The market supervision department of Jinan starting zone combines boxing to ensure food safety

Reporter Li Peile Jinan reported

Food safety is related to the well -being of people’s livelihood and social stability, which is an important responsibility of governments and relevant departments at all levels.Recently, the Market Supervision Office of the Jinan Startup Area has worked hard to strengthen high -quality supervision, resolutely observed the food safety line, and achieved remarkable results.

Strengthen the cooperation of departments and carry out solidly conducting surveys and inspections

In order to further regulate the food safety management of the canteen of the construction site, the market supervision office actively carried out the supervision list of the construction department and carried out normalized supervision. As of now, there are 12 cumulative inspections of the canteen of the canteens, and three of them have issued a responsibility for rectification.More than 20 people in the urban management department conducted more than 20 people in the construction unit project and safety management personnel to conduct food safety training in the canteen at the site, focusing on explaining food safety laws and regulations, food management permits, food procurement and storage, canteen environment, food processing specifications, disinfection of catering utensils, preventionFood poisoning and emergency treatment of food safety.Further promote the implementation of the main responsibility of the construction unit, strengthen food safety management, effectively improve the level of food safety management of the canteen in the construction site, and ensure the diet safety of the construction workers.

Make every effort to protect the safety of campus food, carry out full coverage inspection of the school cafeteria ingredients supplier

In order to standardize the operating behavior of the school’s cafeteria ingredients, the quality of the ingredients controls from the source, and effectively maintains the physical health and life safety of teachers and students.19 person -times of law enforcement officers, focusing on the qualifications, operating conditions and food safety management capabilities of suppliers.Most suppliers can comply with food safety laws and regulations, and establish a relatively complete food safety management system. The level of food safety management is generally good. For some merchants found during the inspection, the control issues of the purchase inspection, the key link control of the business process, the market regulatory authoritiesRelevant suppliers have been ordered to rectify immediately and strengthen subsequent supervision and inspection to ensure that its rectification is in place.

Continue to strengthen the insured supervision, press and press the “two responsibilities” of real food safety

In order to strictly implement the work deployment and relevant requirements of the “two responsibilities” of food safety, the streets of the starting area revolved around the list of insurmation tasks to solidly promote the “two responsibilities” of food safety in the second quarter.The responsible persons in charge of contracting at all levels have comprehensively investigated the hidden dangers of risks through the sinking line and on -site inspections. Focusing on the situation of “daily control, weekly inspection, monthly scheduling” of food production and operation units, and the rectification of the previous contracting supervision problemsCheck to ensure that 100%complete the second quarter of the charter supervision task.

Up to now, the completion rate of supervision was 23.92%, the problem found rate was 4.92%, the rectification rate of the problem was 37.43%, and the upload rate of the food safety officer, the safety director of the safety director and the committee of the safety director reached 100%.