@!The official releases the eight are good, and the future fitness is more convenient

China News Service, Beijing, October 11th (Reporter Wang Yu) National Day and Mid -Autumn Festival holidays are still endless. In addition to looking at the empty wallet “self -complaining”, do you sigh secretly for the bulging belly.

As a fitness enthusiast, you may have suffered from no suitable fitness venue, you can’t easily query relevant information, no broad stage to display …

On the 10th, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Facilities for National Fitness Place for Developing Mass Sports”. The official once again focused on the development of national fitness, release eight major benefits, and make your future fitness more convenient!

In the track and field field of Beijing Tiantan Sports Activity Center, children are jogging.Photo by Jiang Qiming, a reporter from China News Agency

Leisure less narrative, openness and lightness- ——

In 2025, it effectively solves the bottleneck problem that restricts the planning and construction of fitness facilities. The fitness facilities are more reasonable, the fitness environment has improved significantly, and a good atmosphere of the masses generally participate in sports and fitness.

So, what is the actual benefit for ordinary people who love exercise?

[Beauty 1] These places are expected to become a fitness field

How to solve the bottleneck that restricts the construction of fitness facilities?Start from your side!

I wonder if you have already “raised” the idle venue in the community, or the open platform on the top of the building?These years have accumulated the corners of no one in the month, and they are all expected to become a fitness venue.

The “Opinions” pointed out that all localities must systematically sort out space resources, corners, corners, park green spaces, urban roads and bridges, factories, and building roofs that can be used for fitness facilities, as well as complicated urban culture entertainment, pension, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, Commercial and other facilities resources, formulate and announce to the society to build non -sporting land, non -sports construction directory or guidance that can be used to build fitness facilities.

  1. The coach of the preschool education institution guides children to exercise in Wangjing Cultural and Sports Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing.Photo by Hou Yu, a reporter from China News Agency

Under the premise of not affecting the implementation of relevant planning and transportation, market capacity, and safety, you can apply for social entities to provide fitness facilities for free land construction in the city, and can be managed in accordance with the law according to law according to law and local temporary construction methods in accordance with the law.

The city’s idle field is survived, which is tantamount to allowing the “bad things” in front of the people to fitness, and there are more ways, and exercise is more anywhere.

[Beauty 2] “General Iron’s Gate” will become history 

Once upon a time, a cold iron lock locked the masses’ fitness enthusiasm outside the large venues and school stadiums, and let the wind blow, but did not mean to open their arms.But in the future, such things may become history.

The “Opinions” proposes that it will improve the subsidy policy for free or low charges for large stadiums, support stadiums to be open for free or low charges to the society.Digging the opening potential of school stadium facilities to promote the opening of school stadiums.

Large stadiums are getting closer and closer to ordinary people.In the future, large -scale stadiums that are necessary to build must be tightly approved, rationally deployed, and take into account the use of communities.

[Beauty 3] Save money is the last word

The gates of the stadium must not only be opened to the people, but also allow the people to get more benefits -spend less money or even spend money!

In the future, the state will promote public stadiums to provide free or low toll services for schools to carry out sports activities.Imagine what kind of fairy experience will be placed in a large -scale vocational hall!

  1. The citizens took their children to pass the Wangjing Cultural and Sports Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing.China News Agency reporter Hou Yu

[Faid 4] The use of land is more flexible

The benefits of the fitness venue are more than that, and “supporting the land in a lease” has become a highlight!

In the past, the construction of a stadium was more for a hammer to buy and sell, which not only made many social forces discouraged. If the effect of the application was not exerted, there was also a risk of waste of resources.

Encourage regions to provide social forces to provide social forces to build land for fitness facilities. The lease period does not exceed 20 years, making the use of land more flexible.

If the land is rented and then provided, the fitness facilities can be completed and open and meet the agreed conditions and years, and the land transfer procedures can be taken in an agreement. The land transferred should continue to be used for fitness facilities construction and operation.

[Facilities 5] Social strength is brainstorming and beneficial

In addition, the “Opinions” also made it clear that it is encouraged to take public bidding to screen the operating team, and encourage social forces to be commissioned by the public stadium reservation, event information release, and business service statistics to improve operating efficiency.

Later, the worries were gone, there were more fitness venues, online appointments, and information acquisition were more convenient. The strength from all walks of life benefited from all walks of life, all of which have contributed to the building of the National Fitness.

On February 13, in Beijing Tiantan Park, citizens wearing masks to fitness.Photo by Jiang Qiming, a reporter from China News Agency

[Beauty 6] Home fitness is more convenient

Don’t want to go out for fitness?It doesn’t matter, home fitness is also clearly arranged.

The “Opinions” pointed out that in accordance with the requirements of normalized epidemic prevention and control, vigorously promote home fitness and national fitness network competition activities, and give full play to the positive role of national fitness in improving the health and immune level of the whole people.

During the epidemic, I believe that the fitness videos of many celebrities make fitness enthusiasts or Xiaobai. In the future, more sports stars will enter thousands of households through the Internet.

In the future, there will be more and more online sports platforms to launch home fitness courses. Sports stars will also participate in fitness live broadcast activities to popularize sports and fitness knowledge and provide scientific fitness guidance.

Without leaving home, master the most scientific fitness method. Is there a feeling of “mobile phone is in hand, I have the world”?

The picture shows Dongyue Taijidao displayed by Xinjiang Taijiquan Association.Photo by Liu Xin, a reporter from China News Agency

[Facilities 7] The stage will become more and more wider

Pay attention to the fitness expert who likes to show yourself. In the future, the stage that belongs to you will become wider and wider.

With the continuous deepening of “I want to go to the National Games” mass sports events, the “National Community Games” combined with online and offline competitions will become more mature. Multi -project coverage and multi -level linkage will always be suitable for you.Essence

In addition to stimulating the enthusiasm of community organizations to co -organizes competition activities, conditional school sports clubs will also receive more support in undertaking community sports events, and guide social forces to undertake community sports events and training programs.

The opening ceremony of the 3rd National Fitness Conference and the launching ceremony of the National Fitness Day, more than 1,000 fitness enthusiasts from the province displayed big drum dancing dragons, fitness exercises, Tai Chi, martial arts, and pot village.China News Agency reporter Ma Mingyan Photo

[Faid 8] Construction has a timetable

The “Opinions” pointed out that each region should combine related plans to prepare a fitness facility construction for a five -year action plan to build a five -year action plan to clarify the goals and tasks of the year.With a timetable, the people are even more expected to the construction of fitness facilities around them.

In the future, we will focus on the needs of the people nearby, and give priority to planning and construction of the national fitness centers, multi -functional sports fields, sports parks, fitness trails, fitness squares, small football fields and other fitness facilities.Especially during the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan” period, about 1,000 sports parks are newly built or expanded across the country to create a new carrier of national fitness …

Whether it is to excavate the potential of stock construction land, strengthen the construction of fitness venue facilities, or promote home fitness, and provide a broader stage for enthusiasts.Looking forward to the future fitness life.