"People need such scientists ②" "This proposal is more important than you and my life"

[People need such scientists ②]
Guangming Daily Correspondent Wu Mingjing Guangming Daily reporter Yang Shu
“Old and Hu Si,”
A thin pencil trembled slightly, and slowly wrote this “looking up” in the first two lines of the manuscript paper.
However, just a few lines of words, the owner of this pencil was due to weakness and pain, and the forehead had a large drop of sweat.On this day, he had just finished chemotherapy.
After nearly 40 years of Guangyin, Xu Luxi still clearly remembers that scene: On March 14, 1986, in the ward of the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing, her husband, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the “two bombs” Deng Jia first suffered from rectalCancer moved surgery and could not sit directly on the chair, but still barely “hanged” on the tire of a tire, insisting on writing a letter.
The original letter is currently in the archives room of the Institute of Applied Physics and Computing Mathematics.
Who is “old”?What is the matter, so that Deng Jia, who is seriously ill, must write this letter first?
Below the stationery, a string of mysterious black dots gave reporters to the index of confusion–
“The black dot represents the defense secrets that have been slightly, pointing to a proposal.” Xu Luxi recalled.As one of the main organizers and leaders of China’s nuclear weapons industry, at this time, Deng Jia first completed his last major event in “grab time” -he had to go to the central book of his colleagues, friends, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Accelerate my country’s nuclear test process.
Why speed up?
Because, the rain is coming to the wind!
In October 1984, the 20th anniversary of the success of the atomic bomb exploded on Weekly (right) and Deng Jiaxian (left).
Figures of the China Science and Technology Association
China’s development of nuclear weapons is to defend itself and maintain peace.In the mid -1980s, in order to maintain its advantageous position, some nuclear countries may make a decision to agree to the comprehensive nuclear test.Deng and Yu’s two strategic scientists realized with keen insight that the situation has become increasingly serious: the United States has done more than 1,000 times, the Soviet Union is close to 1,000 times, the level of nuclear weapons development is close to the limit, and it will not cause too much to stop.Influence.However, the number of nuclear tests completed at that time was only more than 30 times.
The development of a new generation of national defense strategic equipment is in the most sensitive and critical climbing stage. Although many important achievements and progress are overwhelming, they have not finally got it.Once the nuclear test is forced, China’s nuclear weapons industry and the development of high -tech technology will suffer unparalleled huge losses.
——This is the “years of hard work, you will lose a loss” that Deng and Yu are worried!
As a colleague and student of Deng Jiaxian for many years, Hu Si, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, participated in the drafting of the proposal all the way and was responsible for contacting both sides of the hospital and the research institute.
At that time, colleagues cordially called Deng Jia as “Lao Deng”.Hu S also recalled that Lao Deng endured his pain and handwriting, and his handwriting was often dazzled. He was responsible for organizing his opinions, handed it over to experts such as Yu Min, Hu Renyu, etc., and then sent the revised draft to the hospital for the old Deng.Revise.
This letter written on March 14 is one of those round -trip opinions.However, that day, Deng Jia first arranged the reporting method of signature signatures, and finally added a sentence:
“I was chemotherapy for the first time today. After the fight, I was uncomfortable.” This is a rare talked about the pain in the work in the work, but it is only this sentence.
Xu Luxi remembers so far that Deng Jiaxian on the hospital bed held the sealing letter and said to her: “This proposal is more important than you and my life!”
On April 2, 1986, this important proposal was fixed to the central government in the name of Deng Jiaxian and Yu Min, and soon received the consent of the central government.
118 days later, on July 29, 1986, Deng Jia died at the age of 62.He left the last entrustment: “Don’t let others fall too far!”
This is a proposal that condenses national defense science and technology workers to report the feelings of the country and is very scientific and objective. It has an indelible important position in the history of the development of nuclear weapons in my country!Since then, China’s nuclear weapons have taken a “ten -year acceleration” road, and the level of nuclear weapons has greatly improved.
On July 22, 1996, “Guangming Daily” published an article of Yu Min, Hu Renyu, and Hu S also miss Deng Jiaxian.In the next, the obstacles under the nuclear nation’s cloth, and the victory after one after another, all admiring the outstanding vision of Jiaxian from the bottom of the heart. “
On July 29 that year, in western China, the last nuclear test of my country was successfully conducted.
There are many factors that need to be considered to determine the “zero time” of the nuclear test. This special time point is completely coincidental.This day is the day when Deng Jia first leaves the tenth anniversary.In the early morning, before the test team departed, Hu Si had to mobilize everyone as usual. This time, he was extraordinarily emotional:
“Lao Deng looked at us in the sky, we must be able to succeed!”
“Guangming Daily” (01, May 21, 2024)
Source: Guangming.com- “Guangming Daily”