"Science and Technology Big Coffee" is the "Vice President of Science", and the high -quality development of scientific education in Huangpu District

Recently, the high -quality development and promotion of science education in the primary and secondary schools in Huangpu District, Guangzhou City was held at the Huangpu Experimental School of the Guangdong Academy of Education.

According to reports, the meeting aims to mobilize various primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Huangpu District to perform their duties and make good benefits., Create Huangpu as a new high place for scientific education.The meeting summarized the preliminary results of Huangpu District in focusing on the school’s internal science and technology curriculum and the integration school surgery platform, and clarified the focus of the next step in scientific education.Methods, high starting points configure the application room room, high -quality expansion practical activities, high -efficiency integration base resources, high -level promotion of teachers’ construction, high standard exploration and training mechanism, high efficiency implementation of regulatory tasks, high quality leading green development, high precision improvement evaluation system”In the 10 aspects, we will make every effort to promote the implementation of the” one 50 million “project of scientific education in Huangpu District.

The “one hundred million million” project is: compile a scientific education curriculum diagram of primary and secondary schools; hold no less than 5 young scientists lectures every year;Education special courses; cultivate 100 sections of 100 cross -disciplinary comprehensive practice teaching courses each year; cultivate 1,000 scientific education teachers; each year’s out -of -school science practice is not less than 3 hours, 400,000 people enter various popular science education bases per year,Carry out scene -type experience scientific practice activities.

Five of the five juvenile school branches hire “Science and Technology Coffee” as the vice president of science.

In this meeting, the first batch of representatives of the scientific education experimental school in the country, Huangpu Experimental School of the Guangdong Academy of Education, used the theme of “focusing on ‘curriculum · activities, evaluation’, and promoting the high -quality development of science education”.5 “Junior Academy” school branches including Guangzhou Experimental Middle School, Guangzhou No. 86 Middle School, Su Yuan School, Kaiyuan School, Yuquan School, and Yuquan School issued a letter of appointment to the vice president of science.

Among them, the vice president of the science of Guangzhou Experimental Middle School is Academician Zhao Yuliang.Zhao Yuliang is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Development National Sciences, a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and a researcher at the National Nano Science Center.Academician Zhao Yuliang took the lead in proposing the problem of nano -biological safety (nanolotoxic science) in 2001 and creating the world’s first laboratory. He is currently the chairman of the Chinese Society of Biomass Materials, the vice chairman of the Chinese Chemistry Society, and the vice chairman of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society.

The vice president of the science of Guangzhou No. 86 Middle School is Academician Chen Chunying.Academician Chen Chunying is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a researcher at the National Nano Science Center, chief scientist at the Nanomi Biological Safety Evaluation Research Center, and the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, and deputy director of the nano -biological effects and security laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The vice president of the Su Yuan School is Academician Li Jianjun.Academician Li Jianjun is currently the chief scientist of Blonde Technology Co., Ltd., the director of the National Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the State Council, and a foreign academician of the State Council.Academician Li Jianjun has won the Fifth China Outstanding Engineer Award, the National Outstanding Private Technology Entrepreneurs Dedication Award, the May 1 Labor Medal of Guangdong Province, the Model of Labor in Guangzhou, and the outstanding experts in Guangzhou.

Yuan Jianhua, the vice president of the Kaiyuan School, is a postgraduate student of the Medical University of China Medical University and a master’s degree in medical schools in Nanjing Medical College.Chairman and chief scientist of Biological Filter Co., Ltd., executive director and general manager of Guangzhou Expansion Investment Management Co., Ltd.

Professor Wang Xiaoyun, vice president of Yuquan School, is a genetic scientist and a researcher at the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor of South China Normal University, and a Pearl River scholar (young scholar).

Text/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City Reporter: Xie Zekai Correspondent: He Yinbo, Wang Qi