Skill and throw comic books into the trash can, "bullying education" can teach what kind of person can teach

During the home visit, let a boy smashed his own hand, let a girl throw the comic book into the trash) … A blogger who claims to be “senior family education experts” posted the above -mentioned paragraphs of the above -mentioned “home visits”video.

Compared to the “Tiger Dad Tiger Mom Education” who scolded children, although these videos have no physical punishment, they have suffocated the audience.Because it is trampled on the child’s interest, derogation of the child’s dignity, and killing the child’s personality.

Education is a purposeful to cultivate people’s social activities.Is this “bullying education” based on “society”?Is there a child as a “person”?


Forced the child to do your hands,Forced childrencomic bookleaveEnter the trash can,At onceIt is the morbid control of the child.

Some parents have misunderstandings on educating their children: as long as the children do the behavior they understand, or as long as the child cannot meet their expectations, parents will degrade everything about their children.

Just like some mediocreiac doctors who have no virtues and incompetence: patients with leg pain, amputation; patients coughing, sewing their mouths; if they are not allowed to have any diseases, they will be treated with Chinese medicine and western medicine.

This rough therapy may eliminate visible symptoms, but I don’t know how big hidden dangers and side effects are buried.In this way, “shaping” the child, did you correct the child or destroy the child from the depths of the mind?

Strictly, although the absurdity of “bullying education”Not worthwhile, But the consequences of it are often not exposed in a short time.

Before entering the society, the world in the eyes of children is mostly composed of families and schools.Parents’ morbid control often stuffed their children into the “good student” template, which makes the trauma of their hearts not exposed immediately. They are even at a certain stage of the “good student” in the eyes of teachers and classmates.But the wound is always there. If you do not get nourishing and controlling, there will be a day of deterioration.

Is this so -called “elite education” “glass flower” that has survived in the dark room of the family, or is it cultivating people who are independent, free, and healthy to adapt to society?


The “blogger” of simple and rude family education is not a case.Some family education bloggers,Get used toTreatment of anxiety and excitement as a “killer“,,Because taking extremes is always easy to attract traffic.

Their audience is a group of parents who are looking for Jackie Chan, looking at the daughter Chengfeng, but they do not want to really spend time to understand their children.

If there is a magic finger in real life, no matter what problems you encounter, you can solve it immediately as long as you rang your fingers, and then life is bound to be much easier.

But this is the routine of Shuangwen, and educating children is never Shuangwen.

Perhaps “bullying education” will allow children to do things temporarily along the mind of parents, but this is actually just the child’s “expedient measure”.They can’t stand on their own. This is not only the reliance of parents without rude education, but also that they are difficult for them to express dissatisfaction.Over time, the focus of their attention will be “how to not be punished”, not as the parents think “how to become a talent.”

Children who grow up in the shadow of “bullying education” will be alienated into a “pet” that will be alienated to obey and dare not obtain objection, or will it become a “person” with ability, thinking and creative ability?

Parentsneedmade,shouldLearn to get along with childrenAs well asLeader, Rather than training children like teaching pets.

This is a consciousness that parents must have before teaching.