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In “The SEPTEMBER ISSUE”, the chief editor of “Fashion” edited Andre’s whole body when playing tennis, Damon Dash sports pants, Ralph Lauren’s sweatshirts, LV towels, tennis sleeves, big and small botacre, right, Also wear the PiageT tennis watch of the 1960s, because “I don’t just wear a pair of shorts and tennis shirts to play.”

The lens turned to “Lagerfeld Confidential”. Nito Jieman wore a beautiful and beautiful dress skirt for fashion emperor Lagerfeld. The beauty said, “It is difficult to eat and drink on this dress.”The same scene also appeared in “September” Shi Anna Mina was hard to eat in a bundle of chest.

Is this fashion?Is the former enjoying sports or enjoying “style”?Looking at his bloated figure and clumsy movements on the tennis court, even if the LVs were shining in the sun, sorry, I didn’t feel very fashionable at all.For the latter, what is the essential difference between the clothes that the clamping people can’t breathe and wrap their feet?Human weapons have changed the dynasty. Today’s name is fashion?

Both films are the title of fashion, but in the final analysis, what is vaguely vaguely what is the fashion.Fortunately, I saw “Comrade Couture” –

Let’s return to East Berlin, before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, in the mid -1980s.There is a breath of rain in the wind. The first thing to smell was a group of young young people who drew smoke and nose rings.They made the film’s film and the shower curtains that can be bought everywhere into fashion. People rode a motorcycle to see their strange display display, and science fiction was unrestrained.They are easy to pretend, naked, stripping dance, photography, catwalks, and acting dramas. Some works still seem to have a shocking deterrent.

Interestingly, China, which is also a socialist, was also experiencing a clothing revolution at that time. People began to jump out of the imprisonment of blue clothes and blue pants.) Fluties began to become a must -have for the tide -although the rise of flared pants was 20 years later than that of the United States, but the declaration of self -pursuit of self and publicity was not too late.High -pressure political vacuum appeared cracks, and people extended their heads to breathe.Fashion is no longer synonymous with beauty, avant -garde, and a vanguard of free will.The pioneer is bound to be sharp. At that time, the spirit of fashion is linked to the spirit of liberation, and it is naturally attacked by conservative ideas as the mainstream.The more powerful, the more fragile, so at that time, the east Berlin, the man with long hair and braids just walked on the street and was caught by a highly intense plainclothes policeman.In the same way, in China here, people label the youth wearing flared pants as the ground rogue, and the flared pants are listed as “three major mental pollution” with the toad mirror and Sartre.The aunt of the street office and the school counselor scolded, and followed the good to seduce the young people to “change the evil and return” -Wang Xiaoshuai vividly reproduced the teacher’s scene of the teacher’s cut -off trousers in his [Qinghong].

History is not accidental. The foresight of the omen at the same time in the middle of the 1980s and the same time in the 1989 drama changes in 1989. Whether it is the collapse of the Berlin Wall or the Tiananmen XX (it really can’t be sent out)As a result -the original fashion at that time had begun to see.Therefore, it is also fashionable clothes. The “September” and “Lagerfeld” are only beautiful and thin skin, and the fashion in “Underground” has more immortal power because of its free spirit.

However, this is not the best part of the movie.When the beauty is no longer and the old age is old, where did the partners who fought side by side that year went?In addition to being able to overthrow the Berlin wall, can the years be eliminated?The fact is that twenty years have passed, and some people still do not compromise. As a young age, the number of nose rings is even more; some have become the middle -aged uncle who is inconspicuous in the sea.Outstanding appearance.When you come here, the film is not just about fashion, but to review growth, old, life, and compromise.Just like Yan Hao’s “young man: 1977” ten years later in the “June 7 Riot”, the young man who embraced the ideal of the year was classified as the system ten years later, was assimilated by the society, and all the ultimate disillusionment that he had pursued.So when the director Marco found everyone sitting together, some people said, “According to our young standard, we are now walking.”The sad reality, the passionate concept of the passion at the dining table yesterday- “Do the exactly the same show again!”The back of the back of the light.Fashion and freedom seem to be just a product of excess hormones when you are young.Do you still have the energy to go to fashion?The answer to “Underground” is still positive.With Marco’s efforts, the T -shaped Type of Dongburin finally returned to the peaceful and peaceful modern borrowed corpse, and the shower curtains on them were still shining across time and space.Youth was copied, and nostalgia was comforted.Oh, long live fashion!

I don’t want to imagine how everyone’s life is silent after this Happy Ending.Let’s leave a bright tail -I think of the various outdoor music festivals (Midi, Strawberries, and Modern Sky) that have emerged in the Mainland in recent years, which has become a big window for young people to show themselves.They dressed up carefully and gorgeous, but listening to music are second. The most important thing is to come out to “see” -the personality and claims to be seen, just like the predecessors they wore flared pants.In their all -flowers, they did not have the nourishment of the young people’s successive resistance to Chen Ji and their longing for freedom?