clinical clinical of the disease, such as low -dose spiral CT screening lung cancer; stool hidden blood test, colon screening of colorectal cancer; breast X -ray photography combined with breast ultrasound screeningBreast cancer, etc.The third -level prevention is to take timely and effective treatment for patients who have clearly diagnosed to prevent the worsening of the disease, the recovery of function, and prevent complications and disability.
【Medical Exploration】
Before the age of 45, suffering from fatty liver, increasing the risk of cancer in the future
A sub -publication of the “American Medical Association” published a study pointed out that people who suffer from fatty liver before the age of 45 will have greater risk of various cancers in the future.
The study conducted a long -term follow -up analysis of 63,000 people. During the follow -up period of more than 10 years, there were 2415 cancers.Among them, people who diagnose fatty liver at <45, 45-54, and 55-64 years old: the risk of cancer increases by 52%, 50%, and 13%, respectively;%And 13%; the risk of liver cancer rose by 166%, 116%, and 27%, respectively; the risk of lung cancer increased by 114%, 97%, and 31%, respectively; the risk of colorectal cancer increased by 105%, 189%, and 5%, respectively.Studies have pointed out that if you can avoid fatty liver before the age of 45, the risk of cancer in the second half of life may decrease by 17.83%.After suffering from fatty liver, intervention or treatment in time will help reduce the risk of cancer in the future.
Beijing News reporter Liu Xu organized
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