Tibet Autonomous Region holds labor and skills competition for ecological environment monitoring professional and technical personnel

Original title: Tibet Autonomous Region held ecological environment monitoring professional and technical personnel labor and skills competitions
Tibet Daily, Lhasa, May 5th (Reporter Wang Yuzheng) Recently, the “Tibet Autonomous Region No. 1 Tibet Autonomous Region No. 1, District Federation of Trade Unions, Communist Unions, Communist Party Committee, District Women’s Federation, and District Market Supervision BureauThe Fourth Ecological Environmental Monitoring Professional and Technical Personnel Labor and Skills Competition “started in Lhasa. After the fierce competition of theoretical and practical competition, the outstanding players participated in the third ecological environment monitoring of the autonomous region to participate in the competition between the autonomous region.
According to the relevant person in charge of the District Ecological Environment Department, in recent years, a series of reform measures such as monitoring the reform, laboratory certification, and monitoring network construction have been completed in recent years.The work of railway monitoring has realized the conventional monitoring capabilities and more than 100 monitoring personnel in the 25 areas. The ecological environment monitoring team in the region is stronger than learning to catch up and competing for a first -class atmosphere.
Participants have stated that they will take the competition as a new starting point, vigorously promote the spirit of labor, craftsmanship, and continuously improve their business capabilities and comprehensive skills, and contribute wisdom and strength to the establishment of a national ecological civilization highland and comprehensively promote the high -quality development of ecological environment monitoring.
Source: Tibet Daily