Promote the compilation of ecological and environmental codes to promote new productive for development of new quality


  What is the progress of the legislative work plan of the National People’s Congress in 2024?What are the key legislative work this year?On the morning of April 19th, a press conference held a press conference on the Legal Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and spokesman Yang Heqing introduced the relevant situation.

  On December 18, 2023, the 16th Chairman Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress passed the Legislative Work Plan of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in 2024 as a pre -arrangement for work.On April 16, 2024, the 23rd Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress adjusted to adopt the “Legislative Work Plan for the 2024 of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress” and will be announced to the society recently.

  Yang Heqing introduced that the legislative work plan in 2024 focused on implementing the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the “Legislative Plan for the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress”, and arranged 16 items to continue reviewing projects, 23 initial review projects, and several preparatory review projects and needs.The authorized decision of the implementation period of the 2024 implementation period.

  First, in -depth implementation of the thoughts of the Supreme Leader’s ecological civilization and the idea of the rule of law, and the implementation of the important instructions of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on “Continue to Carry out Code compilation in the field of mature conditions”, solidly promote the compilation of the ecological and environmental codes, and form formedThe draft high -quality ecological and environmental codes strive to be requested for review within the year.

  The second is to focus on the central work and high -quality development of economic construction, promote the development of new quality productive forces, arrange 13 projects for the economic sector to continue review and first review projects, and 11 preparations for review projects, accounting for nearly 40 of the total number of planned projects.%,包括制定金融稳定法、农村集体经济组织法、增值税法、能源法、原子能法、民营经济促进法,修改矿产资源法、企业破产法、反不正当竞争法、会计法、招标投标法、Statistics law, Civil Aviation Law, etc.

  The third is to strengthen the protection of the people’s family as a main system, modify the supervision law of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at all levels, the National People’s Congress and the Local People’s Congress of the People’s Congress, the Supervision Law, and the Organization Law of the Urban Resources Committee.

  Fourth, strengthen legislation in the field of education, culture, and people’s livelihood, formulate degree law, preschool education law, law propaganda education law, emergency public health incident response law, modify cultural relics protection law, science and technology popularization law, national general language and text law, infectious infection, infectionDisease prevention and control law, arbitration law, etc.

  Fifth, focusing on promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, formulating emergencies response to management law, hazardous chemical safety laws, and amending public security management punishment laws, prison law, national defense education law, network security law, etc.

  Sixth, strengthen the construction of foreign -related legal systems, formulate tariff laws, modify the national health quarantine law, anti -money laundering law, and pay attention to improving foreign -related regulations in relevant laws.