State City’s Points | Kunming Ecological and Environment Bureau Innovation "Four Following Four" is the "empowerment" to optimize the business environment

Since 2024, the Kunming Ecological Environment Bureau has carried out in -depth theme activities of the “Advanced New Year”, and strives to find the combination of party building and center work in the organs to guide grass -roots party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres to make up for shortcomings, weaknesses, and prosperity.Transform the advantages of party building into an advantage of the business environment, accelerate the establishment of a good environment with more convenient and more efficient services for enterprises and the masses, and injecting a strong “green power” into the city’s economic and social development.

Grasp the construction of solidity and strengthen organizational empowerment

In accordance with the concept of “focusing on party building around the center and doing a good job in the development of party building and promoting development”, integrate party building into the work of the service business environment and other centers, promote the integration of party building and business work of the agency, and promote “dual promotion and double improvement”.

The first is to include optimizing the business environment into the “three meetings and one lesson”, organizational life meeting, theme party day and other activities, and continuously enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to participate in optimizing the business environment.

The second is to focus on improving the professional capabilities of party members and cadres to serve the business environment, organize party members and cadres to regularly carry out the publicity activities of corporate environmental service days and the monthly promotion of the rule of law, comprehensively improve the professional capabilities of party members’ business environment and serve enterprises, and take each party member to each party memberBoth have created “policy” and “lecturers” and “interpreters” that optimize business environment policies.

The third is to conduct in -depth activities “I do practical things for the masses”.Through the field to the company’s production and operation site guidance to solve the problem, change “invite you” to “we go”, change “face -to -face” to “teach by hand”, send the law to the door, send services to the enterprise, so that the enterprise will not leave the house without leaving the house.You can enjoy the “last mile” of the implementation of the business environmental policy to optimize the implementation of the business environment.Since 2024, the party branches have completed more than 20 practical practices for private.

Grasp the institutional innovation and build a service platform

Strengthen the guarantee of environmental assessment elements, formulate the “Optimization of EIA approval to promote the nine guarantee measures for economic development”, and continue to promote the reform of environmental assessment approval.

The first is the “one -one approval” model in the province’s first river sewage port and environmental assessment documents.Explore the “two joint joints” of EIA and sewage licenses, and carry out simultaneous acceptance, simultaneous assessment, and synchronous approval of the newly -added sewage outlet construction project and the sewage port.

The second is to simplify the evaluation process of the environmental assessment documents of some projects.For the 12 small categories of the six categories of infrastructure construction and social undertakings and service industry projects, it is exempted from the technical evaluation of the environmental assessment documents and directly conducts review and approval.

The third is to optimize the management of total pollutant emissions.For enterprises that need to obtain atmospheric and heavy metal management, the specific situation of the construction project is incorporated into the management and control, the specific standards for the total management of the total amount of pollutants are refined, and the control measures and requirements for the total amount of the total amount of the total amount of the total amount are improved.

Fourth, innovation exploration expansion and expansion of binding approval scope.On the basis of the environmental assessment of small and micro enterprise projects, infrastructure projects, and emergency guarantee coal mine projects that meet the provincial conditions for “bundle” approval, each industrial park, county (city) district of 6 typesThe project environmental assessment is included in the scope of “bundle” approval.Since 2024, the city has completed the environmental assessment approval of 170 projects, with a approval rate of 100%.

Grasp the interaction of government and enterprises to improve service quality and efficiency

Adhere to the construction of key projects and implement the January one -month scheduling.Through centralized research and judging the key, difficulty, and blocking points in the construction process of key projects, deeply analyze the root causes of the problem, find “lesions”, treat the right medicine, and accelerate the project.

The first is to establish a “three accounts” and “four lists” for the approval of EIA, and implement single management.For the province’s “top priority”, major projects in the city, and newly started projects in the quarter, do a good job of tracking services for projects, list management, full -process assistance, and timely resolve the difficulties and problems in the environmental assessment and landing of the industrial park project.

The second is to establish a linkage mechanism for communication and coordination of major projects.Establish the city’s ecological environment system approval service class, timely summarize the city’s key projects for investment promotion, carry out “office on the fingertips”, break the space -time restrictions of the traditional communication model, and coordinate and assist the guidance of the city -level departments.Implement “point -based service” and “integrated approval”, coordinate approval, law enforcement, technology and other personnel to go deep into the front line and take the initiative to come to the door, making “run immediately” a new normal for approval.Since 2024, more than 50 service enterprises have served the special service enterprises, contacted experts to provide consulting services more than 20 times, and proposed 48 suggestions and 21 problems.

The third is to deepen the “environmental management housekeeper” service.Strengthen the “three -line and one order” environmental partition control to the constraint on project access, guide and help construction units to analyze the consistency of the requirements of the intention selection and ecological environment partition control requirements, and provide strong support for the scientific decision -making of the project.The Kunming project will provide environmental assessment elements.As of now, 11 industrial parks including Dongchuan, Fumin, Xundian, and Luquan have completed the review of the environmental impact assessment of 6 chemical parks in Anning, Haikou, and Fumin.

Grasp the management of the team and refine the style of the iron army

Combined with the “Cleaning Yunnan Construction Kunming Practice”, it has further promoted the “Sunshine Action” of the approval and supervision of major projects, and promoted the continuous optimization of the business environment.

The first is to conduct in -depth activities of the cadre team’s “capacity improvement year” activity.Focus on key links such as government procurement and formulate documents such as “Materials (Service) Procurement of Independent Government” and “Technical Experts” and other documents.The discipline of integrity in China.

The second is to strictly implement the “System of Integrity Supervision Card”, strengthen the supervision of cadres and employees’ clean behavior after the administrative approval and environmental law enforcement affairs, and promote administration and integrity in accordance with the law.

The third is to play the role of the Sunshine Supervisor’s “Detective Light”. Through random spot checks, special inspections, visits and understanding, timely discovery, in -depth excavation, serious investigation and punishment of impact and damage camps in terms of responsibility implementation, project promotion, work style, political and business exchanges, etc.The issue of violations of laws and disciplines in business environment, expand supervision and report channels, and ensure that corporate demands have channels to reflect and solve them in time.

Original title: “State Points | Kunming Ecological and Environment Bureau Innovation” Four Following “to optimize the business environment” Empowerment “”