Winners Education: Create a world -class juvenile business school without wall

2024 is the third year of the “double reduction” policy.Over the past three years, the “double reduction” policy has been based on a talent strategy, and is committed to returning education to true. With the “quality education” policy, it has greatly optimized the educational structure and ecology.Although the overall environment of education gradually improves, due to the existence of the pressure of further studies, educational anxiety is still accompanied by some children and parents.
“The best education for youth is also the best education not from the educator, but the teenager itself.” The winner education Zhang Yiming wrote such a sentence in his book “Growing the Road”.As a quality education expert with 20 years of education and teaching experience, based on the education contradictions in the current society, Zhang Yiming said that in the face of this situation, what we need to do is emancipate the mind, jump out of the wall, and keep following the laws of education.try.In this regard, Zhang Yiming also made an active exploration, founded the winner of the winner of the business school, gathered the advantages of youth growth education, and is committed to making it a world -class juvenile business school without walls.
The winner leads a navigation and starts a new era of future education
“Through the talent test, I found the child’s use of the” manual “.” In Dongguan’s winner and juvenile business school, a mother who came to study said.With the in -depth implementation of the “double reduction” policy, the education of winners actively responds to the strategy of the national talent power. Through online+offline, camp+research, domestic+overseas, helping each child can find their own growthThe road of hopes to make every talent be fully excavated and cultivated.
In the context of rapid changes, modern education emphasizes that education and teaching process is a highly creative process.Provide students with more comprehensive, comprehensive, and practical knowledge and skills, and cultivate students’ innovative ability, practical ability, team collaboration ability and other comprehensive qualities to adapt to the changing social and economic environment.Education reform direction.As a leader in the industry of new quality education in domestic youth, the winner of the winner and youth business school always adheres to the concept of “the essence of education is doing the future”.More exploration and innovation in educational practice.
“The winner is a good education school without walls, and it is also a real youth growth industrial ecosystem.” Zhang Yiming said.Scene expansion, as an important starting point for the innovation of the educational methods of winners, has a series of activities such as “reading the city”, “model family weekend camp”, “winner juvenile special training camp”.Here, children can get out of the classroom. Through modernization and digital intelligence, they can enrich their mind cognition by learning and entertainment, stimulate curiosity and mind.Winners education is committed to providing young people with a vibrant and creative growth environment, allowing them to grow vigorously in broad knowledge marine and social practice.
The winner teenager 163 model, committed to expanding the education boundary
In 2021, Zhang Yiming refined many years of teaching and service experience into the “Wicker Youth 163 model”, which closely focused on the core competitiveness of the youth, tapped a unique talent, cultivated 6 key qualities, and shaped three thinking models.The “Winners Youth 163 Model” is the support of the winner youth business school to push the educational fence, expand the education boundary, and let the talent of each child shine, and let the winner teenager’s dream set off.
“1” represents the unique talent of each child. The education of the winner knows that each child is unique. Therefore, it is committed to discovering and cultivating the talent of each child, so that each child can glow in the fields they are good at.Essence
“6” covers six key qualities: strong will, knowledge and vision, self -driving force, problem -solving thinking ability, gratitude, and social responsibility.The cultivation of these traits aims to help young people to establish a sound personality and become future leaders with a sense of social responsibility and can think and solve problems independently.
“3” represents the three major exports of winner education in the quality education of young people: discipline education, quality education, and business education.These three complement each other, which together constitute a unique education system for winners, and provides a strong guarantee for the comprehensive development of young people.
“After a year of winner learning, my child has established a very clear life goal, and the internal driving force of learning has been significantly strengthened.” Miss Wei was deeply relieved of the learning results of his daughter’s education in the education of the winner.It is understood that for many years, the “Wicker Youth 163 Model” has cultivated a group of young people. The educational concept of the education of the winner has also affected countless parents, so that they can recognize the lack of education and misunderstandings of their own educational thinking, and let them understand it.As the importance of being a child’s “stepping stone”, and then create a better environment for children.
Be a model -style parent, scooter, and empowerment of future education
“In the era of new education, how does parents keep pace with the times?” “How do parents become the role model of their children’s life?” With the rapid development of society and the transformation of educational concepts, more and more parents have begun to realize that education is not just schools just schools just schools are not just schools.The responsibility is an important mission of the family.For a long time, winners education advocates the education model of children and parents to learn and accompany the growth, and encourage parents to become children’s leaders, partners and soul mentors.
Zhang Yiming wrote in the book “Growth and Tao”: “Parents should understand that parents do not do anything. Family education is self -education. Parents can only understand the way of growing up with them.The fun of learning becomes a good parent, first of all, to establish the correct educational concept.Parents must realize that each child is unique. They have their own talents, interests and characteristics, and they need to teach and cultivate according to their aptitude.In addition, the family atmosphere has a vital impact on children’s growth.A harmonious, warm, and loving family environment can make children feel safe and freedom, thereby stimulating their creativity and imagination.Parents should strive to create a positive family atmosphere. Through parent -child communication and participating in family activities, they can improve parent -child relationships and make children feel happiness and happiness in the family.
In addition, according to He Zhaohui, the president of Dongguan Branch of Dongguan Wicing Persons and Child Business School, in the future, Dongguan winner juvenile business school will use the headquarters system to combine the local characteristics of Dongguan to find the child growth mentor for children in Dongguan and build a positive and healthy child for childrenThe growth circle of positive energy creates a common learning environment for the parents of Dongguan.
It is reported that in order to empower more family education, on May 28, the Yangcheng Evening News Dongguan All -Media Communication Center, the winner youth business school and the Bo Business Management Science Research Institute jointly hosted the Lecture Hall of “Parenting Parents”.Teacher Zhang Yiming, the author of the best -selling book “Parenting Parents”, gave a lecture on the spot to bring the parents of Dongguan: “How to become a good parent” theme course, the course will be held at the Dongguan City Convention and Exhibition International Hotel on May 28. If youAnxiety is to educate children. If you want your children to become an excellent talent in society, you can take the problem with the child education in the classroom to ask Teacher Zhang for advice.The consultation telephone is 13560800188.
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